Another day
Well Zoe hasn't been properly dressed or made up for a few days now , why? well a friend died suddenly and made me relook at myself and my situation , it tends to do that to one i suppose , realise than none of us are immune to the call of the grim reaper , so no zoe play time , no make up just seemed irelavant at this moment of time .
I suppose i shall in my own time getted dressed as zoe and do all my make up as i normally do most days ,as i usually get dressed and made up as zoe every day so this has been the longest that i have been in male mode for a long time ,must admit that getting dressed and all prepared to my en femme self i do enjoy it , well i think myself as more female than male anyway so being dressed to me is a normal thing to me , Zoe does love putting her full make up on the scents and smells of the make up has that feel of just being right when i apply it i adore it when i am made up it just feels right to me , then one selects one's underwear , bra , suspender belt shade of stockings and then slipping on your camisole and finishing off as one slips one's french knickers on and readjusting one's stockings just feels lovely , then a good squirt one my favourite perfume , then slipping on a nice silky blouse over your camisole is so decadent then slipping into a nice skirt fastning it up and then putting ones ear rings in and doing one's hair , then taking time to paint your nails and finally slipping on a nice pair of high heels just to finish the ensemble off and one is turned into the woman you have always yearned to be . Though Zoe has to be a very lucky girl as i have been able to dress and make up fully for years as my wife (mistress) has known for years all about Zoe , but only that in the past 2 or 3 years have i truly become the cuckold girl that i am to-day , i wear a butt plug every day and also my mistress has placed me in total subjagation with a cock cage which i had off for one day at xmas , but i was naughty so it is back on again ( previosly to this i have had it on locked for a year in total ) so i have it back on again how long for she hasn't told me yet , but i am used to wearing it and the butt plug so it seems normal to me anyway , and also secretly ZOE just loves being the tv slave that she has become anyway , so i shall most probably dress tottally after the week end and will be back to normal yet again as Zoe .
I suppose i shall in my own time getted dressed as zoe and do all my make up as i normally do most days ,as i usually get dressed and made up as zoe every day so this has been the longest that i have been in male mode for a long time ,must admit that getting dressed and all prepared to my en femme self i do enjoy it , well i think myself as more female than male anyway so being dressed to me is a normal thing to me , Zoe does love putting her full make up on the scents and smells of the make up has that feel of just being right when i apply it i adore it when i am made up it just feels right to me , then one selects one's underwear , bra , suspender belt shade of stockings and then slipping on your camisole and finishing off as one slips one's french knickers on and readjusting one's stockings just feels lovely , then a good squirt one my favourite perfume , then slipping on a nice silky blouse over your camisole is so decadent then slipping into a nice skirt fastning it up and then putting ones ear rings in and doing one's hair , then taking time to paint your nails and finally slipping on a nice pair of high heels just to finish the ensemble off and one is turned into the woman you have always yearned to be . Though Zoe has to be a very lucky girl as i have been able to dress and make up fully for years as my wife (mistress) has known for years all about Zoe , but only that in the past 2 or 3 years have i truly become the cuckold girl that i am to-day , i wear a butt plug every day and also my mistress has placed me in total subjagation with a cock cage which i had off for one day at xmas , but i was naughty so it is back on again ( previosly to this i have had it on locked for a year in total ) so i have it back on again how long for she hasn't told me yet , but i am used to wearing it and the butt plug so it seems normal to me anyway , and also secretly ZOE just loves being the tv slave that she has become anyway , so i shall most probably dress tottally after the week end and will be back to normal yet again as Zoe .
8 years ago