The Viper retired because he ran out of moves. Or women, small town. Both I guess. And because he couldn't stand being beaten at the game by his much older wife. He was the player but I'm the coach and he has been benched indefinitely.... Game over, I win.
7 years ago
2. He didn't publicly humiliate me. As you can see, I'm not ashamed of my sex life. I agreed to let him record us and am not dumb, so I knew he would likely post them online, I just didn't know he had a whole store where he sold them. If you mean the titles, who gives a fuck how he describes me in order to market his product - it doesn't mean anything.
3. There was no crime committed against me since I gave permission.
4. Not jealous he was or is with other women, just pissed that he (in my mind) fucked them better than me, but it wasn't anything against me, it is his issue. As you can see, I've moved on...
5. You're right about that one thing, too much effort, takes away from my fucking time.
6. Don't miss him because I still see and talk to him, we're friends.
See ya!