Katie's Pain Lesson (chpt. 7)

Chapter 7

I must admit after that remarkable weekend at Jason's school became a very mundane thing. I faithfully trooped off to classes, took notes, filled books with facts, figures and information. But none of it meant much to me.

For some reason my entire world consisted of Jason, my relationship with him, his staff and our hopes and plans for the future. By midweek the pictures Jason had taken of me were developed and we eagerly selected the best to ship out to his family. Not only his parents, but to my surprise an aunt and uncle, too.

Asking Jason about the additional set going to his aunt and uncle, I learned a startling piece of information. His aunt and uncle own something called Chattle Castle. A highly expensive retreat that catters to the practitioners of physical pain during sex acts. He even showed me brochures that listed various rates for attendees. Rates of how much whipping tits, asses, pussies or any other part of a body, both male and female, costs.

To say that Chattle Castle captured my attention would be putting it mildly. Jason, being the understanding man that he is, told me all about it, in glowing details. After the discussion .I got a firm commitment from him that one day soon we would visit it, along with his aunt and uncle.

He said that we might even be married there, if I approved upon seeing it.

I gave it very serious consideration. After all, how many people got married in a real castle now days? A castle that catered to our style of sex? Not many, but perhaps we would. But that was in the future. We had much better things to do in the mean while.

Things like the monthly staff get-together planned for Saturday night.

I must confess to being slightly nervous as Jason led me to the dinning room Saturday night where the other female staff and I would wait for the men's arrival. It was quite an understandable reaction considering what he told me to expect.

The theme for the night was escape convicts had captured a bevy of gals their first night of freedom and after years of dreaming what they would do when they finally got some females, they were ready to act out all of their dreams. Dreams, which naturally, included the infliction of pain for the wrongs society had done to them. Not to mention the built-up sex drives they had developed.

Prior to arriving Jason had explained that I, like the other females, could deny specific things done to us. I was also granted the choice of joining in or not. I could be strictly a watcher or a participator as I so chose. But for me there really was no choice. I knew I would more than join in. The extent of which I hadn't yet determined.

Leaving me in the dinning room with the other gals, I took the opportunity to become better acquainted with them. I was surprised at their willingness to talk to me about their chosen sex style. As we chatted I learned some of their history and why they had made such a choice.

None had come from deprived homes. All had freely chosen their submissive role, granted for different reasons. But the most common theme was very similar to mine. Dream-related before actual experience.

That surprised me. I had long thought myself a bit unique, especially in these times of women's lib and equality and all that. But it seemed that there were still those of us who dreamed of being dominated by powerful partners.

That, I must admit, was comforting to me to hear. After all, no one wants to be totally odd in ones desires.

As we sat and chatted I also noticed a difference in their dress. None were in their uniforms. I soon learned that they never were on these special nights. They always dressed according to the plan of the night. Tonight the plan was that the gals, me included, were at a get-together enjoying each others company.

I also learned that upon the arrival of the men, each of us could act as we chose. Going either willingly or unwillingly. We could scratch and jab, fight and claw, or go meekly without a struggle. It seemed that the group was evenly divided in their choice in that category.

It also came to light that they had asked their partners for specific things. Betsy explained to me that it was their opportunity to experiment, too, and they took advantage of that fact. At other times it was left exclusively to the males on how they were treated. It was on these nights that the gals could request certain treatment, and most did.

Betsy informed me that she had requested a thorough ass strapping to be followed by a sandwich.

Maggie, of the previous gang ****, said she had requested only mild abuse, owing to the fact that she was hardly healed.

Susan had again requested weights being suspended from her nipple rings, along with a toasty ass and her favorite buggering.

Carol had consented to Barry's request that she submit to heated implements applied to various parts of her body. She also got him to agree to tight tit bondage, a favorite of hers as a reward.

Karen informed all that she was to finally get her own set of nipple rings, something she had wanted for ages. Thomas had agreed.

After all of their stories were told, they naturally turned to me for mine. I didn't have the faintest idea of how to answer them. I still wasn't all that sure that I'd even participate, but I knew I would.

But their stories did start my brain working along that line. Sitting back, sipping my coffee, thinking about what I might like to try, the door was slammed open and the men burst in like a raging volcano erupting.

Instantly the room was filled with screaming voices. Bodies became blurs as they ran from here to there as the men captured us one at a time. Too stunned to even move, I was easily captured by Jason. A Jason wearing grey shirt and pants, both with numbers stenciled on them. Before I could read his number, my hands were tied off behind me with a coarse rope that chaffed my wrists.

There were couples on the floor, across the table and dodging around chairs as screams and threats filled the room. Clothing was torn. Skin was exposed. Bodies were d****d over shoulders and hauled away. It was pandemonium in all directions as Jason flung me over his shoulder and smashed his hand into my upturned ass as we made our way down the stairs and the spacious rooms below.

As I was carried meekly along I looked at the others. Betsy was fighting like a demon and Charles even sported a few scratch marks on his arms to attest to her fighting ability. Maggie, unlike the other night, was playing the total submissive. It seems she was serious on not being overtly harmed.

Susan was kicking atop Johnny's shoulder and even managed to get a good kick in his stomach. Carol, being d**g by Barry, was a twisting tornado all the way down. While Karen walked bare breasted in front of Thomas. It seems she got bared tits real soon for the installation of her rings.

In one manner or another we all managed to congregate in the rooms at the same time. I was still unsure of lust how I was going to participate and it seemed that Jason knew that as he took me over to one of many chairs and proceeded to bind me to it. Ropes around my legs, chest and waist were snug but not all that uncomfortable as I surveyed the scene around us.

Without any preliminaries Barry tossed Carol over a table and proceeded to fuck her good and hard. Right beside Thomas and Karen who were doing the same. While across the room Betsy and Charles were still struggling as he tied her to one of the many posts around the room. Stan and Maggie were off in a corner doing their OWN version of a mild ****. Susan got another good kick to Johnny as he bound her to yet another posts and ripped off her clothes as she twisted and screamed.

Really! It was too much to take in all at once. My eyes were flashing here, then there, then over to them, I did, however, pick up on the fact that all were arranged according to normal couples, at least for the opening scene. I was sure that later they would trade off, it was one of the joys of such nights. But they did start off together.

As I was thinking that, Jason leaned over and whispered in my ear. "They usually start off in normal sets. It is the last time for the gals to change their minds about what is to happen. If you look close you will see that all are whispering to each other."

"We learned long ago that things change. It may be thrilling to you when you chose something, but by the time it rolls around you may change your mind. One day a blistered ass may sound fantastic, but another it may be less appealing and another thing take precedence."

"So," he paused to tip my head up, "what is your decision? Want to join in or not? To what extent? What would you like to happen tonight?"

As his words flashed across my mind, and without even stopping to contemplate my words, I blurted out, "I want a hot ass, nipple rings and a double fuck. In that order."

I'm not real sure where those thoughts came from, but having spoken them I knew they were true. My ass, I my opinion, had been neglected far too long and ever since I'd seen Susan's rings I had coveted a set of my own. As for the double luck, that had long been something I wanted to experience. So, to me, it all made perfect sense.

Jason didn't even blink an eye at my statement. But he did smile. One of those magnificent smiles that sets my blood to rushing. It was obvious that he approved of my choices. And having stated the basics, I left the execution up to him. After all, he had his own fantasies to fulfill, now didn't he.

But for the moment he was content to settle for slowly tearing my clothing away. Quite a feat considering all the yards of ropes that I was encased in as we savored what was going on around us.

There is no way I could accurately describe all that occurred that night without taking them one at a time. They did not occur one at a time. They occurred simultaneously around the room, but I will relate them in a whole.

* * *

Knowing Betsy and Charles the best, I will start with their story first.

Tied to a post, her hands stretched above her head, Charles dodged her kicking feet to tear off her clothing. That accomplished, he turned her around and shackled her ankles to bands attached to the floor. Unable to turn around without making a pretzel out of herself, Betsy's ass was more than available for the requested ass strapping.

From the night that I truly got to know Betsy I was aware of her delight in getting her ass beat. After all, she had stood between my legs and accepted one as she licked me out. What I hadn't anticipated was the inclusion of her clit ring being used to hold her in place.

Taking a slender golden chain from the vast selection available to chose from, Charles clipped it to Betsy's clit ring as she screamed at him and all others who cared to listen. It did her no good, for in a matter of seconds the other end of the chain was snapped into place connecting her body via the chain to the post she was bond to.

A very short chain, I might add. If she moved even the slightest bit her clit would be pulled unmercifully. Somehow I knew that along the way it would be more than pulled. No one who had a, clit ring would not use it for stimulation, and I'm sure that the upcoming ass strapping would prove more than adequate in that department. Especially when I saw the strap Charles selected.

It was a bruiser of a leather strap. It had to be at least two feet long and a good half inch thick. Then there was the fact that it was actually two hunks of leather in one, connected by one handle. Not only would she get a double whammy with each stroke delivered, she would get the added thrill of the massive cracking sound the layered strap would make.

Being the sensual person that I am, I appreciated his selection. Being somewhat familiar with Charles laying into an ass, mine, I watched him deliver stroke after stroke to his wife. He was no slouch. Betsy's ass was a bright red by application number one. Her screams filled the air, but as I watched I didn't miss her actions either.

Her hips made rhythmic movements back and forth, causing the chain to her clit ring to pull her with each move. She rubbed her tits back and forth against the post, and I just knew that they were highly stimulated as Charles applied the strap with a steady procession of one well accustomed to using one. Not one inch of ass flesh was left unharmed as her ass turned redder and redder.

As her hips moved faster and faster with each stroke, her chain became a golden blur. Even from my distance I could see several bruises beginning to form, right along with Charles' cock that grew to its fullest. Her flopping tits sc****d the wooden post and appeared to do their own growing as the strap landed again and again.

Viewing Charlie's handy work, I thought I'd request that he help administer my ass strapping along with Jason. But that thought was set aside as Charles dropped the strap and replaced his cock with the, tool working away at his wife.

Betsy voiced no complaint. At chain's end she offered her heated ass to his invasion as her tits continued to rub against the post. They were off and flicking. It was obvious that they were well acquainted with each other as they matched stroke for stroke. Charles' hands attended her rubbed tits as they ground into each other in the center of the room, each rotation pulling more and more on her extended clit. Then, as I watched, her clit began to pulsate and I knew she was coming. So was Charles.

Retracting his cock, Charles proceeded to rearrange Betsy against the post, making her face out toward the center of the room with her legs again shackled to rings in the floor. I watched her eyes, they never left him even when he turned and walked away to one of the nearby shelves and took something out and carried it back to her.

Betsy licked her dry lips, wiggled her hips but remained silent as Charles knelt in front of her between her widely spread legs and brought his hands up. I leaned into my bounds and twisted my head to see what the hell he was doing. Betsy took a very deep breath and her body seemed to freeze as I saw a gleam of metal in his hands reach for her pussy.

Before my startled eyes I watched as he clipped a chain to her clit ring and let it drop. She shivered as he reached for, to my opinion, a huge weight and clipped it to the other end of the chain and let it slid from his hand.

She had a weight hanging from her clit ring! A massive weight that pulled her tiny bud farther and farther from her cunt slot until it was fully, and I mean fully, exposed. And throbbing. That fact was unmistakable as he again stood up and took up the double strap.

He couldn't be...

But he was.

The strap crashed into the side of her hip. Betsy jerked in pain and the weight began to swirl around. I knew it had to be very painful for that weight to be moving. But one would never suspect that from Betsy's reaction.

Tipping her hip out to the strap she silently begged for it again. Charles more than complied. A brutal cracking sound filled my ears as my eyes watched her hips rotate even more, faster. Her clit elongated even more with each jerking tug of the attached weight.

Betsy's body arched away from the post, her clit strained and she was coming.

No doubt about it. It was a massive climax as the weight and strap kept her at an intense level of arousal until Charles finally set the strap aside and gave her a few seconds to compose herself.

I stared in open mouthed amazement!

Could I do the same thing with my clit ring?

Well, not today, I concluded. It was still not entirely healed. But in the future? Well, who knew what the future might bring.

As if Betsy's coming was some kind of signal to Charles, he again was rearranging her.

With the weight still attached and moving with each step she took, Charles led her over to a bench where he bound her by her hands as she bent over at her waist. Other than her wrists bound to the bench, and of course the weight still attached to her her clit ring, she was basically free. She had the option of bending her knees and allowing the weight to rest on the floor. But she didn't take that option, she remained straight legged as Charles gave her a few more strap strokes to keep the weight swaying.

He stopped when Barry came over and filled her ass with his cock until he exploded and walked away for other action.

For the remainder of the night Betsy remained like that. Charles or someone else came over from time to time to either strap her ass or luck her in any opening they so chose.

* * *

Their first mild luck out of the way, Stan more or less picked up Maggie and bound her to a different post in the room. Hangs shackled high up and legs opened via a spreader bar attached her ankles, Maggie was not going to go anywhere until freed.

I was curious on how she would be treated. There was no doubt that her body was badly bruised and she had requested only mild treatment. So then why was she bound as she was, I wondered as Stan walked away to get something from one of the shelves and came back to her.

As he knelt between her legs and reached for her pussy I remembered that she had rings in her pussy lips. Surely he wasn't... not in her condition.

Oh, but he was. And with her approval too.

Another golden chain was quickly attached to one of her pussy lip rings and a weight, far larger and more threatening than the one hanging from Betsy's clit ring, was attached.

I watched in amazement as her lip stretched, and stretched. Then similar treatment was given her other pussy lip and it stretched just as far.

I had used those rings to hold her open when I licked her pussy, my first of hopefully many. I knew they were far from newly installed but as they seemed to grow before my eyes I realized that they were far longer than normal. Now I knew why. As I was registering that fact, Stan attached yet another set of weights to her rings pulling her pussy lips even more.

Maggie groaned but voiced no objection and I knew that it was her choice, as hard as that was to accept it had to be true. Well, she had said that she wasn't going to have anything harsh done to her tonight, but two sets of weights?

That did seem to be her choice as Stan walked away to join in some other action, leaving Maggie bound to the post with weights hanging from her pussy.

Basically that is how she spent the night. Occasionally someone would come over and play with her body, or swing the weights, and once Stan fucked her as she stood like that, but otherwise that's how she remained. Every time I looked her way the weights were swaying slightly as the lights reflected her marred body for all to see and appreciate.

Jason wondered off occasionally to lend a hand or a cock to others but he always returned to me and my chair. His hands and mouth kept me stimulated as did my eyes, ears and imagination of what I had selected to have done.

* * *

My eyes continued to return to Karen, who would finally get nipple rings, just as I wanted, His tension relieved, Thomas yanked Karen up and fighting all the way, got her attached to yet another post. I was not surprised to see her facing frontward for her nipple rings to be installed as gooy white globs of expended juices leaked out of her well fucked snatch.

What did surprise me was she became the focus of all attention. Charles left Betsy bound to the bench, her clit weight swaying. Maggie was still attached to her post with hanging weights pulling her cunt lips, which left Stan free to join Karen. Jason left me tied to the chair and straining against my bonds to see better, as Johnny left Susan chained to one of the many wall brackets. Barry did his version of binding Carol to the rack as he lit a small charcoal grill and joined the rest.

Standing bound to the post and spreader bar, Karen looked at the six guys congregated around her. She lowered her eyes to look at her soon to be ringed nipples, which I might add were rock hard and extended, and gave a shutter. Was she, like me so often, having second thoughts?

According to Jason, Karen loved a wicked ass strapping. Did that mean that she was regretting her decision to have her breasts pierced and rings installed? Or was it the avid attention of all gathered that made her shake? I wasn't sure, but she didn't voice any objection when her Thomas held up a golden ring hanging from each of his first fingers for her to see.

The gutsy bitch actually smiled.

Well, so much for her not wanting it to happen, I thought as she gave her tits a shake as if to wake them up for the upcoming event. I could hear the guys talking to her, knew that they were giving her her last chance to stop what was planned. I couldn't catch their words, but I did see her nod her head as if agreeing for the final time that rings were to placed in her nipples.

My pussy was a sopping swamp as I strained against my bonds. I could feel them cutting into me but they mattered not at all. I was too excited about what was to happen across the room to care about something so normal as bonds encasing me. They felt good stimulating me and I knew that before the night was over I would be in a similar position as Karen and wanted to note how it was to be done. I had some marks still remaining from the previous caning but nothing worth noting.

Would I turn chicken again when it was my turn?

Would I cry off? Or take it in stride like I wanted to do?

Karen had no such doubts. She had spoken true when she had informed that she had waited too long for nipple rings. She stood shoulders back, back arched, tits forward as if daring the men to do what they were going to do. There wasn't anyone who didn't notice her hard nipples. They stood full and proud on the ends of her thrust forward breasts as Thomas took a cotton ball and swabbed them with alcohol.

They got even harder as the alcohol caused her to shiver as it dried on her boobies. Even I could smell the odor of rubbing alcohol fill my nose as I leaned even more into my ropes and chains. My pussy squished against the seat of the chair as Barry and Jason each held a long, fat needle in their hands and gave Karen a smile.

Stan's and Johnny's hands grabbed full tits and squeezed, forcing her nipples way out as Barry and Jason positioned their needles. I heard them count, "One, two, three," and their hands moved, driving in both needles at the same time.

Male bodies were blocking my view but not my ears as Karen's screams echoed around the room. All eyes were fastened on her and when the men stood back it was there.

There was a needle bisecting each throbbing nipple. I could literally see them throbbing with each shallow breath Karen took. But when she lowered her eyes to her chest, she smiled. A smile of proud ownership as Thomas took several pictures of them in her for a visual reminder of what she had endured.

Setting camera aside, Thomas again took possession of the rings and one after the other slid them through the openings the needles had made and clipped them shut.

Karen had her nipple rings. The light reflected off them causing them to sparkle as she gave an audible sigh of... relief? satisfaction? I don't know, but I'm sure she was glad that it was over. After some time to allow for healing, she had her entire life to experiment with them. And if what I had seen with the other rings over the night was any indication, she would have hours, years, of stimulating attention paid to them.

Her first attention to them was Thomas' mouth. Her husband took them gently into his mouth. I could tell it was gentle. I could hear her moans and his sucking sounds. I also noted her pussy creaming even more as she arched into him for all she was worth. Other hands that had caused her pain just moments before were tenderly caressing her arched body. Over hips, into leaking slot, over legs and puffing belly they ran. Noting harsh. Noting harmful, just loving attention from them all as she strained and came yet again at their actions.

I remembered the way Jason had licked my clit between strap strokes when he installed my clit ring and I came to the conclusion that whenever rings were installed all concerned made sure that the recipient received the ultimate in care. All of us gals in the room may want and even need harsh treatment but there are times when gentle is appreciated. Ring installation is one of those times.

I no longer had any doubts about my own nipples being pierced and having rings installed. None of those gathered were monsters. They truly cared for their partners and the others. It was really an odd revelation to understand, but it was true.

What followed was a masterpiece as one or two at a time the guys flicked Karen as she stood fastened to her post. Each was careful and caring, making sure that Karen reached fulfillment with each. One or two were always at her newly ringed breasts, sucking gently, tugging enough to stimulate but not harm them as she went from one to the next climax.

Thomas was the last to insert in her and when he pulled away he went and got a metal stand and placed it between her legs. At first I didn't understand the significance of it. But when he attached a fat, vibrating dildo to the end and inserted it up her well flicked cunt, I sure as hell did.

For the rest of the night Karen stood there, a vibrating dildo up her cunt, making her come about every fifteen minutes or so as occasionally one guy would walk by and caress her new rings. I don't know how many times she came, but it was a very substantial amount before the night concluded and a very tired group ascended the stairs.

To be continued…..


Published by wastedaway
14 years ago
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