HTS - Dream, Dream, Dream

Hallie the Slut - Dream, Dream, Dream

Hallie rushed home thinking about the taste of John's sperm. What a thing to think about! It's a good thing noone can read people's minds! She giggled to herself.

When she got home she ran upstairs, took a shower, brushed her teeth and fell on her bed exhausted.

How would you like to taste your d4ddy's cum? A voice asked her as soon as she nodded off. She was dreaming, or was it a nightmare?! Who was that who asked me that?!

Out of the mist of her imagination a female's form slowly appeared. It was definitely a dream. Or was it a nightmare?

I've tasted your d4ddy's cum, Hallie, and it is delicious! Would you like to try it? I have some for you right here! In her dream Hallie saw her f4ther's girlfriend, Margaret, naked, coming toward her. The woman was smiling and holding her hand on her pussy. As she approached she lifted that hand and Hallie could see that it was covered in semen. The woman's pussy was dripping sperm down one leg and her hand was covered in it. Margaret lifted her hand to her mouth and licked all the cum off of it. Mmmm! She declared. Delicious! Want to taste it? He filled me up with it! Lick me and you can taste your d4ddy's cum!

“Nooo!” Hallie tossed and turned, wishing the dream would end.

“Come on, Hallie! You know you want to taste your d4ddy's cum in my pussy! Admit it! You love cum and you love the taste of pussy! Eat me, Hallie! I know you want to!”

“Nooooo!” Hallie could not wake up. It was true! All of it! She loved the taste of cum and she loved eating pussy! And she WAS curious about Margaret! And she DID want to taste her d4ddy's sperm!! Always did, ever since the first time she ever tasted sperm! And what a combination, her d4ddy's cum and his girlfriend's pussy juices! In her dream she tried to imagine what the two together would taste like. She wrestled with the thought, wanting to and yet not wanting to think! Then there was the thought of what each one individually would taste like. What kind of person was she turning into?! She tossed and turned, This is what cognitive dissonance is like! Approach-avoidance! Approach-avoidance-approach-avoidance! Approach-approach-avoidance-avoidance! Avoidance-avoidance! What's a girl to do?!

Meanwhile, while Hallie was tossing and turning on her bed her dad, Mark, had pulled up in the driveway just as Margaret arrived. She was carrying a sack of groceries and she told him she'd decided to make dinner for him and Hallie. They both went into the kitchen, and after some ardent kissing and petting for a few minutes Mark showed his girlfriend where all the pots and pans were and he himself began setting the table for dinner for three. After doing that he went back into the kitchen for another session of huggy bear kissy face. His hands started roaming and every time he tried to put them under her clothes Margaret slapped them away.

“What if Hallie came in?” Margaret implored between kisses.

“She'd see us making out,” he retorted, undauntedly running his hand up her bare leg and under her dress as he continued kissing her on her neck. Margaret was beginning to give in to his insistent advances. His hand reached under her panties and she capitulated, letting him have his way with her moistening pussy. He lightly touched her slit, letting up then touching it again, causing her to buck up to him wanting more. They kissed and she began to rock back and forth, meeting his finger as he touched and then let up, touched and then let up. Margaret ground against that maddening finger harder and harder, wanting him to enter into her.

“Are we gonna do this or not?” she insisted. “Are you gonna finger fuck me or what?” Her juices were seeping out, making his fingers (he'd begun to use two and then three) slide easily along her groove. He still wouldn't put them inside, though, so taking matters into her own hands she broke their kiss and slid down to her knees and nervously, as quickly as she could, unzipped him and fished his cock out then grabbed it, squeezed it and aimed it at her mouth.

“What if Hallie walks in?” Mark teased her.

“Screw Hallie,” she replied.

Meanwhile Hallie changed her dream to one more satisfying to her. Always the oralist, she dreamed of sucking her d4ddie's cock, one of her favorite fantasies. Mmmm! That's more like it! She thought. If I'm gonna dream about anybody getting my d4ddy's cum it's bygod gonna be me! In her mind she began sucking him off with gusto, fully intending to make him erupt in her mouth as soon as she possibly could.

Margaret had different ideas. She only wanted to get him worked up so he would stick that blissful cock into her hungry cunt. She teased him and tantalized him just like he had done her, trying her best to stretch it out just long enough for him to pull her head off and ram that dick into her and fuck her hard! It didn't take her long. Margaret was an accomplished cocksucker, she was. He always said she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch, and within minutes he did just what she wanted. He grabbed her head and pulled her off his dick, jerked her up and put her over the table, ramming into her from behind while he held her head down against the table.

Hallie caught her breath when her d4ddy pulled her off his cock by the hair of her gorgeous blond head and r0ughly spun her around to take her d0ggy! He rammed his raging cock deep into her sopping cunny in one fast move, making her catch her breath yet again! Hallie's dream turned her into warm butter. She loved to be taken so f0rcefully! This is what she always wanted, for her f4ther to absolutely r4pe her with that big d4ddy dick! And he did! In her dream (it wasn't a nightm4re any more) he rammed into her like a cr4zy man with a j4ckhammer for a cock! He was fucking her like she was a whore, and she loved it!

Mark was slamming into Margaret's pussy like he was pun ishing her. Margaret had a delightfully tight pussy and he was using it like it was supposed to be used. She nipped him with her kegels and it sent ripples through his psyche. Suddenly he was thinking not of Margaret but of his little 4ngel, Hallie! He was imagining she was nipping him with her sweet little twat!

“Fuck me, d4ddy!” Hallie dreamed. She wanted at that moment for her f4ther to breed her! She wanted his b4by batter to butter her toast and grow inside her. She could make a br0ther for her br0ther! What a delicious dream! She thought to herself.

“Fuck me, honey!” Margaret screamed. “Fuck me with that big dick!” That egged him on. He rammed into her with a vengeance, fucking her like it was the last fuck he'd ever have, all the time imagining he was fucking his own d4ughter. And the whole time Margaret was nipping him with her cunt muscles and he was imagining it was Hallie who was nipping him!

“Oh, god damn! D4ddy, you're fucking your l1ttle girl! Oh, d4ddy, cum inside my l1ttle pussy! I want it! I want you to give it to me, d4ddy! Give me your sperm! I want it! Cum inside me, d4ddy!” Hallie's little cunny was spasming, clinching her fingers which were deep inside her, stirring her cream to a froth! In her dream her fingers WERE her d4ddy's dick, and she could just imagine he was swelling up, getting ready to spray his seed deep inside her womb! Cum in me, d4ddy! She was on her back and her hips were heaving up off the bed, in her dream fucking up at her d4d while he was fucking down into her!

Mark was ramming into Margaret's drooling cunt, slamming into her like a man possessed! Margaret was moaning and humping up to meet his thrusts! “Fuck me, d4ddy!” she said, and Mark, imagining it was Hallie goading him on, picked up his pace, slamming his now completely rigid dick into his girlfriend with ever fiercer f0rce!

“AAHHHHHHH!” screamed Hallie and Margaret both in unison as they both reached their climaxes at the exact same time. Hallie convulsed on her invading fingers just as Margaret's kegels spasmed around Mark's heavenly cock! Feeling the contractions caused him to swell up and feel his testicles contract, sending his sperm roaring up his cock and out into Margaret's clinging pussy! All three of them were tight as bow strings, but when he started pumping his jets of cum into his girlfriend Margaret and Hallie both relaxed and let his orgasm wash over them, sending them both over the edge into orgasmic bliss! Every one of them saw stars! And skyrockets bursting in air!

It took them all a couple minutes to catch their breaths. Hallie relaxed into a restful sleep, her fingers still inside herself lightly moving around in her still excited pussy, and her fears calmed. Mark and Margaret straightened themselves up and put their clothes back together and Mark told his girlfriend he was going up to check on Hallie.

“I'll do it,” Margaret said. “You stay here and watch dinner.”

Published by George178
8 years ago
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George178 Publisher 8 years ago
Why in the world would the gendarmes bleep the word "sl33p?" I'll have to remember to spell it with "3s" instead of "es" from now on!