Original Intro...
These tick boxes are useless. I am looking for older women, or an older woman, or older couples, or a couple for sex and/or photoshoots. I am entirely discrete. Girlfriend is cool with this but will not participate. Say's I am 'oversexed', which I've been hearing from Sig. Oth.'s since I was 17.
Format is flexible within certain boundaries. No S & M, no metal restraints or hard objects (other than au naturelle and toys) or playing with s**t, humiliation or degradation. If you or your partner need to be tied up I can do that but you have to sign a waiver to the effect that it is voluntary (and the****utic!) which will be kept in plain sight and returned afterwards. Spanking (hand or hairbrush) is permissable or on offer accordingly, though I don't feel the need myself, likewise golden showers happen, it is an involuntary reponse and source of pleasure for some and has never offended me. I don't like getting wet myself, outside of a bath or shower, but have no objections to sharing nature's bounty.
No hard d**gs, synthetic hallucinogens or questionable fungi. No needles, crystals of anything or white powders. A little wine and smoke are fine but if you have to get truly drunk to fuck you are probably not really enjoying it anyway.
Language is flexible, hard or soft, I am comfortable either way, likewise I am minimally conversant in most mainstream european languages (though not fluent in any other, tickboxes are useless) so if English is your second language that is not a problem.
No gays, transgenders or TV's please. No offense intended or given, but I am not into men other than as needs be within the straight context of hetero threesomes. Within that context there is some flexibility but it is women I am turned on by. Likewise if you are out to 'cheat' on a partner I want no part of it. Consenting adults all the way around or not at all.
No hurry, promises or expectations. If a cuddle and a wank is all you need I am cool with that so long as it is mutual, likewise all the way in all three holes is a pleasure but not one I run unthinkingly into. This is not a service and I am not a service provider. Quality and friendship are of value to me, everything else is secondary.
Mutual photo editing and sharing if applicable. I have over 10.000 images on file, taken or made by myself or from the public domain, trading is possible. I do not trade or share a partner's face without express consent. Thank you. G13
(Later note 29/4/17. I do not do, want to participate in or even observe 'fisting' either. If you want or feel a need to get one of your natural sphincters prolapsed, and deliberately shorten your own lifetime, I will not, and cannot, help you with that.)("Stealthing" is also not allowed or agreed to, or participated in. And I am a "mandatory reporter".)
NOTE; To gays, TG's, TV's and smaller transisterized people of any colour, shape or persuasion. By all means 'friend' away, in saying 'no' to this or that I am not voicing a prejudice I am stating a preference. I just like women. I will accept or decline based on your profile and content, the same as any other. I'm a crossdresser myself, from c***dhood. All this modern hairsplitting is quite beyond me. Back then there was only TV's & crossdressers as Christine Jorgenson had'nt yet been invented. TV's were public, cd's were private, and by private I do not mean the closet, a 'social' difference eh?. You can't hide this stuff folks.
Anybody that has'nt noticed I've been seen squatting to pee in public the last 55 years or so has sadly missed the boat. If my loafers got any lighter I'd be dancing on the cieling. I've been telling my wives and girlfriends for 30 years now that I am the physically male equivalent of a blond secretary, at first they think it's a joke. And I've got the big Mercury sterndrive. I traded in the Johnson for something more reliable and efficient, because I'm a Very Good secretary...
I don't use the purple button because I'm not shopping here for that flavour of toothpaste, and I'm apolitical about sex. Sex is sex, politics is politics. Both can be either great fun or bloody hell. (Much later note 29/4/17... I usually don't comment on politics - just Vote - itz the long term stuff interests me, watching stuff get Orwelled, who Orwelled what when, which cardinal and later pope sat on Giordano Bruni's trial, howed we get here now, the conurbation of 1600.. but in certain instances like the present day one has no choice. One stands up in sect conclave or tribal council or mir soviet or Agora or Forum and speaks one's peace upon the article in question, if it is important enough to require a voice vote, or one is remiss, delinquent, nekulturniy...)
Many are scared. I do not blame them. The chill set in for my generation when the 'Great Powers' did not immediately censure and cordon saniitaire the Ayatollah Khomeini for putting a public (worldwide..) Death Bounty on the head of Salmon Rushdie (why are they not defending us literati & intelligentsya..) it was the height of the cold war. He was useful... A further note to this, if Salmon Rushdie had been a muslim (Sunni or Shia) THAT would have put a different slant on the matter but SR was neither a citizen of that nation state (the bounty was declared from) nor an adherent/dissident/heretic of the theological bloc that put the hit contract out on him. Dirty pool, internationally.
L' autocrat a Moskva has killed, by most accounts, at least 22 dissident seannachies, one quite publicly and horribly in a foriegn capital using materiel that could only have come from a great power scientific lab. And Donny would kill us all if he could (disagreer's) a stone cold pirate capitalista who has publicly fantasised about shooting a stranger to death in public for no other reason than because he could..
We live in interesting times. Pardon the rant but perhaps it needs to be said. 29/4/17.
Night time, daytime. One's (sex) for fun, the other (politics) is just the usual daily grind. I've never been in the closet. I was running around a major NA metropolis in silk blouses in the daytime 25 yr's ago and I was 'outed' in middle school, for something I had'nt, actually, done. It was a great tool back in the day, for discrediting somebody, especially so if there was the least thread to hang it on. I later dated one of my former teachers and she told me all about it.
Format is flexible within certain boundaries. No S & M, no metal restraints or hard objects (other than au naturelle and toys) or playing with s**t, humiliation or degradation. If you or your partner need to be tied up I can do that but you have to sign a waiver to the effect that it is voluntary (and the****utic!) which will be kept in plain sight and returned afterwards. Spanking (hand or hairbrush) is permissable or on offer accordingly, though I don't feel the need myself, likewise golden showers happen, it is an involuntary reponse and source of pleasure for some and has never offended me. I don't like getting wet myself, outside of a bath or shower, but have no objections to sharing nature's bounty.
No hard d**gs, synthetic hallucinogens or questionable fungi. No needles, crystals of anything or white powders. A little wine and smoke are fine but if you have to get truly drunk to fuck you are probably not really enjoying it anyway.
Language is flexible, hard or soft, I am comfortable either way, likewise I am minimally conversant in most mainstream european languages (though not fluent in any other, tickboxes are useless) so if English is your second language that is not a problem.
No gays, transgenders or TV's please. No offense intended or given, but I am not into men other than as needs be within the straight context of hetero threesomes. Within that context there is some flexibility but it is women I am turned on by. Likewise if you are out to 'cheat' on a partner I want no part of it. Consenting adults all the way around or not at all.
No hurry, promises or expectations. If a cuddle and a wank is all you need I am cool with that so long as it is mutual, likewise all the way in all three holes is a pleasure but not one I run unthinkingly into. This is not a service and I am not a service provider. Quality and friendship are of value to me, everything else is secondary.
Mutual photo editing and sharing if applicable. I have over 10.000 images on file, taken or made by myself or from the public domain, trading is possible. I do not trade or share a partner's face without express consent. Thank you. G13
(Later note 29/4/17. I do not do, want to participate in or even observe 'fisting' either. If you want or feel a need to get one of your natural sphincters prolapsed, and deliberately shorten your own lifetime, I will not, and cannot, help you with that.)("Stealthing" is also not allowed or agreed to, or participated in. And I am a "mandatory reporter".)
NOTE; To gays, TG's, TV's and smaller transisterized people of any colour, shape or persuasion. By all means 'friend' away, in saying 'no' to this or that I am not voicing a prejudice I am stating a preference. I just like women. I will accept or decline based on your profile and content, the same as any other. I'm a crossdresser myself, from c***dhood. All this modern hairsplitting is quite beyond me. Back then there was only TV's & crossdressers as Christine Jorgenson had'nt yet been invented. TV's were public, cd's were private, and by private I do not mean the closet, a 'social' difference eh?. You can't hide this stuff folks.
Anybody that has'nt noticed I've been seen squatting to pee in public the last 55 years or so has sadly missed the boat. If my loafers got any lighter I'd be dancing on the cieling. I've been telling my wives and girlfriends for 30 years now that I am the physically male equivalent of a blond secretary, at first they think it's a joke. And I've got the big Mercury sterndrive. I traded in the Johnson for something more reliable and efficient, because I'm a Very Good secretary...
I don't use the purple button because I'm not shopping here for that flavour of toothpaste, and I'm apolitical about sex. Sex is sex, politics is politics. Both can be either great fun or bloody hell. (Much later note 29/4/17... I usually don't comment on politics - just Vote - itz the long term stuff interests me, watching stuff get Orwelled, who Orwelled what when, which cardinal and later pope sat on Giordano Bruni's trial, howed we get here now, the conurbation of 1600.. but in certain instances like the present day one has no choice. One stands up in sect conclave or tribal council or mir soviet or Agora or Forum and speaks one's peace upon the article in question, if it is important enough to require a voice vote, or one is remiss, delinquent, nekulturniy...)
Many are scared. I do not blame them. The chill set in for my generation when the 'Great Powers' did not immediately censure and cordon saniitaire the Ayatollah Khomeini for putting a public (worldwide..) Death Bounty on the head of Salmon Rushdie (why are they not defending us literati & intelligentsya..) it was the height of the cold war. He was useful... A further note to this, if Salmon Rushdie had been a muslim (Sunni or Shia) THAT would have put a different slant on the matter but SR was neither a citizen of that nation state (the bounty was declared from) nor an adherent/dissident/heretic of the theological bloc that put the hit contract out on him. Dirty pool, internationally.
L' autocrat a Moskva has killed, by most accounts, at least 22 dissident seannachies, one quite publicly and horribly in a foriegn capital using materiel that could only have come from a great power scientific lab. And Donny would kill us all if he could (disagreer's) a stone cold pirate capitalista who has publicly fantasised about shooting a stranger to death in public for no other reason than because he could..
We live in interesting times. Pardon the rant but perhaps it needs to be said. 29/4/17.
Night time, daytime. One's (sex) for fun, the other (politics) is just the usual daily grind. I've never been in the closet. I was running around a major NA metropolis in silk blouses in the daytime 25 yr's ago and I was 'outed' in middle school, for something I had'nt, actually, done. It was a great tool back in the day, for discrediting somebody, especially so if there was the least thread to hang it on. I later dated one of my former teachers and she told me all about it.
7 years ago