3 Words I Hate -> User is retired

3 Words I Hate -> User is retired

Reading Part 1 of a new story... and trying to find part 2. I hover the cursor over the "Posted by" name at the bottom of the story ...and that hint pops up saying "[b ]User is retired[/b ]". I can't display their Profile page so I can't see the list of their previous posts.
Arrrrgh!! That torques my testicles!

Here is a workaround using Google Advanced Search. Bring up a Google search page. (by going to www.google.com). If you use the Chrome browser it is even easier just type into the URL box in your header.

Recently, I read a Part 1 story by [b ]SharonwithTitsout[/b ] Well you guessed it [b ]SharonwithTitsout[/b ] is [b ]"user is retired".[/b ]
I wanted to find the other things she may have contributed. So I used Google Advanced Search technique.
I typed "SharonwithTitsout" site:xhamster.com.

This returned page after page of movies, stories, and pictures that [b ]SharonwithTitsout [/b ]had submitted. Looking through search list I found 4 other Posts. I was able to read all 5 parts of this story. Those double quotes are required when there are multiple words separated by spaces in the search.

This doesn't work 100% of the time. Sometimes the author actually submitted only one posting Part 1. Crazy as it seems sometimes the author only posted the Part 3... and there is no Part 1 or Part 2!

If you use a different browser or search engine, type in [b ]google.com Advanced Search[/b ]. Near the top of search results, you will see an entry for Advanced Search. Double Click on that item. Google will bring up a complete form with a number of options. Don't Panic.

You only need two blanks in the form:

The second blank down is for [b ]this exact word or phrase:[/b ]
This is filled in with the retired username. [b ]SharonwithTitsout [/b ]
[b ]Don't add quote marks here!![/b ] Google will add them also ... and only return a result when the name is embedded between quotes.

About 7 lines down there is a blank labeled. [b ]site or domain:[/b ]
This filled in with the actual website you are trying to search. [b ]www.xhamster.com[/b ]

Good luck y'all.
Published by BorneExcited
7 years ago
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