Jens Blog

Haha, I've only just seen this option to write a blog so I thought I would jump in.

My first experience with fur, that I can recall, was staying at my grand parents and my nan dressing me up in her fur coat for a little play we put on. I remember getting a tingling feeling as the soft fur touched me.

I'm not sure what happened next or how it developed from there, but years later I would regularly be sneaking into my mums bedroom to try on her fur coat and even dress up. I still get a huge turn on and that tingling feeling when I'm near fur; it doesn't go away.

It's probably a good point to say I love a****ls and I hate cruelty to them. This is something I have to battle with because I cannot overcome my fetish for fur. I love fake fur too and over the years this is becoming more and more like the real thing. Hopefully one day we wont need a****ls for their fur.

Bringing this blog right up to date over the years my fetish has grown, I've enjoyed dressing more and an encounter with a guy who showed me my first porn, finished up with me having a fetish for cock.

I now dress regularly, I meet men for sex I have always got some fur on me, even when I have a business meeting to go attend! It is a huge part of my life.

That'll do for my first blog.

Published by Furloveruk
7 years ago
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