Black Grannies and Young White Cocks Website
I've been obsessed with bbw grannies, 60+, since I knew what sex was, and I've been with 100+ since I was in my teens. I'm still as into it as I've ever been, finding playmates on line and in my life and constantly jacking off to granny porn. I date women my age and younger regularly, but I can say with no doubt that women in their 60's and up (82 is the oldest I've had) are the best in bed. Out of the many older women I've had sex with over the past 24 years, I've only been with 3 or 4 Black grannies, 2 Latino's, and 3 Asian...and the porn isn't out there either. I can't be alone in my desire to see more of this, and am ready to invest my time and money into making a website dedicated to black bbws 50 and up fucking younger white men (mainly me, lol). If you are interested in this as well, if you want to be a female model, or if you know of an existing web site I'm missing, email me at [email protected]. Thank you!!
7 years ago