Why men like women in high heels

Thanks to Asktallgirl.com

Why men like women in high heels

Men like women in high heels, because it looks sexy to them. It looks rare. Only when men go out they a chance to see women in high heels. When a man has a wife or girlfriend most of the time she won't wear heels 24/7, so seeing high heels on a sexy woman would be rare and men cherish those moments.

Ask any man if he would love to see his woman in high heels and he will tell you "of course" because it means he will see his woman dressed up and beautiful.

When a woman wears high heels she feels beautiful, she feels sexy and men love it.

Women love high heels too because it makes them feel good and desirable. Men love to see a woman who is beautiful, feels good about herself and looks dressed up and sexy.

Another reason why men love seeing women in high heels because it distinguishes them from the opposite sex. Men love to see woman in high heels because it emphasizes she is a woman but not one of the guys there.

Men love to fantasize about women. Woman in high heels is a sweet fantasy to him. Most women don't wear very high heels, but woman in a very high heels will stand out, will attract attention and men would want to have her.

If you are a woman and you are trying to wear heels to attract men, remember that nice attitude and sweet smile is much better than any clothes you can put on. Men love women who love them. Men want to be loved and be attractive, men want to know women find him attractive and want him. Learn how to flirt, make eye contact with a man you like and he will notice you.

If you like to wear high heels it's a plus too, many men love to see beautiful woman's legs in high heels.

High heels make woman look taller and thinner.

Woman's stature and all her curves look better and attractive.
If high heels make you feel good about yourself, then of course, wear them when you want it. Be happy, wear what you want, experiment with high heels and different clothes.

Work on your attitude and pleasant personality.

Some men have extreme attraction to high heels because it's a sexual fetish to them.

In this case, they will want to look at high heels more often, they will admire them and have bigger and more intense fantasies about woman in high heels.

How high are high heels? Most men want to see a woman in highest heels possible and what is appropriate. Usually it will be thin heels, so a woman will look elegant and beautiful.

How a woman stand and walks in high heels is very attractive to men. Woman's hips are emphasized, her stature is great and it's closer to a fantasy for a man because he doesn't see such women too often in his every day life though
Published by consultorgis
13 years ago
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miklos 1 year ago
High heels add a lift to a woman's ass making it appear bigger.  The HH also till her tits forward, also making them look larger.
So true!
viktoriyatv7den 5 years ago