The young lodger

My wife and I had it all. A perfect marriage, two cute k**s and a
successful horse livery business. I'm John and aged 45, and Vanessa was
ten years younger but looked older, as after our second c***d we'd been
so busy that she wasn't taking much care of herself - although obviously
with all the horse riding, she was pretty fit and actually had a nice
body, but she didn't dress up and our sex life wasn't very awesome - I
occasionally got a disinterested hand job off her if I begged, but that
was about it.

We'd been building up the business for several years and were finding it
difficult to do everything, and as money was coming in we sat down and
worked out that we could afford to take somebody on to help with the
horses. The idea was that they would allow us to take the odd evening
off, perhaps even a whole day here and there. We lived in a large
farmhouse, and had a spare bedroom. As we lived some way away from town,
we thought it made sense for them to live-in, which isn't an unusual
arrangement in rural situations like ours.

We put an advert in the local papers and interviewed several people
whose applications weren't terrible. Mostly they were a motley
collection of surly horsey girls without any business experience, but
there was also Harry. He had grown up with horses then worked on a
racing yard. Harry was 25, handsome and had an engaging personality that
we felt would be a sure fire hit with our customers.

Halfway through the interview, we looked at each other and both knew
this was the guy, so we offered him the job right then and there. Harry
gave us both a big hug and dashed off to organise his things together
and leave his current job. Racing yards are casual employers so he
didn't need to give any notice, just collected his pay and collected his
things. That evening he moved in. We had a glass of wine together in the
kitchen and then he went to bed in his new room.

My wife was unusually animated that night, excitedly talking about all
the possibilities and of course, Harry's name was mentioned a lot. She
couldn't wait to see how he handled the customers, how he was with the
horses, etc etc. I was really excited too - after just us two working
together for years, suddenly increasing our workforce by 50% was a big

The first week went really well. Harry was a big hit with the entirely
female customers, he flirted and charmed them effortlessly. He was a
patient and knowledgeable teacher and whilst the mothers looked on, he
gave riding lessons to their k**s. He was also very good with the horses
- a natural horseman, and they responded well to him. In all, it was
going very smoothly. He was tidy around the house, didn't play music
late or have any bad habits. In short, he was exactly what our business

But... Harry flirted with Vanessa. He gave her compliments, encouraged
her to dress better, even said her legs would look lovely if she had
them waxed. Vanessa went out the next day into town and returned looking
like she'd had a thorough overhaul; haircut, plucked eyebrows, skin
treatment, waxed legs and a new wardrobe of light summer dresses which
she started wearing, revealing her lovely and well-toned legs - looking
more like the pretty and exciting 35 year old she could be. Clearly she
liked his attention and I started to feel uncomfortable around them
both. I rather grumpily moaned about it one evening when we were in bed
and her response was angry.

"How dare you question how I act!" she hissed at me. "Harry is our
lodger and our employee, he flirts with everyone. Stop being jealous!"

One evening after the k**s had been put to bed, the three of us sat
watching a film and a sex scene came on. I felt uncomfortable, but Harry
used it as a conversation starter.

"I hope you guys don't mind me asking, but how often do you two have
sex?" he asked.

I coughed and was about to tell him to mind his own damned business,
when Vanessa softly answered, "Hardly ever these days, Harry. Eighteen
years of marriage and with us being so busy, we've got into a rut."

To his credit, Harry looked genuinely sad and replied, "Aww, that's a
shame. You're a beautiful lady, Vanessa, and making love is a beautiful
thing. It pains me to know you are unfulfilled."

Harry turned to me and continued, "John - women should be worshipped and
dominated. A woman who is not sexually fulfilled is not a happy woman.
Do you mind if I try and help you both regain what you have lost?"

"How?" I asked, feeling a little numb.

"With your permission, I would like to show you how I treat a woman like
Vanessa and make her feel special."

I sat next to my wife on the sofa, shocked. I wasn't sure what was being
asked of me or whether I agreed. My mind had locked up.

Harry waited a few seconds, as both he and my wife looked at me. When it
became clear I wasn't going to answer, Harry took that as assent. I
notice he didn't ask permission of Vanessa.

"Good," said Harry. He stood and went over to our shelves and flicked
through our CDs. Picking one out, he turned off the TV and started
playing the CD on our stereo. Slow 80's music started.

Without speaking, John turned and extended a hand to my wife. With a
questioning look at me, she rose and took it. I sat on one side of the
sofa as my wife and our lodger started dancing. Harry whispered
something to her and it made her relax and go with it. I must admit, she
looked very good in the dimmed wall lights and the glow of the TV as she
danced with this young, fit and handsome man. She was wearing her usual
veg-in-front-of-the-tv attire of one of my t-shirts which came down to

"John," Harry said above the music, "You see? Dancing is the best way to
make a woman trust you - after all, you cannot hide anything when you
are so physically close!"

The corniest song of the whole 80's came on; Chris de Burgh's "Lady in
Red". Harry slowly slid his t-shirt over his head revealing his hard and
muscled torso. I was by no means unfit, but at 45 years old, gravity was
no longer my friend and I couldn't compare aesthetically. Vanessa, her
eyes locked on Harry's, silently slid her t-shirt over her head too,
revealing she wore nothing underneath but a pair of white cotton
panties. I was shocked, not expecting this at all. My wife stepped
towards him and they held each other close as they danced slowly,
swaying to the song and its cheesy lyrics as her breasts pushed against
his bare and well muscled chest. As he turned away from me, I saw her
pale hands contrast against his tanned back, her fingertips gently
stroking his skin. It was unbelievably erotic and my own erection was
pushing up in my shorts. They separated long enough for her turn turn
her back to him and I could see a significant bulge in Harry's shorts
before they closed together, her melting backwards into his chest as his
strong arms encircled her, one hand around her flat stomach, the other
higher, just under her breasts, mimicking the light fingertip strokes
she had given him earlier. His mouth kissed her on the side of the neck
and up under her ear.

"John, you see? The woman is surrendering herself to me. The battle is
halfway there. She has started to remove her clothes, signaling her
willingness and removing barriers. Watch now, she wants me to show I am
interested by taking the next step."

With that, his hands stopped their tickling caress and slide sideways
down her waist and into the waistband of her underwear. Without pausing,
his hands continue downwards taking her last coverings down with them
until, at mid-thigh, gravity took over and they slipped down her legs to
the floor. She gently kicked them towards me and they fell at my feet. I
reached down and picked them up, unable to resist bringing them to my
face. Her once familiar musky aroma filled my nose as I leaned back and
inhaled, eyes closed.

When I opened my eyes, Harry's arms were again around my wife as they
danced front to back, but now he had one hand encircling one breast, and
the other between her legs.

Harry saw me staring in shock and smiled, "Ah, John! The woman is almost
ready. I am being more rough with her breast - there are many nerve
endings there most women enjoy a little pulling and squeezing when they
are lubricating, and" he pulled his hand away from her vagina and
waggled his soaking fingers - "this woman is definitely lubricating. I
feel her lean back into me, rubbing her bottom against my own crotch,
signaling her readiness."

Harry released my wife and turned her around. He slowly raised his wet
finger to her lips and I gasped as she sucked them inside, clearly lost
in the moment and savouring her own juices from the fingers of our
guest. I don't even know if she knew I existed at that point. She gave
no sign that she gave me the slightest though. Only the light flashing
from her golden wedding ring gave any indication she was married to
somebody else, her actions certainly gave no hint.

Vanessa put her own hands down Harry's waist and pushed his shorts to
the ground. He wore no underwear and his erect penis sprung outwards and
upwards. Vanessa looked down at it and her eyes opened in surprise. It
was quite large. I had been her only sexual partner so far and my own
cock wasn't anywhere near as large as this - in fact, his was about
double the size - both length and girth. She knelt down in front and
without hesitation slid her mouth over the end, slowly and steadily
sucking it.

Harry looked directly at me as my wife's head bobbed slowly back and
forth in front of him. "John, do you see? Do you see?" I think even
now, his ability to form coherent sentences was leaving him - mine had
some time ago, I was a passenger for this. Part of my mind, a tiny part,
was shouting that I should not be allowing this - that I should leap up
and punch him out, but my body was locked in a voyeur's prison. I could
not have moved or spoken if I had wanted to

Tiring, my wife stopped sucking Harry's dick and pushed him back towards
the sofa where she had been sitting beside me no more than 20 minutes
before. He collapsed backwards onto it alongside me and she straddled
him. Her vagina was literally dripping with her juices, something I had
never seen before, and her intoxicating smell filled the room. She put
one hand onto my shoulder for balance as she wiggled into position above
his jutting member and without so much as looking at me, slid herself
slowly down onto it. I had a perfect view as her vaginal lips stretched
and gradually enveloped his throbbing prick no more than two feet from
my eyes.

Eventually she took it all and rested herself on his shaft. As she then
rose, I saw sticky threads reach between their bodies and shamefully,
silently ejaculated into my shorts. I'd never come without physical
stimulation before.

They didn't care about my softening penis though. I didn't exist for
either of them. They were focused solely on each other and she rode him
hard, sweating and crying out as orgasm after orgasm took her until he
too arched backwards and with a deafening shout released his young,
virile seed into the mother of my c***dren.

Only the sound of their gradually slowing panting, the wet sound of
their sex and the smell of musk filled the room now.

Vanessa still hadn't spoken a word since she first left my side on the
sofa. Still silent, she recovered enough to lift herself off of Harry,
again using my shoulder for leverage, and stood up. Cum oozed from her
wet and gaping cunt and splattered on the wooden floor. She reached out
a hand to Harry and led him out of the room, both ignoring me
completely. I heard the bedsprings creak in our bedroom and shortly the
sounds of their unfaithful union reached me again. Slower, this time.
Relaxed, their initial tension broken.

As I sat there, 80s music still coming from the stereo and the sound of
my wife shouting "Oh! Oh!" as she climaxed with a man twenty years
younger than me in the next room, I briefly wondered what the hell was
happening. It was too much to process, too overwhelming. She had broken
her marriage vows and throw away our marriage in one moment, whilst I
passively watched on, neither of us caring about our c***dren asleep
nearby or what they would think. But my penis was hard again and as I
knelt on the floor and licked up my wife's lover's semen where it had
dripped from her cheating cunt, I orgasmed as well.

Exhausted, emotionally and physically, I climbed back onto the sofa and
fell asleep.


The next morning, I awoke as the sun hit me in the face. I walked to our
bedroom door and saw them both fast asleep, entwined amongst messy
sheets. They looked kind of sweet, in a slutty, sexy and unfaithful way
and I felt strangely warm towards them both. I gently closed the bedroom
door and got on with the morning's chores. I served the k**s breakfast
and Tracy, the youngest at 15, asked where mum was. I said she was
feeling tired this morning and was having a lie-in. Tommy, a year older,
was at that grunting age of puberty and spent most of his time with
earphones on and hardly talked to his parents at all. I drove them to
school and returning, as I walked past the house from the car, I heard
my wife and Harry fucking again. The bedroom window faces out onto the
driveway and customers needed to walk past it to get to the yard. The
curtain was open and they were both clearly visible on our marital bed,
frantically banging away doggy style. I felt my erection return as I
watched them through the open window.

Just then a car pulled in and I recognised it as Julie, one of our
customers here to tend to her horse. I walked on through to the yard
before she saw me and I started working with the horses. Feeding and
doing a quick groom. Julie walked in about ten minutes later even though
it was less than 50 yards from the parking. She was frowning and looked
at me as the sounds of my wife's orgasm came from the house behind her.

"John," she said, uncertain, "er, is there something you want to talk

I smiled grimly and said "No thanks" and turned away to carry on
working. I could only guess at what she was thinking but she left me alone.

Four more customers arrived shortly, each one had to have passed our
bedroom window and although the sounds of sex had stopped, it was clear
that each had seen the two together and there were many huddled
conversations amongst themselves as they looked over their shoulders at me.

An hour or so later, Vanessa and Harry entered the yard. She was wearing
one of her new short-hemmed sundresses and he just his pair of shorts.
They walked hand-in-hand and then after saying hello to the customers,
and without a glance at me, got on with the day's work. The morning's
customers were very frosty towards them, and I heard Julie whisper
"Slut!" to my wife, who ignored it. As Harry took a wheelbarrow load of
muck to the heap, I approached my wife;

"Vanessa...?" I began.

"I don't want to talk about it," she replied immediately, clearly
expecting an argument.

"But?" I sounded wheedling and petty even to myself.

"No. It is what it is. I can't explain and won't change. Let it be,
John. Let us be."

Harry then returned and smiled at me; a man who was the epitome of
beaming confidence. He grabbed my wife by the waist and twirled her
around in the stable. As she spun around, the edges of her dress rose up
and I could clearly see she had no underwear on. Immediately my dick
went hard knowing she really was a slut and had come out to be with
customers so exposed.

Harry unclipped a lead-rope from a nearby headcollar and looped it over
Vanessa's hands, then tied the end to a ring low in the wall so she was
forced to bend over.

He then lifted up the rear of her dress, revealing her naked arise and
cunt to us both. He slapped one buttock heavily, leaving a red
hand-shaped welt and pulled down his shorts. Without ceremony, he stuck
his enormous cock in my wife's already wet snatch and started fucking
her brutally. I was shocked, standing in the door watching my wife get
thoroughly ploughed by the hired help, yet seemingly incapable of doing
anything about it. She moaned, completely oblivious to me and our
customers nearby.

A shadow passed the door and I heard a sharp intake of breath and "Oh my
god!". I turned around to see Julie with her hand over her mouth
watching the same as I. She stood here, wide-eyed, as my bond aged wife
got hammered inside. She tore her gaze away long enough to ask me
"What?" with her eyes, and all I could do was shrug ineffectually.

Two more of the ladies joined before Harry came explosively inside her
and they stood behind me, whispering and giggling at what they had seen
- excited and thrilled. This was not something one saw every day!

As Vanessa stood, bent over and gash weeping sperm, Harry motioned me
inside and waved a hand at the cunt lewdly on display. Once my cunt, now
his - inviting me to use it. I couldn't wait! I unbuckled my belt and
was about to slide my own shorts down when Harry stopped me with a hand
firmly on the chest. Not saying a word, he shook his head and simply
stuck his tongue out and licked his lips. I had misunderstood - he
didn't want me to fuck her, he wanted me to clean her!

I wasn't keen. This was too humiliating. But he spoke then, in a low but
undeniably firm tone, "Do it." and I felt my knees buckling as I knelt
in front of her. My tongue slipped out and I tasted first his seed, then
her juices as I lapped delicately at her rear end. She in turn was
wiggling back towards me, seemingly trying to separate her own lips.
Harry pushed my head deeper than I intended and my nose wedged up tight
against her anus and my tongue as deep as it would inside. I stayed
there, kneeling on the stable floor cleaning my lodger's semen from my
wife's vagina as a shocked trio of women watched from the doorway. The
humiliation was overwhelming but surprisingly, not unenjoyable. My penis
was rock solid and I had to free it. My hand wrapped around it as my
tongue sloshed around inside her, bringing the delicious mixture closer
so I could sweep it into my throat as I pumped my own shameful orgasm
onto the ground between her feet.

When I had finished, Harry undid the lead rope and allowed my wife to
stand up. Her dress fell back into position and she walked out past the
gaping customers and returned to her chores. Somehow the day continued
after that. My wife, Harry and I pretending nothing had changed and all
three concentrating on work. We taught c***dren in the afternoon, and
when I went to collect my k**s from school, Julie was at the school
gates waiting for her own. She came over to me and gave me a surprising
hug - we'd never been that close. She looked earnestly into my eyes and
said that she was happy to talk about whatever I wanted to and that if I
ever wanted anything that she was there for me. It felt nice to know
somebody cared about me and I said I would.


Each evening, Harry and Vanessa slept and made love in our marriage bed,
and I either slept on the sofa or in Harry's room. The k**s had noticed
things were changing and I made up all kinds of excuses to answer their
questions. "Mummy's helping Harry to study", "Harry has a bad back and
mummy's giving him a massage" but after a few days it was clear they
didn't believe me, and Tommy asked flat out "Why aren't you doing
anything, dad?" and I just couldn't answer him. Society said I should
fight it, but I wasn't able to. I loved my wife and was protecting her
in a way. I listened to them fucking each night as I wanked alone.
Sometimes they fucked in the stable yard, sometimes when customers were
around. By now, the concern towards me by Julie and others changed to
outright scorn when it became clear I wasn't going to do anything about it.

I wondered about this situation myself. I wasn't normally a pushover, I
had opinions and voiced them strongly. I'd been in a few fights and
wasn't always the loser. Yet here, I felt powerless. It wasn't just
Harry's confidence and magnetism that held me, it was that my wife had
so blatantly chosen him over me and hadn't offered me any explanation.
I've never been a sexist man, I've believed that a woman is a man's
equal and I have no right to impose my view on anyone. How could I tell
her that she shouldn't do this? She was a grown-up and she knew her own
mind. If she wanted to give herself to another man, who was I to tell
her not to? It was as if I was waiting for the situation to become clear
before I acted, and despite the evidence, I needed to hear it from her.
But she gave so such explanation and just carried on. I was of course
curious as to what was happening without my involvement, and where this
was heading. I'd seen Vanessa's birth control pills thrown into the
bedroom bin as I cleaned the house, so presumably he meant to impregnate

One evening, again with us in front of the TV. Harry was lying back on
the sofa, with Vanessa leaning back towards him. They'd made love in our
bed earlier and both showered together in the bathroom I had fitted. His
hand was inside her dressing gown leisurely stroking her breast. Our
k**s normally stayed in their rooms most evenings, or went out, but
lately Tommy in particular had started joining us, spending as much time
watching Harry stroke his mother as the TV. This evening, Tracy also
wondered in, but one glance at where Harry's hand was and she gave us
all a filthy glance and turned on her heel back to her room. After she
left, Tommy spoke up, his found somewhat hesitant - a change from his
usual belligerent teenage self.

"Uh, can I see please?" he asked.

Harry, as acting head of the family, raised an eyebrow at him. "See
what, young man?"

Tommy blushed beetroot-red and nodded at Harry's hand, slowly moving
under her dressing gown.

Harry grinned and with his other hand, reached across and slowly pulled
back the lapel of the towelling gown revealing his large hand gently
stroking and kneeding Vanessa's naked breast. My wife went stiff and
stared unseeing at the TV as this went on, but as Harry then pulled back
the other lapel, baring her second breast, she closed her eyes and leant
her head back towards him. This emboldened Tommy who leant forwards his
his chair to get a better view.

"Wow..." he said softly, under his breath. My son pulled his pyjamas
forwards slightly and re-arranged his equipment as it grew in response.
Harry smiled at him, and then at me, and continued gently kneeding his
woman's teat.

Harry released his gentle grip and slowly undid the soft fabric belt of
her gown and slowly slid it free from its loops and from behind
Vanessa's back. Taking it in two hands he placed it over her eyes and
tied it behind her head a very effective blindfold. My wife relaxed
somewhat more with this, seemingly releasing herself from any control,
even when Harry motioned to Tommy to pull back the lower halves of the

Tommy, actually sweating, crawled on his hands and knees closer. I noted
with sadness that even he, my own boy, didn't ask for my permission as
he uncovered his mother's legs and groin.

I was stunned yet again, seeing my wife allow this, and also that her
pubic hair had entirely disappeared. Clearly that shower earlier and the
giggling that went on was involved.

Tommy, bolder and bolder, pushed her legs apart and she didn't resist.
Perhaps she was fooling herself that the blindfold meant she didn't know
who was doing this, but with Harry's hand back at her breast, it was
obvious it wasn't him with a hand on each knee. Hesitantly, Tommy
reached out with an outstretched finger and bluntly poked the naked
vagina with his finger. As his mother didn't react, he tried again, this
time pushing it at the entrance of her slit and pushed, but he was too
high. Puzzled, he looked up at Harry who, smiling beneficently, reached
down with he free hand and guided Tommy's finger lower and angled it
upwards so that when Tommy gently pushed again, it slid inside to his
first knuckle, then his second, then all the way. He retracted it and
stared in rapt wonder at the moistness of the lips clinging to his
finger as he pulled out.

Looking upwards past his mother's impassive and blindfolded face, he
said; "Uncle Harry, do you think I could...?"

Harry knew what he meant.

"Tommy, son, call me dad and you may."

My heart sunk with those words. Harry was replacing me in every way.

Tommy, trembling with eagerness, quickly nodded and said "Thanks, Dad"
and stood up to push his pyjama trousers down, freeing a very erect
penis. Kneeling quickly in front of his mother, he pulled her roughly to
the edge of the sofa and without any finesse, jabbed his pulsing cock
towards the velvet tunnel that brought him into the world. With his
experience of his finger, he was able to position his purple helmet at
the fleshy, pink gates and with one push, both made my wife unfaithful
again and performed i****t. He thrust without subtlety. In, out, and in
again. His orgasm was sudden and explosive, his whole body arching into
rigidity as he thrust forwards and released his i****tuous seed into his
own mother, my wife, as I sat on the next chair and she was held by her
other lover. My own voyeur's orgasm was less noticeable but left my
underpants damp.

As Tommy withdrew, a large white dollop of his semen oozed from between
the neatly shaven lips of Vanessa. Her face showed no emotion, as if she
had transported her mind elsewhere whilst her body was used in this
unholy way.

He smiled at Harry and said, "Thanks Dad" again, and as he pulled his
pyjamas back up, he reached forwards and roughly squeezed one of her
breasts, which once had fed him milk, then left and returned to his bedroom.

Harry grinned at my shocked face and undid the belt around Vanessa's
eyes. She blinked a few times in the light, then resumed watching TV as
if nothing had happened, still lewdly arranged at the edge of the sofa,
gown open and her son's sperm oozing out of her crack. Harry cradled one
breast still and continued watching with her.


The next night, I woke from my place on the sofa to see my naked son
padding softly across the hallway to their bedroom. Shortly afterwards,
the sounds of lovemaking started again, and I could only imagine the
orgy going on in the next room. Several times I heard Harry's deep voice
coaching, teaching and encouraging Tommy, and Vanessa was no longer
silent, she was now an active participant. I grabbed my erect penis and
rubbed it to climax to their sounds, before returning to sleep as I was
cuckolded by my son and his new father.


And still our life went on. The business did well, with Vanessa and
Harry now making most of the decisions. They told me what to do,
treating me as an employee, and I was allowed to leave the yard early to
run errands, such as fetch the k**s, go shopping, clean the house and
the sex-soiled sheets and cook us all meals. Of course Harry and Vanessa
were having sex frequently, sometimes in front of paying customers.
Thankfully, Tommy's own shyness stopped him being overtly sexual with
his mother around strangers, I think that would have definitely been a
step too far for the world to understand. More than once I saw Harry and
Vanessa being watched in their lewd displays by our female clients, and
more than once I saw these watchers rubbing their crotches as they
watched, or twisting a nipple through their blouse.s The sexual nature
of the yard had changed so much it was affecting them too. Most of these
ladies were married housewives, who kept a horse for pleasure and
exercise - and as word spread, our customers grew. Each had friends
visit more than would have been usual before, but none of it changed
Harry's behaviour. If he wanted sex, he took it. And not just with
Vanessa who, although always submissive and allowed him to use her
however and wherever he wanted, but Harry also had affairs with several
of these married housewives. Sometimes he fucked them in a stable,
sometimes in the hayloft. Sometimes with Vanessa involved, sometimes by
himself. I'd even seen Vanessa kneeling in front of a bale of straw with
her face buried in Julie's cunt as she gave her a screaming orgasm.
Julie, our longest serving customer, who was happily married to a
stockbroker! I had no idea either was bisexual, but in our new world,
this was pretty much the norm. Normal is defined as how you behave, and
we behaved this way.

One day one of the customers' husbands found out she had been unfaithful
to him and he came marching into the yard, shouting at anyone who would
listen that he wanted Harry, here, now - and that he would "Damned well
fucking kill him!" Harry was out teaching a ride then, but my wife,
bless her, intercepted this angry man and tried to calm him down, taking
him into the tack room for a cup of tea and a chat. I stuck my head
around the door half an hour later and saw his white arse pumping up and
down between my wife's naked thighs. It would seem she had been
successful. He left quietly a few minutes later, tucking in his shirt as
he walked past the gossiping women customers.

I adapted to this life remarkably quickly, finding many stresses and
worries lessened as I was no longer responsible as head of the family. I
was just "John, he works here". None of the new sexuality involved me, I
was nothing compared to Harry and Vanessa who oozed sexuality as well as
the occasional other body fluid. None of the women approached me, and I
was never invited into any of the unions, either in the yard or back at
home. I watched so I was the watcher. Silently pumping my fist and not
bothering anyone with my shameful orgasms.


I suppose it was inevitable that Tracy, our daughter, became involved.
Her initial repugnance had softened, partly due to my own acceptance and
her seeing that I wasn't angry, and she was polite to Harry and her
mother again. One evening, as Tommy and Vanessa were noisily fucking in
the main bedroom, I saw Harry, wearing my silk pyjama bottoms - a
birthday present to me from my wife, pad across the hall and knock
softly at Tracy's door, before waiting a moment and going in. He left
the door slightly opened behind and curious, I crept closer and listened.

"Hi Tracy, I was wondering how you are?"

"Uh, okay, I guess." she answered. She sounded suspicious.

The sound of skin slapping together and grunts echoed through the house
as her brother and mother fucked two opened doors away.

"You know, " continued Harry, "it worries me that you're shut alone in
here most evenings whilst we're being sociable. I'd like to help you
enjoy things a little more, you know."

"No thanks, Uncle Harry. I'm only 15 and I've never done anything like
that before." I could imagine her wrinkling her nose in disgust in that
cute way she has.

Tommy and Vanessa climaxed in noisy union. Clearly his technique had
improved markedly under his 'parents' tuition.

"Oh, love," - such tenderness in Harry's voice. "I know you're scared,
but this is really the most beautiful thing two people can do together.
Let me ask you a simple question, Do you trust me, Tracy?"

Tracy was quiet for a moment, then "I guess so."

"Do you think I'm attractive, Tracy?"

More silence, then "I suppose."

There was soft rustling and creaking from her bed.

"Have you seen a man naked before, like this?"

A short delay before my daughter answered, "No, not in real life.
Your... penis... is much larger than I thought it would be."

"Touch it, Tracy. Feel it's warmth."

"No, I shouldn't. Dad wouldn't be pleased." I felt some pride in myself
and her then.

"You mean John? He's not your Dad any more. I'm your father now, Tracy.
I love you and will protect you more than he can. A father should be
strong, not weak." Harry was right, and my pride dissolved to shame. I
should be stronger, I should be protecting my little girl. But I
couldn't. I could only crouch outside her door listening whilst an
older, perverted man seduced her in her own bed.

Tracy didn't answer. I could imagine her sitting there, eyes wide, scared.

"I said, feel it, Tracy." a hardness was entering Harry's voice now. It
was clear where this was heading.

A quiet sound of movement again, then Harry sighed, "There, that's nice."

"It's much harder than I expected."

"Put your other hand down here, c***d, and feel my balls. Careful now,
don't squeeze the balls, just play gently with them. Roll them around
gently in your palm."

"Your skin is softer than I expected too."

"Good. Now, Tracy, remove your night-gown."

"No, I can't..." she answered.

"Now!" he ordered.

More creaking from her bed and a quiet feminine sob.

"Very nice, Tracy. You have a woman's body, it is perfect. You should
not hide such beauty. "

I couldn't contain myself any longer and gently pushed the door inwards.
It betrayed me with a creak.

"Dad...?" came a plaintive cry from within. A gentle cry for help, for
protection. I stayed quiet, hidden in the shadows. I could no more
protect her than walk to the moon.

Harry spoke, "Hush, sweet c***d. I said I'm your father now. Lay back
against the pillows."

I peeped around the edge of the door now and saw my 15 year old
daughter, my precious princess, laying back on her bed, her young and
perfect body glowing in the soft moonlight. Her eyes were tight shut and
her tiny fists clenched tight as she surrendered to the dark and muscled
shape of this man who lay alongside her. I watched as his hand traced
lazy and light patterns around her face, down her neck, alongside her
torso, around her thighs. Tracing back up, circling her already
significant breasts then down to the blonde hair of her groin. His
fingers must have stroked her labia as she inhaled sharply.

" ...please... ...not there..." she quietly protested.

More creaking from the bed as Harry shifted his position. He took a
pillow from the head of the bed and telling Tracy to raise her hips,
slid it underneath her. Then he positioned himself low down between her
legs and moved his face towards her sex.

"A woman must be ready for sex, Tracy. I am proud to be your first and
as your new father, it is my right to know and love what I protect.
Whilst I watch over you, you are safer than any person alive. I have
only your interests in my heart and I am honoured to be the first man to
unleash your sexuality. Relax, my c***d, let me demonstrate..."

In the moonlight, I saw his head dip low and lapping noises came from
the bed. I imagined his tongue, slipping up and down outside her
entrance, then flicking in and along.

From my position hunched by the door, I could only see the side view of
this erotic coupling, and watched as my daughter's tense posture
gradually relaxed and then saw the first lift of her hips as she
responded to his expert tongue. Suddenly both her hands shot up from her
sides and grabbed his head by the hair, forcing it hard into her crotch
as she cried out in surprise at her very first orgasm.

As the waves of pleasure passed her, she relaxed her grip and lay
panting back. Harry emerged from between her thighs and I could see the
wetness smeared around his grinning face.

"Beautiful c***d! You are better than I have dreamed, and you taste
divine! But that was just the first course, now comes the mains!" and he
positioned his huge cock at the entrance to her sweet virginal hole.

"Relax and it won't hurt a bit..." he said and gently tensed his muscled
buttocks and pushed his penis into her.

My daughter was of course an expert horse rider, and he hymen must have
been lost many years ago. It looked from my position that Harry just
slid himself gently into her, full length, in one motion. I saw no signs
of distress from Tracy, just relaxed and pleasured acceptance.

With no more words, Harry started his slowly accelerating pace. Pumping
in, out, in, out. Gradually Tracy responded, instinct wrapping her pale
thighs behind his back to allow him even deeper penetration.

In. Out. In. Out. Faster. Faster. I saw Harry arch his back and cry out
"God! God! I'm coming, you darling beautiful c***d of mine!" as he shot
his seed deep into the womb of my virgin daughter. She orgasmed for the
second time as she felt his hot semen fill her private and unprotected

I shook my head, seemingly awaking from a daze, to realise my own pants
were wet with my own seed yet again. I shamefully crept away from the
door and went back to the sofa to sleep.


In the morning, I made breakfast and took it to each bedroom on trays.
My son and my wife were spooning where they had finished fucking last
night - his penis still inside her anus where she had seemingly allowed
him to penetrate. I woke them with a smile and left the tea and toast on
the side table. I then knocked at my daughter's room and entered,
finding them both awake already. Harry was lying back on her soft, pink
bed whilst she, naked as the day I'd seen her born, rode him gently up
and down in a reverse cowgirl position. She met my gaze as I entered but
kept her rhythm, riding up and down on this usurper's cock as I placed
the breakfast tray on a nearby chair and drew back the curtains. I
stopped for a moment to marvel at the sensuality and sexuality of this
union, and how perfect a body my little girl had. She had passed puberty
some years before and she looked so much like my wife when we met, and
she had the same young, tight and fit body that it transported me back
and I briefly imagined I was the one underneath her, giving her a new
horsey to ride.

I turned and left, none of us having spoken a word.


Most nights, indeed most evenings were spent with the four of them
enjoying each others bodies sexually. Tommy, of course, spent a lot of
time with Julie, fucking as brother and sister. I suspect Tommy and
Harry also fucked, and I know for certain that mother and daughter
sometimes licked each other to orgasm before penetration from the men as
they watched.

In the small hours of one morning, as I lay dozing on my customary sofa,
Tracy entered the living room, naked. Wordlessly, she reached for my
penis and squeezed it to erectness. Pushing me back, she sat astride me
and guided my cock into her vagina. Within seconds of feeling my own
daughter's tight, slick and slippery vagina embrace my dick, I spurted
up inside her. Tracy kissed me on the forehead, climbed off and left. I
lay there confused. I thought about her actions and eventually concluded
she had treated me to a 'pity fuck', perhaps being sad that I was sat
alone whilst they all enjoyed themselves. That was the first time I had
had sex with anyone since Harry had arrived, and the last for many, many

Our life continued. Both Vanessa and Tracy got pregnant at around the
same time and continued to be sexually active right up until the births.
I didn't know who the fathers were, whether they were Harry, Tommy, my
own brief spurt or at least one of the customer's husbands who Vanessa
had fucked. I guess it didn't matter much, I would continue to serve
them all and the new additions to our family.

The End.
7 years ago
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er-je 5 years ago
well written