Garage fun

I broke down whilst driving cross dressed last week and had forgotten to put spare male clothes in the car. I panicked and called a garage that I got from the internet, I chose what looked to be a small one man band operation nearby. I decided to tell the mechanic that I was going to a fancy dress party, but I knew he did not believe me. He said that he would have to tow me to his garage to fix the problem, I sat in the cab of his tow truck and I could see he was looking at my legs, I was wearing a very short tight red dress. He put his hand on my leg and slid it up until he could feel my penis, which was becoming erect, he then casually said that the repair was going to cost a lot more than just money and winked. It was obvious what he wanted and as I had become quite excited I said I would do whatever he wanted as long as he got me back on the road, to which he replied I know you will.

The approach to his garage was up a deserted country lane and the garage looked more like a scrap yard than a garage, as we drove into the yard a young man came out in dirty overalls who was introduced as the apprentice. The car was pushed into the garage and the mechanic said that I would have to help with certain things and that I must take my clothes off to avoid them getting oily. Reluctantly I did as I was told knowing that I had no choice, once naked he said I should lie on my back and slide under the car which I did, the floor was dirty and oily so I slid under easily. At this point he opened the bonnet of the car so he could see me lying naked under the engine, before I could move he poured a drip tray full of used engine oil down through the engine compartment, which completely covered me. I then felt the apprentice grab hold of my ankles and drag me out from under the car. I was completely covered in shiny black engine oil, he dragged me across the floor to where an empty oil drum was lying on its side. I was laid across the drum, each hand was chained and passed under the drum to attach to my ankles which had been spread apart, a blindfold was placed over my eyes and I felt someone force themselves into me whilst the other came to my head, lifted it and forced his penis in my mouth. They then swapped ends and continued to enjoy me until they had cum several times. I heard one of them say shall I call the boys round they can bring some beers and we can make a night of it, the other said it was a good idea and called someone and told them to pick up the boys there was going to be fun tonight, he said he had just taken a pic of something that might interest him, I assumed that he had sent a pic of me.
Whilst they waited for the ’boys’ to arrive, I heard one of them say let’s set up the camera so that we can stream it, he also said that it should be given a drink as they would not want it passing out. The other said he would sort it out and came back a little later and put a straw in my mouth and said suck, by this time I was resigned to my fate and was even quite excited about it, so I consumed the whole drink. A few minutes later I began to get a warm drowsy feeling with a sense of having no control over my body, but also feeling very horny. It was a great feeling and I felt like I wanted to have sex with the whole world. One of them picked me up and dropped me on what I assumed was a mattress, he then said we wont have to restrain her now. At this point I heard a vehicle drive up and several voices, one said we are going to have a good time tonight, this one is really up for it. What followed was the best most intense sex of my life, I was like a rag doll used in every way possible, whilst loving it and asking for more. I am not sure how long it went on for but I felt disappointed when I heard one say that he had to go as he had to work in the morning. Another said he would have one last quickie and join him, I smiled and said bring it on, after what felt like too short a time everything went quiet and one of them said, lets lock up and leave ‘it’ to sleep it off.

The next thing I hear was the sound work, I was sore all over but still had a glow and most of the oil had been rubbed off, one of them came over and covered my body with swarfega which he rubbed into my body that got me horny again. However, he declined my advances and said he had to finish my car and other jobs. By the time I had cleaned myself up and dressed, he said my car was ready, I gave him my number and said if he ever want to play again to give me a call. I keep my phone close in the hope that he will.
Published by Nichola11UK
7 years ago
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hottvcarole 3 years ago
Hope they fixed your car for free. 