An update on cams and editing software

Time I updated that blog - lot of things have changed, I still have all the cams I mentioned and use them occasionally, however as some of you may have noticed I manage to get higher definition now. Main source now is an iphone 6s, in fact I have two of them (due to a cockup by Apple). These give fantastic definition, once more I use them within a leather case that hides the screen yet lets the lens have a clear view. If I am worried that light from the screen might be seen I sometimes use "rapid fire" - allows video without the screen being on.

The benefit of the iphone is it records in 4k mode - and is very good in poor light, however editing 4k is not easy! I either do an initial edit on the iphone itself (imovie is simple and quite good) or I have invested (quite cheap) in wondershare filmora - good for simple editing, allows me to change to 1080 mode without losing definition. I still use adobe premier for masking face - a complex process but does allow me to leave her features relatively visible for the benefit of viewers without being totally clear. Typically I will still pass through moviemaker as it reduces file size by over 50% without losing definition - but moviemaker is not supported under windows 10 so keep an old PC for that

example with above setup:

Please feel free to add more information for my and other's benefits!
Published by blackdog519
8 years ago
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Asian4dark 3 years ago
Thanks for sharing. Have you ever considered using any sport camera, such as GoPro?
6357300 4 years ago
Good info, but I'll bet by now I'll bet the i-phones are even better.
frog27 5 years ago
hi! I use VSDC to edit my videos. I paid for that around 15 euros for year and I find it quite good. Moreover you can find a lot of useful tutorial on the web
hopoi1 6 years ago
Cool post into the behind the scenes secrets. I also use an iPhone 6s. Yes, 4K is awesome! With all those pixels I can zoom in in post and retain decent image quality. For second angles, I have an iPad but it can only record in 1080p. The upside to the tablet is that I can keep it on my night stand and get closer shots of her giving bj’s and handies. For processing I just use the iMovies app. Where do you backup? I find it too risky to save locally so I’m shopping for a cloud solution to eliminate risk of her discovering my stash.
camerauk69 7 years ago
I still use Movie Maker on Windows 10 with no problems, so it does still work.
Microsoft no longer has it on their website as it no longer supported by them, but you can still find in on other software sites for downloading.
pookalooka 7 years ago
I use an old SGS3 Android phone with IP Webcam pro and Tasker. I leave the phone connected to it's charger. I can set this up to record in motion sense mode and leave it unattended for a week if I'm away. The phone runs off battery, like they all do, but I turn off the IP Webcam software long enough each day to be sure the charger catches up.
n_munce 7 years ago
Useful info, thanks.
alli69 7 years ago
Appreciate the information
nsadude 8 years ago
Bud - you do an awesome public service by helping other proud dudes show off their wives. Downloaded the Rapid Fire secret cam, now testing it and it seems it'll be great. Recognition shout out to you, your efforts, and sweet bangable wife of yours. Keep it up.
hantsguy3000 8 years ago
I Use an old iphone 4 but does the job with a cover
camerauk69 8 years ago
Thanks for the update, I use an iPhone but hadn't thought about using a leather case to hide the screen, think i need a new case now.
rogerrabbit1000 8 years ago
Youre really into this.. thank goodness for people like you who take the trouble!
pookalooka 8 years ago
It's a shame moviemaker isn't supported under Windows 10. I'm using kdenlive but that's with Ubuntu. My resolution is poor because I need to leave my cam on all day and the battery can't handle it at high res.