Wondering of a Wandering Mind III

Personally I think the first "B" in BBW is redundant.

Men who tell woman online, with a sense of almost charitable indulgence that they just LOVE BBWs / PAWGs / MILFs or whatever smutty descriptor, after the woman has identified herself as a person and gone to some trouble to explain their boundaries and preferred methods of approach, embarrass me so excruciatingly I sometimes cringe.

And here's MY mini-rant and Wish-list for the future: People who refer to any other human, but specifically transgender or transitional humans, by offensive slang terms, or as a commodity, then publicly bemoan that they can't "get one" need to be sat down, by the person in the world who's acceptance and respect they secretly crave most, and be told to stop, forever.

Personally? I'm flawed as fuck, error-riddled and unreliable fulfilling any role most people would consider reasonable, but I'm aware of these things, none of them are admirable and I try every day to improve, so I'm in a hole under the high horse and have no moral high ground.

Fucking stop it anyway.

If you cannot handle rejection gracefully, at least long enough to get alone and have a tantrum, then DO NOT RISK IT with banal, chauvinist ignorance.There has been much written about the lipstick doms and dommes online who use it as a punch-line or an ill-fitting self-appointment and with good reason, and often beautifully phrased and written. There is just as much bullshit going on with guys falling over themselves as "subs" the moment a female human who is alive mentions she seeks one.

Being a "sub" is just as cerebral, personal and dangerous a pursuit as the responsibility and skill required of a domme, not to mention the courage and conviction SURELY imperative, before potentially putting your safety, sanity and possibly even life in another person's hands. These are not seduction roles to short-cut to bedding someone, they are specific and often long-evolved processes to feed a need inside an individual.

Why in sex forums, designed and membership curated specifically to provide an environment for people to discuss absolutely any kink or fantasy they wish, out side of dead, i*****l and other species - which everyone publicly vilifies and expresses anger and a will to murder participants - why then is the most regular activity people setting up off-site group forums - on anonymous, media sharing chat apps - for everyone to discuss anything sexually "no limits"? If you will excuse the expression, could they be fingering themselves any more obviously? That's more rhetorical unless I'm missing something.

[I edited the next paragraph out, it got big and angry on me, like my sister's ex-girlfriend when I mocked her driving, and she thought I meant golf.]

Having a Mensa card on you, in your Avatar, as your Avatar, while watching Avatar, mentioning your IQ ever or talking about one's own intellect before another asks, is as graceless and telling as mugging a person with dick pics, or mentioning your length and girth in every damn sentence. Yes I might have a small willy and I'm not very bright BUT - and here's the big fuck you, I'm also unemployed, poor and have bad breath too - queue forms to the left.

If anyone reads the above and has a different perspective on the content or the opinions PLEASE share it, I really want to know and I really enjoy hearing perspectives I might have overlooked. As always everything I share is my opinion, suitably informed, in my opinion.

If you need me I will be sifting through the ridiculous volume of pleas from hot babees to cam with me, then I will pick one of them and change their lives. Or I will listen to crickets chirp in my inbox and watch porn that would make Charlie Sheen sweat and look over his shoulder. Although, as a treat, the lucky lady that does claw her way to the front of the cam with me will get : a picture of my penis, wrapped in my Mensa card, with my IQ written on it in widgets - followed immediately by homicidal stirrings, possibly sooner.

To Summarise but not really: Read this and rather than react like I just suggested we go off the Gold Standard or cancel the Internet, I urge You to take a few minutes and then respond - as rudely as is necessary - but perhaps with a little more accumulated motive. It's a handy technique and costs little beyond a little time and a little thought. [I'm not prone to bullet points, and this one seems ominously hollow from experience, but try try again catchee monkee - or something less Enid Blyton.]

Hey, hang on, this might still need some editing, don't hit "post" whatever you do lad, DO NOT HI

Published by Sabianrundy
7 years ago
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