Why I Don't Delete Disparaging Deposits Any M
Why I Don't Delete Disparaging Deposits Any More
I just got a PM from a Newbie asking why she gets downvotes. She'd noticed on the ONE gallery she'd posted that she got a LOT of downvotes. The pics were of her and she is a VERY pretty girl! Not even porn pics, just nice pics of a pretty girl! Anyway, she'd seen where I'd commented somewhere on my profile about down voters and she just wanted to ask me what I knew about the bastads who do all the down voting.
Well, if you know me at all you know that I wrote back to her with one of my usual long drawn out discourses. I do pride myself on my longwindedness and my penchant for tripping the light fantastic along my keyboard. I do do that. I explained that these lowlife scum-of-the-earth trolls just absolutely nut over clicking on their thumbs down buttons, how they get their jollies not in the same way we self respecting preverts get ours (the old fashioned way by actually physically taking matters in hand and choking the chicken or petting the kitty, whichever the case may be). No, these despicable denizens of denial actually have orgasms by disparaging other people's prurient offerings. They down vote our picture galleries. ...I wonder if they get as good an orgasm as we all do when we seek out our "Ahhhhh's?" When we trip down that Yellow Brick Road (as it were)? I seriously doubt it. We then go about our normal business and actually HAVE a life. These trolls only have their next supposed victim to look forward to. Sad, isn't it? Maybe their mothers didn't breast feed them. Maybe they got rejected when they asked for a date to the prom ...like Michael Moore did. You've heard of him? Jabba the Hutt, the supposed "documentary film maker" and professional bastad.
Anyways, I finished giving her the low down on our low life lucifers by describing the picture that I'd uploaded years ago that started it all when my troll put his (her/its/their) two cents in. I hadn't blocked anyone up until then. Until then I saw no reason to block anyone. Up until then everyone I'd talked to was as nice as they could be. But then I put this picture up. It was a pic of a girl with her head touching a blackboard full of math equations. The caption read "Fuck it! I'll be a stripper!" The pic was from the shoulders up and she was fully dressed. The bastad said (all in caps, which is you know a sign of screaming) that I was a "p**o" for having a picture like that. I mean, what the hey! The bastad's handle was bvbxxx and "he's" since retired "his" profile. I deleted his comment DARN IT! I should have left it up for all the world to see his dastardly remarks. I also deleted that picture, which I have since regretted. Hell, it's not a bad picture! It's not pornographic! It was freaking FUNNY!
Well, after sending that lady who PMed me my response I thought I'd google that pic just to see, and lo and behold, VOILA! I found it again!
I should have given her my Don't-take-thumbs-downs-as-derogatory monologue. See, I look at thumbs downs as really a Bizarro World thumbs up. Most people who look at my picture galleries don't give a thumbs up OR a thumbs down. I'll post a picture that gets a thousand or more looks, but it will only show maybe 3 or 4 thumbs ups and maybe 10 or 12 thumbs downs. I sometimes wonder if maybe my bastad has a robocall kind of clicker, 'cause getting a dozen thumbs downs 10 minutes after a pic goes up do look awfully suspicious! Most people just vote "mehhh" and move on to the next one. Or close that window and go on to something else that more closely flicks their Bic. That's ok by me. Not everybody likes the same things I do. It'd be an awfully boring world if they did. And it's ok not to give a thumbs up or down to my pics, too. I get a large charge out of any comments people might care to make, though. And if a comment is mean I always know who I should block from now on.
I just got a PM from a Newbie asking why she gets downvotes. She'd noticed on the ONE gallery she'd posted that she got a LOT of downvotes. The pics were of her and she is a VERY pretty girl! Not even porn pics, just nice pics of a pretty girl! Anyway, she'd seen where I'd commented somewhere on my profile about down voters and she just wanted to ask me what I knew about the bastads who do all the down voting.
Well, if you know me at all you know that I wrote back to her with one of my usual long drawn out discourses. I do pride myself on my longwindedness and my penchant for tripping the light fantastic along my keyboard. I do do that. I explained that these lowlife scum-of-the-earth trolls just absolutely nut over clicking on their thumbs down buttons, how they get their jollies not in the same way we self respecting preverts get ours (the old fashioned way by actually physically taking matters in hand and choking the chicken or petting the kitty, whichever the case may be). No, these despicable denizens of denial actually have orgasms by disparaging other people's prurient offerings. They down vote our picture galleries. ...I wonder if they get as good an orgasm as we all do when we seek out our "Ahhhhh's?" When we trip down that Yellow Brick Road (as it were)? I seriously doubt it. We then go about our normal business and actually HAVE a life. These trolls only have their next supposed victim to look forward to. Sad, isn't it? Maybe their mothers didn't breast feed them. Maybe they got rejected when they asked for a date to the prom ...like Michael Moore did. You've heard of him? Jabba the Hutt, the supposed "documentary film maker" and professional bastad.
Anyways, I finished giving her the low down on our low life lucifers by describing the picture that I'd uploaded years ago that started it all when my troll put his (her/its/their) two cents in. I hadn't blocked anyone up until then. Until then I saw no reason to block anyone. Up until then everyone I'd talked to was as nice as they could be. But then I put this picture up. It was a pic of a girl with her head touching a blackboard full of math equations. The caption read "Fuck it! I'll be a stripper!" The pic was from the shoulders up and she was fully dressed. The bastad said (all in caps, which is you know a sign of screaming) that I was a "p**o" for having a picture like that. I mean, what the hey! The bastad's handle was bvbxxx and "he's" since retired "his" profile. I deleted his comment DARN IT! I should have left it up for all the world to see his dastardly remarks. I also deleted that picture, which I have since regretted. Hell, it's not a bad picture! It's not pornographic! It was freaking FUNNY!
Well, after sending that lady who PMed me my response I thought I'd google that pic just to see, and lo and behold, VOILA! I found it again!
I should have given her my Don't-take-thumbs-downs-as-derogatory monologue. See, I look at thumbs downs as really a Bizarro World thumbs up. Most people who look at my picture galleries don't give a thumbs up OR a thumbs down. I'll post a picture that gets a thousand or more looks, but it will only show maybe 3 or 4 thumbs ups and maybe 10 or 12 thumbs downs. I sometimes wonder if maybe my bastad has a robocall kind of clicker, 'cause getting a dozen thumbs downs 10 minutes after a pic goes up do look awfully suspicious! Most people just vote "mehhh" and move on to the next one. Or close that window and go on to something else that more closely flicks their Bic. That's ok by me. Not everybody likes the same things I do. It'd be an awfully boring world if they did. And it's ok not to give a thumbs up or down to my pics, too. I get a large charge out of any comments people might care to make, though. And if a comment is mean I always know who I should block from now on.
8 years ago
Secondly, that picture is fucking funny. Thanks for posting it again!