Adapting When Your Motivation Changes

According to Afyzel, an award-winning, top-earning model with ImLive, past successes motivate her to work toward new goals.

“Obviously, the money and prizes for being number one are an incentive,” Afyzel explained, “but with the changes in my life circumstances over the years, this alone would not be enough.”

For Afyzel, the thrill of competition and the adrenaline surge that comes from being in the game are a significant motivating factor.

“I have a motto, which helps me,” she said. “‘Give me something to fight for — a gift, an amount of money — and I’ll be there.’ I’m not the winner every time, but I am always there in the competition doing my best.”

According to Afyzel, there are several strategies a model can employ that will put her on the road to success. Independent models can choose when and how much they work. This enables them to plan their schedules around life offline, as well as allowing them to commit the hours necessary to be the best. To be the best, models must also balance attracting new members with keeping existing members happy and interested — and this balance must be maintained constantly. This is especially important when the time comes to motivate and mobilize members, because from contests to maintaining a public profile, models need active, engaged support from their community.

This level of work/life balance is all interconnected, and according to Afyzel “being number one takes time and a lot of dedication and hard work. Without the support in my private life from close friends and family, I would not have been able to achieve what I have today.”

Whether you find yourself at a crossroads or have found new passion in new forms of motivation, working toward a goal is always better when you’re all in. It’s important to be mindful of what’s motivating you and how committed to said motivations you truly are. If you find yourself working for reasons that aren’t making you happy, don’t be afraid to take a step back and reassess — even for just a moment. Sometimes, a step back can lead to a great step forward!

As always, stay savvy. “With both eyes open” is the best way to be on cam.

Find Afyzel on Twitter at @Afyzel
Published by PureDream
7 years ago
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