Perverts Progress. 5.

Hello dear readers, I hope you are waiting in anticiaption for the next installment............. . So here we go. I returned to George's the next day. I remember that it was a cloudy day, with a promise of rain. To be honest I didnt care if it was due a blizzard, I would still have been there. I arrived and took my cycle around the back of the house. George was by the back door, leaning against the frame, with his cigarette holder, and dressed in womens baggy slacks, and a white satin blouse. On this occasion the makeup was subtle but noticeable, particularly around the eyes and lips. George said that he was glad to see me, as he didnt think i would turn up, due to the weather. I didnt want to sound easy at this stage, by saying I would have turned up in a blizzard with two broken legs, so I just smiled, and made a comment, that I would get some of the grass I had cut burned. George went in and I started work, I didnt wear my shorts due to the weather, and went to the small clearing near the orchard. I started the fire, and worked steadily during the morning.

Around dinnertime George came down and invited me in for a cup of tea. He hadnt done this before, and it set my mind racing. This was a strange situation, I suppose thinking back it was like a double seduction with neither really knowing at the time who was seducing who, only that pleasure would come from it. George invited me into his front parlour, and told me to take a seat, while he made some tea. Whilst sitting in the comfortable room, I saw down the side of the chair, some magazines. A further look revealed them to be some pocket size black and white glamour magazines, containing pictures of the more mature lady, wearing stockings, suspenders high heels and lingerie. This was back in the day, when there was no pubic hair to be seen in such magazines. I had seen similar before, and loved them. At this moment George came back into the room with a tray with tea on. He imediately feigned shock, and apologised for leaving them there. I told him that this was not necessary, and that I had seen them before, and had quite a collection myself, and was a huge fan of such publications. He told me in that case to have a good look, but not to mention to anyone that I had seen them. I assured him I was the soul of discetion and wouldnt mention it to anyone. Which I wouldnt. George then proceeded to ask me what I liked about them, and we discussed at length my love of stockings and suspenders, and all the lovely retro now, but at the time, fashionable girdles and directoire knickers. George then started to subtly run his tongue over his lips, my heart was beating like a drum. He then asked if I had ever tried any ladies underwear on, and what did it feel like. I just blurted out that I had some of my own and did wear them whenever I could, I told him in detail about my hidden lingerie and my love of feeling the nylon sliding along my legs and the cool satin of the directoires rubbing me. I told him how much I loved to fasten the suspenders and the snap when they fitted along the thigh. George seemed to purr like a kitten when he heard this. He moved closer to me, so that our legs were touching, and told me that it was quite a natural thing to do. He then asked had I ever worn them in front of anyone, a friend maybe, I said I hadnt but would love to.Then the moment stopped, and he got up, and left the room taking the tea cups and tray with him. His final words to me were to keep an eye on the bonfire.

I quickly rearranged my bulging erection and returned to the garden. I went to a quiet part of the orchard and quickly pulled out my cock, and came instantly, a huge ejaculation which shot several feet into the grass.

The next installment will be here soon dear readers.

Published by veradk
7 years ago
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MissLesley 7 years ago
Looking forward to the next episode. I can imagine how quickly you must have cum. xx
veradk Publisher 7 years ago
Im so glad you like it, part 6 will be going up this weekend...........................Vera XXXXX