White Pussy Therapy Treatment from White Women

Here is a new confession I was sent:

I am a 22 year old blonde white girl and I live with my 32 year old black boyfriend. I am came from a small town,
so I didn't have a lot of exposure to black men before university. But when I mt my boyfriend I was compleley
dazzled. He came up to me on the street and he was so brazen about commenting on my body and then how amazing
his sexual performance was. I had never heard anything like that, so I decided to go out with him. I've never
been into arrogant men, but it was a turn on.

I usually don't have sex with any guy for at least a month, but my man was very aggressive about sex on
the first date, and his performance was just as good as he bragged about.

I got my degree in sociology, so when I became partners with a black man, I realizd I didn't know a lot abpout black
culture or expereinces, so I decided it I had to research it. What I learned was truly terrifying, and I knew I had to
do a lot to alleviate the plight and stress of being a black man.

I have been experimenting with a therapy that I think has really helped him.

I tell him to channel all his stress, oppression, hate, ans the experiences into his cock. I tell him to picture
all the mistreatment by white, and everything weighing on his head and that he get get revenge and destroy all that
and all those people through the power of his dick. And then I tell him to imagine my pussy as all the things he
hates - racist white men, racist cops, everything. Then he needs to picture he can destory all that through his
magnificent black dick on my my pussy, which represents everything he hates, I tell him to let everything out, whatever
he needs to say. I almost get him into a trance state and he pounds my pussy so hard and is so rough with me.
And I tell him when he cums, he is releasing all that negativity and racism onto the thing he hates.

This therapy has been so sucessful at healing a black man mind. Sometimes we do it two or three times. Both of us feel
so much better. It actually helps both of us so much. Racism has bad effects on blacks and whites, and I think
this helps so much.

I was hoping to share this with other white women to try.

I do everything I can to support my strong black male.

AnotheR thing I do is make sure to have as many PDAS with him when white men are around. I think
it helps his hurt so much that white men can see this. Flaunting sexuall access to white women
helps releave a black man's pain. It may sometimes be hurtful to white men, but it should
allow them to balance out racism.

Other women told me, it's the obligation of white women to help ease racism, ad we should date and have sex with
black men to make this a better world. So I would like to suggest to as many white women as possible to
have sex, date. and have c***dren with black men.
8 years ago
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petenga 6 months ago
I wished more white women thought the same way you do about dealing with stress. I hope more white women openly offered support group for black men. There is no reason why everyone has to be all uptight about sexual healing. Some white husbands' relish the idea of their wives being stretched out. YOLO(you only live once).
mandilou0303 2 years ago
Exactly! I engage in similar activities, but mine are in private. In some ways, I feel like I am copping  out and should be engaging black men in public for the world to see. BUT….I feel like my “subjects” get more out of defiling a higher class and more attractive white woman behind closed doors. It stays our little secret and they still feel empowered. Secrets and secret activities can be powerful things. :smile:
jj4wp 2 years ago
I am all for WHITE pussy therapy! :smile:. --- Jamal
RemytheWhite 3 years ago
Love it.  We need more white women engaging in sexual reparations.
manofleicester 4 years ago
to ANALOVEMAKER : you are so fucked up man         dream on
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ANALOVEMAKER 4 years ago
to manofleicester : Just stay out of the black man in the white woman's way that's all we ask. 
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manofleicester 4 years ago
to ANALOVEMAKER : lol          oh boy   you really are losing all sense       its funny       so funny  i cant even bring myself at the moment to inform you of some home truths..............chill man  
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manofleicester 4 years ago
to ANALOVEMAKER : man   you need medical help       
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manofleicester 4 years ago
to ANALOVEMAKER : How can anyone be angry with you ......your so funny       carry on dreaming     you freak
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ANALOVEMAKER 4 years ago
to manofleicester : The black man will let go once the white man's. Supremacy is completely dismantled. When you guys are all dressed like females for the black man's pleasure. That's when we'll stop. And believe me we will get there. So if I were you I'd start learning how to wear lipstick
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ANALOVEMAKER 4 years ago
to manofleicester : If letting go has to be in place then why can't the white man let go of his small dick anger? Stay out of the black man and the white woman's way. Okay Pauly Shore? I need the white woman pussy and asshole therapy. Letting go is what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to let go in the white woman's womb. Step aside. Thank you very, very much. This is between the black man and the white woman. This is an A and B conversation. C your way out 
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manofleicester 4 years ago
to ANALOVEMAKER : no anger
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manofleicester 4 years ago
to ANALOVEMAKER : not angry      you are    read your own posts
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manofleicester 4 years ago
to ANALOVEMAKER : Hey   you seem to think you know my mind   clearly you do not..........The black man needs to look into history al races at some point could and should angry     However  letting go has to be in place      never to forget        You seem anti white? at a guess        however you bed a white woman?   Can i ask in your crazy fucked up view of the world      where to black women fit in?
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ANALOVEMAKER 4 years ago
to manofleicester : I have an overwhelming amount of anger. When I see a white woman that anger drives me to a breaking-point. I need her. I need the white woman. I need her anus. Many white women in my life have understood and have sacrificed themselves on the altar of white supremacy to pay their dues. More and more every year. This therapy is already taking place my jealous friend. The next step is to commercialize it. It must become funded by the federal government. We need your women for brutal love making while she diffusers our anger by whispering in the black man's ear. We need the white woman to tell us everything is going to be okay.  You are not a black man or a white woman so how could you know how we feel? Please, Bud Bundy, leave the black man and the white woman alone. We know what we need. What we need is each other. She has the capacity to absorb the black the black man's mans fury. And the black man has 400 years of fury for the white womans womb to absorb. The white woman is stronger than you. She is also more understanding than you. She's been hiding her desires to protect the white man's fragile ego. Now the social rules are loosening. The boundaries that held us apart will soon be no longer. It's only a matter of time. The white woman belongs to the black man, Bud Bundy. There isn't a single thing you can do to stop it. Lots of white men are joining in. They want black cocks too. Black cocks 2, that has a ring to it ,doesn't it? Stay out of our way. Stay out of the black man in the white woman's way. Please pass this message on to the rest of pink dick weasels.✊?
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ANALOVEMAKER 4 years ago
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manofleicester 4 years ago
to ANALOVEMAKER : why anger?    do tell the waiting world   how you feel a victim ...
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manofleicester 4 years ago
to ANALOVEMAKER : What makes you think i am angry         just the opposite  its a funny pile of crap.......hey chill bro  
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ANALOVEMAKER 4 years ago
if its so dumb why does it bother you?
ANALOVEMAKER 4 years ago
to manofleicester : then why does it make you angry? 
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ANALOVEMAKER 4 years ago
EXACTLY! I've been wondering if anyone else ever thought this way! I truly believe this could be an ACTUAL form of therapy, not only for black men, but also white women. As a black man I have a deep, deep anger. Rough intercourse with white women, who understand or can be taught to understand, could ease the social tension. 
manofleicester 6 years ago
this is one stupid made up pile of shit ffs
That's right and this is beautiful it is reparations the black man going to make white people pay Hartley f*** my wife so good she left me and and then they f****** took my dope and beat me up
I love the duties the Ten Commandments
ManofAries 7 years ago
wow man can you be any more mad?
nudini 8 years ago
This is exactly my perception of what an ideal black male/white female relationship should be in today's age. This is the most therapeutic and hot thing ever possible. Even when a black man normally goes on to hit a white girl his self-consciousness of his own identity as well as the historic context of him being with a white girl brings in enough taboo and thus sexual prowess. Also the fact he could potentially conquer her lineage by impregnating her and thus winning the genetic war over white race absolutely drives him over the edge and the bangs the white the most competitive spirit of giving her the best fuck ever as well as blowing off huge loads. You ass into it the day-to-day issues of racism/stereotyping/oppression and I can't even imagine the words that would come out of his mouth and force with which he would hit snowflake's cunt. I'd pay top dollar to witness something like that within two able performers.
sheenaindygirl 8 years ago
yes great therapy indeed, love blondes getting the BBC they deserve
blackdamage28 8 years ago
I'm really glad that she went back did some research and saw what has been happening to black people for a long time. Then she used that to invigorate the sex, not a bad idea(nothing new) as I believe sex should be as primal and as instinctive as possible.
iAmsu 8 years ago