I am a sex tourist. Ask me anything!
Ive been to the Philippines 5 times as a sex tourist.
I have also used prostitues in middle east and europe
Ask me anything!
I have also used prostitues in middle east and europe
Ask me anything!
7 years ago
Next trip is in November
Honestly...there is no "single" bar I like Bunnies, but I don't even really drink.
Its honestly not that expensive, depending on where you are in the world it can be quite affordable. I live in Syria, flying to the Pi is quite tricky.
When is your next trip?
Which is your fav bar?
How do you have so much $ to afford this?
You have Korean bars, those bars cater to Korean/Asian clients and aren't interseted in "western" customers. They are also significantly more expensive.
Also show girls, girls who work in shows have been rejected
I was once rejected, I sat down in a bar selected a girl to talk to she said she wasn't interested in me bar fining her cause it was too early in the night.
I remeber on my last trip I spent my last afternoon pool side with two lovely ladies and my buddy and his two lovely ladies we enjoyed some great drinks had a lot of fun ended up having an awesome afteernoon sex session all 6 of us with no guilt attached and no drama attached. That day I had sex with 4 different amazing women
I just have one question, do you think there are any negatives to what you're doing? I think some people get emotional connections anytime they have sex, but I think you understand that's it's just like any other service?
I have had one instance where I was worried about the age of the girl so I left that club and never returned. I actually prefer the older girls. 22 and above (im 25) I am 100% against having minors in this business
Yes a few of my close friends know. They also do it as well. Its not something I advertise. I am currently single.
As a good friend put it "you don't pay a whore for sex you pay her to leave. Having the ability to pick what girl I want is really empowering. Also it allows me to act out my sexual desires such as threesomes easily. And its fun!
It is not legal. It should be though.
I have felt bad for some girls. I actually have paid many bar fines in the past walked the girl to a taxi gave her enough money for a taxi/hotel and told her to take the night off with no sex required. Didn't tell their boss or anything.
I really don't. I treat the girls like women as in polite. Ive had many girls tell me they are shocked at how I treat them. Some of my friends just treat them as something to have sex with but that's no way to treat a woman. Ive taken them go kart racing golfing paintball casino etc! One girl even won 250 USD in casino with my money. I let her keep her winnings. Although at the end of our stay together I didn't tip her and joked that she should tip me. I figured $250 was more then enough.
I have a rule no girl longer then 3 days. I find after that they get a little too comfortable for my liking. I want to be treated as a king. I also wanna experience many different women. I normally have two at a time. Heck a lot of the time they even pack my suitcase and take care of me in nonsexual ways which is nice! They also watch out for me when we go out and make sure no one takes advantage of me. I've had several girls go to bat with vendors cause they where trying to rip me off.
You go to a club with security and everything. Its very public and you have a stage and they dance if you see one you like you get the mgr to fetch her. Ill interview her ensure that we match and shes happily willing to do the sex acts that I desire. I have no interest in a girl who isn't eager. If I feel its not going work I thank her for time wish her the best and send her back.
Ever saw someone there you thought were too young for this industry?
Do you use condoms all the time?
Have you ever told someone you know? Do you think you will at some point? Maybe your SO?
Why do you do it?
Is it legal where you're from?
Do you sometimes feel bad about it?
Do you visit someone regularly or is it always someone new?
How does it work? Do you see them on the street and just walk up to them?