Good Doms Bad Doms

I've lived this lifestyle 30+ Years. My experience with Doms is extensive, yet all of the following is purely my opinion based upon my experiences. I am a professional submissive for men and a Mistress to women. i have had extremely wonderful Doms and I've had the exact polar opposite.....Evil bastards. This has been my life. I'm not a 9-5 job holder, I'm not a mother, I have no real experience outside of this lifestyle. It started when I was 13 and it is what it is.......My Life.

Doms are people......and as we are all aware, this world has some truly corrupt and vile people living in it. But there's also very good Doms too. Some Doms are sadists.....All they care about is inflicting pain and punishment upon a female. Probably because of how some woman treated them in the past......Or not. Who's really to know. Sometimes the machine is broken when it leaves the factory......Crazy is Crazy and Ive experienced crazy. Ive submitted to some men simply to avoid having the crap kicked out of me. That's not domination......Thats fear. Being forced into a car, suspended from a tree and beaten with belts from 4 men....plastic bag placed over my head to suffocate me over and over....never knowing if I'm going to even survive...........They let me know that in the future, If I ever refuse their advances....If I ever refuse their demands.......They will end me............So I did what I was told. Every Single Time. There are Doms out there like this........Beware.

A "good" Dom knows his/her limits. While the sub may have some limitations, especially an inexperienced sub, a Dom only complies with that limit as a courtesy and nothing more and for a very short length of time. any Dom worth their weight has to know the limitations of the sub and be aware of their own limitations as well all while understanding that these limitations are subject to change. They're quite fluid, limitations.........what a sub won't do one day will be gladly accepted the next.....what a Dom wont inflict one day he/she will, after some serious research, inflict tomorrow and be prepared for whatever happens. Even if that means calling an ambulance. This may sound extreme........But there is high risk with extreme sex and it does happen from time to time. That's why the absolute best Dom I was ever controlled by was a doctor. Not only did he use his knowledge of the human body to push my limits to the extreme, he could deal with any eventuality. He's the only one I felt truly safe with and was most willing to be used to his limitations.

A submissive must set aside any idea of boundries and trust the free hand of the Dom. A Dom must know and accept that he/she has limitations. The crazy ones don't. The crazy ones don't give a God damn about your welfare.....and there are several of these crazies right here on xhamster. After 30+ years of living this lifestyle, I can tell if a Dom is good/bad/crazy within a few short minutes of chatting with them.

So, A good dom is aware of limitations and considers the ramifications of his/her actions. A free hand needs to be given to the Dom from the Sub. Bad Doms are the beginners who don't have a clue as to what they are doing, but they are learning. Crazy Doms.......Need to be avoided if at all possible.

Published by loriwantstoplay
7 years ago
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loriwantstoplay Publisher 11 months ago
Interesting? How do you mean?
maitrejean 1 year ago
fesons connaissance 
Captainkinky7 1 year ago
You have had many experiences, some no doubt satisfying, some truly terrifying.
loriwantstoplay Publisher 2 years ago
Maybe for those Dom’s you know……but that’s a vast minority of the whole. 
loriwantstoplay Publisher 2 years ago
You speak for only yourself. 
Openveiw 2 years ago
Thank you for taking the time time to write this post, I found it very interesting in the different types of dom’s that are out there, thanks for sharing your experiences with us and enlightening me a little as to what type of dominant I am with my beautiful submissive wife.Xx
Seeks_Masochist 2 years ago
You can't play with your toys if all you do is break them.  I really appreciate what you said here. 
danPA9 2 years ago
Yes Doms are people......and people are unpredicable.....behind closed doors
loriwantstoplay Publisher 3 years ago
to philinsb : There are young submissives that may benefit from the lessons that I learned the hard way. Would I have avoided some Dom’s or situations had someone advised me?.........hard to say either way. I’d like to think that I would have
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philinsb 3 years ago
A regular fountain of knowledge you are, lol. Thanks 
loriwantstoplay Publisher 3 years ago
When you say “I fucking hate the bad ones you describe and I have had several of them “neutered” of their behaviour”...........suggests something a great deal more than a mere observational opinion of a Dom experienced or to elaborate?......But, Perhaps this conversation, should you choose to moved into XH’s more private messaging? Just to keep outsiders where they belong?
loriwantstoplay Publisher 3 years ago
So you’ve taken it upon yourself to be the judge of Dom’s?..........interesting.........and a bit disturbing...........depending upon ones perspective 
captainkinky 3 years ago
I’d enjoy hearing more!
loriwantstoplay Publisher 3 years ago
to captainkinky : To be completely honest with you, there’s a very fine line between what’s “good” and what’s “bad”......and quite often that line gets blurred.........
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captainkinky 4 years ago
It sounds like you’ve had some incredible experiences, both good and bad. Love to hear about the good ones.
hornytalico 5 years ago
beenthere 6 years ago
Yes you are in a very dark place.  I do understand that.  I only have one more of your story's to read.  In your world and I understand a a lot of your experiences have not been good and very dark (no pun inteded,) people.  I know of the dark places this can all go even can be deadly.  The one thing I do understand.............From this post you do know how this should work and it should always be a freedom of choice.
loriwantstoplay Publisher 6 years ago
to beenthere :  My world is the deep and dark end of the spectrum. This oceans depths where the monsters live.... so to speak. Having a Dom hasn’t always been a choice for me or many of the fellow submissives I’ve known in my life. Your thinking that limits are more pie in the sky fantasy when I compare it to the harsh reality of my existence and experiences.......much of which I don’t dare speak of openly in a public forum.  The depth of the depravity I’ve seen and been involved in is fodder for an eternity of nightmares.  
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beenthere 6 years ago
That is where you and I are totally different. You have set that standard not your Doms. As reading here you have come up against some real jerks that truly do not have any interest in you as a human being. I am just not rigged that way. You seem to be 100% submissive in any circumstance. I do admire that in you, I really do. I on the other hand do have her set her limits on what she is willing to do. I want my sub to trust and enjoy what I am doing to her. I will talk with her and we better get what we both want. Want me to be mean? I will be a mother fucker. I can be fairly nice too. Make no mistake about it, I will control the situation. My sub also knows that she will get belted, nipple clamps, fucked in all holes and be bound.  Those are a few things  that she has to submit and what I require.  If she will not enjoy that I have no use for her.  For me as again I will say it has to be a two way street.  Just as she asks for certain things to be done to her.
loriwantstoplay Publisher 6 years ago
to beenthere : Yet you afford your subs limits. I’ve had some who have not given me that liberty.  
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beenthere 6 years ago
This is a subject all on it's own.  It is a total 2 way street.  Me being a Dom,  Have to know my subs limitations and she has to know mine.  I used to fuck with subs on craigs list.  Subs that had no clue.  A sub would post that she would do anything.  I would write her back and ask her "Anything?"  Usually her response would be "Yes anything."  So I would ask her if shitting in her mouth was okay?   Never did one person came back and say it was okay.  So I told her she has limits and would not do just "anything."  I would give her a quick lesson on setting up what is on and off limits.  I would tell her about safe words and all that.  No I would never shit in a persons mouth.  There are a lot of people that have no clue about this lifestyle.
loriwantstoplay Publisher 7 years ago
to cause6969 : Oh, you’ll witness a few bad ones here when we go to an auction or two.
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cause6969 7 years ago
You have quite the experience would love to learn more
wildcupl 7 years ago