Thanks for the dislikes..!!

So some individual appears to have gone through the last five or six galleries i posted and systematically 'disliked' every single one..!! Wow, that's dedication.. thanks for seeing it through to the last photo.. you clearly spent way more time on my work than i ever did on yours whoever you are... in fact, i'd almost call you a 'fan'..!! *winks and laughs
Published by viper_1371
7 years ago
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viper_1371 Publisher 4 years ago
to domdomdomdom : Thank you
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domdomdomdom 4 years ago
I, for one, am grateful that you take the time to compile and post photograph galleries. I do tick the 'like' box on some of my favourites (that you post)
viper_1371 Publisher 4 years ago
to xxxtheunknown : Let's pray that day is far in the distance!!
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xxxtheunknown 4 years ago
Likes/dislikes shouldn't be anonymous. Friend the fans, block the trolls... easy. But not like XHamster will change anything- it'll be this way until we try to log in one day and it's just gone the way of Tumblr...
viper_1371 Publisher 4 years ago
to FirmHose : Amen to that!!!!
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FirmHose 4 years ago
I believe that Xham needs to discontinue the "dislike" button, My feelings are that if I am not liking what I see I just move on, no harm no foul, everyone has their own individual tastes of what they want or not, I for one do not except friend requests if all they show is all or mostly dick pics, I do not get riled I just dont friend them them, thats my dislike button, So I say to the haters out there, get a life and move on,
viper_1371 Publisher 6 years ago
to Hotlips001 : Thank you, Friend.. i couldn't agree more!!
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Hotlips001 6 years ago
To be perverse, I wonder how many "dislikers" also asked to be friends so they could dislike all the latest galleries as soon as possible!! I despair of these peop.e, if they don't like something why bother looking, go elsewhere and leave the good stuff on here for those sensible people amongst us who do appreciate artistry and perversion for the fun and variety it is meant!!
viper_1371 Publisher 6 years ago
ha ha ha.. good point, love it
paulb4fun 6 years ago
Man, I love your work!! See my notes…
viper_1371 Publisher 7 years ago
Indeed.. funny though
viper_1371 Publisher 7 years ago
to kf4mat : seriously.. who has the TIME to be so negative lol..!!
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kf4mat 7 years ago
Bwaaahahahahaa that's too funny! Guy needs to get a life