Sweet Sylvana meets thick big Earthworm (18cm)!!!
One day sweet Sylvana found a comment in her profile. The user was completely naked, had a very long neck, a bald head - it was an earthworm there was no doubt!
"add to me"? Sylvana thought a while, what could he mean? Invites was blocked for men, messages was blocked for men... what does he want?
But Sylvana, was just to nosy and to kittenish to send him away without some nice words...
Mr. Earthworm was not so playful, he was more kind of rude, not very polite!
But Sylvana didn't mind. 'Perhaps it's because he is so huge an thick', she tought. 'It must be a heavy burden to carry, perhaps i can help...'
But even with his new gained multi-consciousness and free from his heavy burden Mr. Earthworm was still unpolite...
...he claimed!
Sylvana appealed.
But Mr. Earthworm showed no remorse...
His arguments was quite funny, because he deleted every of my comments on his profile...
...does Mr. Earthworm state herewith, that his profile is a fake? Sylvana could'nt believe!
But she has to give an appropriate answer, so she explained...
...and in the hope, that Mr. Earthworm is somewhat tamed now she answered his request before and gave him a chance to prove himself...
But he only babbled around, he wants her if she wants him, but no dancing, no singing for sweet Sylvana as in the video (https://vimeo.com/7529127) shown.
So Sylvana decided not to start up again, she opted for option two...
and that leads to the following...
...wich was to funny and brought me to it to tell you this story!!!
Btw, as a supplement this happens in the meantime in my "yyy"-Gallery:
Mr. Earthworm:
Well, thats the whole story now. I hope you enjoyed it a bit! And perhaps you could be helpful:
Please comment, if you have relevant hints what went wrong here!
The day was much too long for good english - i'll try to correct errors someday...
[everything in this blogpost was derived from public comments - private messages are not shown!]
7 years ago
(hoffentlich ist die nächste dürüm, die ich esse nicht vergiftet...)
also ab in den boden mit dir du wurm und friss erde!;-))
Insomnie hat mich zu dir geführt und ich bin ihr dankbar!
P.S. Du hast das Buch tatsächlich gelesen!
Aber das mit geiler Arsch hat was ...kicher
ich möchte gern dass du meinem hinterteil einen schönen bildlichen namen gibts...
dein risiko zur schau gestellt zu werden geht also gegen null. wie so oft fürchtest du das, was anderen widerfährt, ohne zu erkennen, dass es dich so gar nicht treffen kann...
ich stelle hier niemanden aktiv blos, ich leiste maximal beihilfe... ich könnte dir namen von usern nennen, die ich blos stellen könnte, aber es nicht tue, weil es menschen sind die sich auch menschlich zeigen. davor habe ich immer den höchsten respekt!
was die parallelen angeht, ich bin mir nicht sicher... bislang setzt du dem treiben der schüler (noch) kein ende (wenn es das ist worauf du anspielst). es wäre auch so völlig unangemessen, das zu versuchen. wer schon gewonnen hat was er gewinnen kann, kann durch kämpfen nichts mehr gewinnen...
ein glas wein, der herr?;-*
(ich hoffe du hast auch humor)
Aber das Risiko muss ich eingehen!
Ich bin der Barfußtänzerin schon verfallen!
Erkennst du die Parallelen Sylvana ?
Dein Gymnasiallehrer Raat
Ich hasse meine Sekundärtugenden, sie sind bei dir so nützlich wie ein Kropf und vertreiben meine Fantasien !