Lingering on the close up penetration shot

i wrote about this b4, but im so annoyed by it im gonna write about it again coz i hav to vent this out one more time.

one thing i cant stand in porn is that the camera guy is usually obsessed with getting mostly extreme close up shots. usually of the penetration, and the back tight close up shot of the guy's hairy ass. when it shows a close up shot on penetration for so long it just becomes extremely generic, not to mention rip your hair out boring. it gets so redundant, it becomes very frustrating. seems like lots of times when im just starting to enjoy the camera angle coz its getting the whole picture in there and i start to get wet from whats on screen, the camera dips away really quick back to the close up penetration and i get all kinds of annoyed by that. it would be funny if it wasnt so pathetic... you can see the camera man getting all itchy as he pulls back out from the close up... like he doesnt really want to film any other shot but he knows he has to... then soon as he gets a really good angle where u can see the whole picture of whats actually going on, his hand starts getting anxious to zoom back to that oh so boring extreme close up penetration. its so fucking annoying... they need to knock that off!!

oh and the hairy ass crack and grundle of the guy from behind shot... the way the camera slowly starts getting closer and closer till thats all u can see is one big man crack and dangle. what is up with that? maybe they should stop hiring gay guys to film straight porn.

this is also a serious problem with the cuckold videos where the guys are filming their wives with other guys... thats the only shot they seem to want to get. maybe that is the real reason they dont care if their wiives hav sex with other guys..coz what they really want is THE GUY.

dont get me wrong, i actually am intrigued by the whole cuckold thing. it seems like it could be a really fun kink to get into with a boyfriend or something, but i get turned off by it when i think that the reason the guys want it is because they are secretly gay. i do like seeing the guys in the videos, no doubt, of course, but not from a gay camera man's perspective.

3 seconds is plenty long enough to look at a close up of the penetration, any longer and its just annoying. and when they spend way long times on it and keep going back to it, that just strips and kills the whole individual personality of that video and makes it nothing but a generic, non stand out porn video.

It is especially annoying when the video starts off on a close up penetration shot and thats all u can see for the first half of the video... i mean its like come on, how can someone be turned on by that close of a penetraion shot when they havent even had a chance to see who it is they are even looking at first. i mean it could be anyoneat that point, coz you havent even seen who it even is yet... it could even be YOUR MOM or sister for all you kno at that point in a video that starts off like that lol.

Published by luvz2meetnfuck
13 years ago
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tallDudesRockCock 19 days ago
It's a side-effect that it's mostly men watching porn that they have those lingering penetration shots. There should be a separate category for women's tastes because we are definitely turned on by different things. Btw, I always can tell when the cameraman (and often when the male performer) is gay. The camera angles and shots of the man's face and butt are a de*d giveaway. Lol.
vestel777 10 years ago
My first wife tried to cuckold me. I came home from work to find her in bed with another man. And she had the nerve to tell me to go sleep on the couch. So I went and got the baseball bat and came back into the bedroom and smashed the guy right in the lower back and then pulled him off my wife. And I told her that I wanted a divorce. And what pissed me off was she didn't think she did anything wrong. Her lover is now paralyzed and will never have sex with another woman.
tintedpillows 11 years ago
to subbiened75 : boring dude
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tintedpillows 11 years ago
Yup. totally agree. I HATE HATE HATE the stupid close-ups!! Very lame camera action (or lack of) for sure!!
YourDimplesOfVenus 11 years ago
nice post... i think about the same. but what is the problem with hairy asses!!? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
freeworld85 11 years ago
Hell yeah I agree 100%. I think some of these camera dudes are pure homo filming from behind the guys ass. That's what i like about gloryhole vids it just shows the lady or female on female with strap-ons cause at least if there is a close up it's the woman's beautiful figure's being zoomed in on. I also can't stand it when the scene gets real good and all of a sudden the camera goes off the woman straight to the guys facial expression, like who really cares what the dude is thinking. No camera skills at all with close ups the filmer might as well just turn the camrea off.
latinlover91x 11 years ago
yeah its annoying, its much better when you can see her whole body and her face while she moans and writhes in pleasure...mmmm made me horny again!
lgoindy 12 years ago
I can't stand long close ups in vids either. I want to see a woman's full body writhing in ecstacy
subbiened75 12 years ago
I prefer to see the look on her face, especially if it is a nice big cock and really stretches her out, that look of lust in her eyes, the way they glaze over, and especially if she moans and bites her lip, but that is just my opinion :wink:
palmate100 12 years ago
i know what you feel, i am the same. it get so boring and as a guy who is turned on by the woman more than than the man i do wish they would show it less. if i wanted to see a cock i would go see a masterbation vid or something,or..just setel with my :smile:
retep64 12 years ago
blogged my opinion about current mainstream porn
two things about cuckold vids 1. camera work/lighting
2. ghetto nigger attitude , and the skanks that embrace
that shit , all women (white) just need a bbc and they will
be complete or worse a little black baby as a parting gift
i love passion and realness in amature porn 95% of it is shit
lorneroach03 12 years ago
I agree, it's nice to see the penetration
agree that's why i prefer pov :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
jonzi 12 years ago
I think your blame is on the wrong person. Yes porn is shot by a cameraman, usually taken drictions froma a DIRECTOR. Last off, the editor, who is the one who decides how much of what angle, shot, or position he cuts together. It's rare to see a porn shot start to finish in its entirety w/o some editing. They don't keep makin this shit cause people don't like it.
SirRosenpenis 12 years ago
I agree totally. I prefer to be able to see everything. What I really like to see are the facial expressions on the women. That's what gets me going. All those close-ups ruin the video! Now don't get me wrong, I still like to see the penetration, but not from the view point of the mans fucking penis!
Trans-Formers 13 years ago
totally agree.
sirrex 13 years ago
agree facial expressions a turn on. why some of the censored Japanese stuff is actually better then non censored . But do like uncensored with some genital penetration
rionmoon 13 years ago
This is why I like authentic home made porn. Maybe the quality sucks at times and if they only have one camera you usually only get one angle but at leas you are watching real people doing real things with each other.

Conversely this is why I'm becoming less of a fan of over produced professional, big budget (well as big as a budget gets for adult films) porn.

I think I know what you're saying as I've written a few things about this...and will write more in the future...on my profile.
karlg71 13 years ago
Cookie, I do like some penetration shots. I do like to see dicks going into pussies, fingers in pussies, tongues in pussies. It is porn, I expect to see some of that. But I agree with you, extreem close-ups take a porno from sexy to clinical. To me, the sexiest part of any porn is the atmosphere and set-up. If its a gonzo type, I love the interviews with the girls so I can see their excitement about doing the scene. I love to see girls flirting around with the camera and whoever their doing the scene with. In scripted scenes, I want to the seduction, I want to see what leads to the sex. I want to see the foreplay. Then durring the actual sex, I want to see the girls' arousal, excitement and climax through her whole body, esp. her face. There's is nothing more erotic than seeing a girl really enjoying what she is doing.
amanteperfecto 13 years ago
you're right on this point, a few close-ups maybe OK but too many becomes really annoying.
I like when the camera man shoots on the girl's expression (speccialy on anal sex)
f5f5f5 13 years ago
I want to see the woman fuck, what her style and technique is, what she looks and sounds like when she cums. A few close up thrusts are ok to establish the depth of penetration, especially when a big cock is involved and whether she can or wants it deep. Unfortunately a lot of amateur POV videos have the guy filming nothing but his cock thrusting 2 0r 3 inches for ten miuntes or so while you hear the girl getting off in the background, that does some like a gay obsession of sorts or more likely complete narcissism
Snazzo 13 years ago
Hi Luvz! I do like to see the penetration but you're right; some videos have too much of that. What I would really like to see, and I don't see it too often, is penetration and then facial reaction shots. Gasps, groans, shivers, eyes wide or brow creased. All good stuff but so seldom seen.
amenadiel 13 years ago
good observation i have to agree on that :smile: heh
ExpCounts 13 years ago
Transitions from moment of penetration (not extreme close-up which I don't think server any real purpose) to facials I think is very arousing. I don't think this is used enough as it never fails to intensify a scene for me.
aussieguy00000 13 years ago
The close ups have their place, and doing it everytime isn't one of them. They should be used sparingly throughout. Half the fun and turn on is seeing the facial expressions!
Hairycreamer 13 years ago
I agree, it's nice to see the penetration but not so close and nothing else. What about the hips, boobs and facial expression? It becomes really annoying in orgies, where you always don't know who is getting fucked.
the_priest 13 years ago
Let it out girl!, tell us about your frustrations, a trouble shared and all of that stuff.
There must be a training school somewhere for camera men where someone has the misconception of what folks like to see, Guy Falks had the right idea.
i thought it was just a short attention span, but it's the guy's hairy ass that makes me hit the slider bar!
curvedwonder 13 years ago
Lmao that is true I love sex as much as the next guy but I need who I'm looking at first that way I know if i want to watch it or not.........I'll die if it's a family relation when they pan out!!!
MorePeter 13 years ago
When I fuck a girl I don't set up mirrors to watch me penetrate her. I want to see the girl. Her face. Her tits.

If I want to see her pussy I'll dive down and eat it.

That's why I love