Ultimate Guide to Anal Prep

This guide will teach you all you need to know about preparing yourself for the ultimate anal experience.
As always feel free to ask me questions if you don’t understand something or need further guidance.

Chapter 1: Things you’ll need

Bare minimum is one perfect dildo. I will describe to you now what to look for when buying a dildo which will be great for this guide and the follow-up “ItsyBitsySissy’s Ultimate Guide to Sissygasms”.
Diameter: If you never did anal play of any kind before you should do some fingering before buying a dildo. Put one finger in there, stretch your sphincter, put the next in and so on. See how many you can fit in there after some thorough stretching and then simply check the diameter of those fingers combined.
Length: If you only get one dildo it should have the perfect length. Too short and it won’t satisfy you, too long and riding it will be too exhausting for your thighs. A good rule of thumb: It should be about as long as your anal cavity (rectum). According to Wikipedia that’s about 4.7 inches. If you want to test it, just take a smooth, thin candle that’s about 6 inches, put a condom on it and put it in your ass. See how far you can get until you reach a bottleneck. That’s the end of your rectum.
Form: A good dildo form is slightly curved and of course resembling a real penis as much as possible. It should have texture (like veins popping out) and a penis head with a neck.
Surface: Now while texture is great the more detailed consideration of the surface should reveal smoothness. A rough surface is the natural enemy of lube and will cause pain and not the good kind.
Flexibility: The perfect dildo resembles a hard penis also when it comes to flexibility. It shouldn’t be a hard plastic stick, which will feel unnatural and painful, but it also shouldn’t be a wobbly jelly-mass which will feel like fucking a limp penis. A rule of thumb: It should bend by applying a very light force, but it shouldn’t be bent by gravity. This way it can easily find the path of least resistance when navigating deeper into your rectum.
Material: Surface and Flexibility are determined by the used material, so here is just one more thing you should consider: A dildo is something that you put into your body, just like food. So just like food you should make sure it doesn’t have any poisonous contents. I’m no expert here, so please do your own research.
Extras: Don’t forget to consider the way you’ll use your dildo. If you want to ride it make sure it has a suction cup, if your wife is going to peg you make sure it comes with or is compatible with a strap-on set and if you are just using your hands make sure it has a good grip.
A small dildo (optional)
A smaller, thinner dildo can be helpful to stretch your anus in preparation for the real deal. But you can just as well use your fingers for that (unless you have long finger nails with sharp edges).
A long dildo (optional)
A long, thin dildo that’s a bit more flexible can be helpful in the process of douching and cleansing. It’s not a necessity if you have a good douche, but if you do get one make sure it is longer than your douche and longer than the dildo you’ll want to ride or the cock that’s going to fuck you.
A BBC dildo (optional)
This is optional until you tried it, because we all know that once you go black you’ll never go back.
Buttplug(s) (optional)
A movable showerhead.
Something to unclog your Shower-drain

Chapter 2: Goals

In this chapter we will determine the goals of your next anal preparation. The goals determine the necessary steps and therefore the chapters you need to read. (Chapter 4 is the bare minimum)
So here are some questions:
You only have 30 minutes: Do chapters 4-6 or even just 4.
To do all the chapters you’ll need at least 24 hours.
Real cock: Unless you both like s**t-play chapters 3-5 and 7 are a must
Dildo, but first time: To avoid getting yourself turned off of anal play you should at least do chapter 5.
Just you and your dildo in the shower: Chapter 4 may be sufficient.
“Perfect Size”: If it’s just big enough to fill your anal cavity than that’s all you have to clean. Chapter 4 may be enough.
“Oh my god that’s huge”: You’ll need to prepare for deep penetration, so purging, douching and stretching is necessary - do all the chapters 3-9.
If so far your answers indicate you’ll only need chapter 4, then that’s still true as long as you just need 10 minutes or so.
If you want to fuck for an hour or longer chapter 5 is absolutely necessary and chapters 3, 7 & 8 highly recommended.
If you have all day to yourself to give yourself multiple orgasms, then you’ll need another day before that to prepare yourself through all the chapters.
One more thing: Better safe than sorry. The answers above should indicate the minimal preparation you should get. There is no guarantee that this will be sufficient, so better do more if you have the time.

Chapter 3: The Purge

The good news: There is a professional schedule for cleaning your bowls. Medical professionals make patients go through with it e.g. before a colonoscopy.
The bad news: It takes a long time. 2 days minimum to be exact.
But it’s quite simple and not too hard to go through with. Here is all you have to do:
48 to 24 hours before “it” eat light food. No meat, no fats, nothing high in fiber, acid, salt, sugar or anything spicy.
the last 24 hours before “it” only eat clear non-fatty soups and drink only non-cloudy juices, water and tea.
Drink a laxative tea 1-3 times (e.g. 18, 12 and 6 hours before).*
*If you are trying such a tea for the first time stick with one and see how strong it is for you. If it didn’t have the desired effect try 2 the next time. Don’t overdo it! Tea-induced diarrhea can cause cause a lot of discomfort and kill the mood.

Chapter 4: Quick and Dirty

If you only do this step, you’ll only clean your anal cavity. So don’t expect to be able to have a lot of time or be able to take a big cock, without having to go for a toilet break and redo this step.
So get into the shower. Mount the dildo with the suction cup on the bottom of the shower. Turn on the shower and point the showerhead at your sissy-pussy while you squat beside the dildo. Now with one finger enter your pussy. Make circular motions to widen your anus so you can enter more fingers and so the water beam can too. Do this until no more waste comes out.
Now start slowly riding your dildo while keeping your showerhead pointed at your pussy. As you go deeper and faster more sh*t may come out. Be aware that it may burn a lot. Especially a) the first times) b) when you used laxative tea c) when you keep riding the dirty dildo instead of cleaning it when it hurts.

Chapter 5: What a Douche!

Using an enema or douche will clean a larger portion of your colon and not just the anal cavity. But it can also leave water deeper inside so if you don’t repeat chapter 4 afterwards for a while that water (and some left over feces) may come out unexpectedly while fucking.
How to do it: Simply put your douche in and wait for all the shit to come out.
Move the douche back and fourth. You may notice some barriers that will stop you from going in deeper. Either just wait for them to open on their own - it’s called “peristalsis“ and is totally normal - or gently press against them with your douche or dildo until you can pass. Don’t close your ass and if you pass a barrier make sure the water can also pass it back from up their. If not pull out a bit again and try again later. You don’t want the water to stay inside.
If you don’t have time to do much more after this step, at least wait about 10 minutes to make sure it worked. If in that time you have to go on the potty again to do a number 2 than you have to do it again. Having to go peeing is very likely as the colon’s main task is to retain water, so lots of the water you put in ends up in your circulation and will be discarded as too much. This regulatory mechanism works very quickly.

Chapter 6: Stretching Session

Now let’s let the fun start. By now your pussy should be clean - at least for a while. Now you want to prepare yourself further. You want to ride that giant dildo today after all - or maybe you’ll even have a real BBC-stud coming over?
So stretching is quite simple, you’ll just have to follow a few basic tips.
The golden rule is: If your pussy is already burning by now, than the better preparation for whatever you have planned is to just leave it rest until then. Laxative-tea can - again, especially the first times - make your anus burn. Wash it clean and let it relax. Otherwise get out your dildo(s) and plug(s)!
Before you put anything in your pussy wash it clean and lube it up. Start with your finger again and slowly work your way up to bigger and better things.
Don’t be discouraged if you can’t use your biggest dildo the first time. Even if you stretch your hole for hours it will take more than one session to get it all loose. If you are stuck at the same size dildo every time and can’t seem to progress to the next one you can either buy another dildo in between those two sizes, or try to use one finger additionally to the smaller dildo.
Or try experimenting with two smaller dildos, a dildo and a plug or any other combination.
Now put the biggest plug in that fits easily, get dressed and do something else for a while.
A metal plug is best as it doesn’t burn on your mucosa.

Chapter 7: Pause

Let your ass relax while you keep busy with chores or something else that distracts you from your plug.
When your sphincter-muscle tightens again, but the plug keeps it from closing all the way it will learn this to be the new normal state. At least for a while your ass won’t get so tight again, so you won’t need to start with a single finger again.
Make sure you pause long enough so any feces that were still stored in your intestines make themselves felt.
The plug may give you the feeling of having to go to the toilet, but if nothing comes out anymore that’s a good thing. If on the other hand you still shit now then go back a few steps and clean yourself again.

Chapter 8: Unplug & Play

So are you ready for the real deal? Get that plug out, make sure everything is still clean, lube everything up and maybe do some last minute stretching again so your really gaping for daddy’s cock.

Chapter 9: Enjoy Cock!

Have fun sissies!
Published by sissyslutrobbie
7 years ago
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mikeyboy694u 3 years ago
i always clean my ass in the shower but now itry even deeper , as i do really love real big hard thick cocks in my ass and CUM . i can get all 4 of my fingers in my man pussy when i am in the shower and can take 9inch and thick cock i like to take bigger ,and i love the use of a dildo so ilook forward to have more fun my hole is a real sissy for daddies cock and CUM
Good advise !!
francisco123123 3 years ago
I would like to see a video with these indications
MissLesley 5 years ago
Great guide
mowgli53 6 years ago
Very nicely done. Thank you.
dougadoo1976 6 years ago
thank you for your insight and effort to educate us all please add me if you wish darling 
explorer_3x69 6 years ago
A great tutorial and lots of good advice! Thank you!
jayymie 7 years ago
Great advice, thanks for sharing :heart:
GMIrandy 7 years ago
A bit anal about the degree of cleaning, eh? But I understand and respect your desire for clean.
Depends or diapers helps contain and water leakage after an enema. Also, I take a big swig of Pepto Bismol and take 2 anti-diarrhea pills ahead of time. This locks things tight and assures nothing else works its way down after the purge. My doctor recommends waiting an hour for your rectum to regain its natural environment.
carlacocklover 7 years ago
This seems a bit over elaborate to me. I have a simple douche which is a rubber bulb with a detachable tube. Fill the douche with lukewarm water, lube it up and insert it while squatting over the toilet. I then wait 40 seconds before ejecting the water and any waste, repeat this process until the toilet water is clear. I've been fucked many times by some pretty big cocks and I've never had a problem.
Ultra_sheer 7 years ago
My douche is.....the kitchen sink water "gun" Warm up the water, slip the gun into your ass and give it a nice shot until you cant hold it anymore. A few repeats and youre super clean.
Great post, I already know the diet and enema chapter so that is pretty much spot advice and refresher...:) Love the post!!!
wendianderson 7 years ago
Great advise
Handson906 7 years ago
Excellent advice