Marc Rudov's Ten Commandments.

Marc Rudov's Ten Commandments:

1. Look in the mirror before peering through a window.

2. Men and women are from Earth; never accept or tolerate a woman from any other planet.

3. Make only those demands on a woman that you place on yourself.

4. Accept only those demands from a woman that she places on herself.

5. If you keep doing the same things, you will keep getting the same results.

6. Always obey your instincts; always update your instincts.

7. When meeting a woman, what you see is what you get. If you don’t like it, move on Never:
a. Be on a mission to change her
b. Fall in love with her potential—–what you think she could/should become.

8. A relationship’s future must be gauged by its heartbeat, not its history or its potential.

9. Remember that life is short—–happiness, loneliness, and dysfunction are choices.

10. Never stay in a relationship where you spend a lot of time avoiding pain.
Published by Mgtow111
8 years ago
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