Tantric sex and Yoni massage

a frnd sent this....but very nice..

Tantric Sex and Yoni Massage

Tantric Sex is a path to divine bliss. It is an important technique to have better sex and prolonged orgasm. Tantric Sex can change your entire outlook on sex.

Couples know the mechanics of sex, but the act lacks soul, intimacy and heart.

Tantric Sex is exciting because it uses old basic Indian methods from the 1200's. It teaches how to concentrate your emotions, control seual energy during sex and your partners arousal.

Once you have tried it, you will never want sex any other way. It is utterly and completely satisfying and will have your partner asking for more.

Sex is a form of physical exercise. Sex three times in a week burns lots of calories, and if maintained throughout the year, is equivalent to jogging 75 miles.

Active sex slife helps us live longer. Sex balances out the good cholesterol to bad cholesterol ratio. By having sex three times a week, men reduce their risk of heart attack or stroke by half.

Sex reduces headaches, cold and joint pain. So next time instead of taking the pill, it is your partner you need to take.

We live in a stressful world and it seems to be only getting more and more stressful. As a result, we are all looking for ways to help calm things down and make ourselves feel better. Sex is a great stress releiver. The relaxation after sex is beneficial for the mind and the circulatory system. Sex works like therapy in our stressful lives and helps flush out tension.

Why Tantric Sex and Massage:

Tantric massage can free your mind from the stress of daily life and melt away tension. Thus increasing your chances of achieving a bed-shattering orgasm.

Tantra massage is something that more and more women are discovering as a way to not only relax, but to find the joys and highs of being intimate with someone and trust through an erotic massage.

Many women tend to think that black guy or guy with bronzed muscle are better at sex or can satisfy their need for carnal pleasure. And in the same way men tend to think that younger the girl, more satisfaction thaey have. It's not true.

Though sex is having physical relation, it is mental relation more. Though it seems that we use physical body to have sex, it is stimulated and controlled by mind and for the pleasure factor it is up to the mind.

Secret of Tantric Sex:

Tantric sex can increase your energy, sensual awareness and enhance the quality of your life. Good sex is an art that requires time and attention to flourish. Busy and stressful lifestyles can take their toll and our sex lives are often the first thing to suffer.

Tantric sex guarantees orgasm and feelings of emotional satisfaction for women. Ans men find tantric techniques can help them to keep it up longer, even all night!

One goal of tantric sex is to expand your orgasms from local genital to 'whole body' orgasms. These expand orgasms are where you feel energy rushing up through your body and into the crown of your head.

Tantric sex offers more than just whole body orgasms and all night sex.

Published by orgasmic123
8 years ago
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sexpert76 2 years ago
this is wonderful information ,do you know to perform tantric sex.? I wanted to learnĀ 
Phoolirrukku 5 years ago
Good to know.
ssivalingam 8 years ago
well said
guru4music 8 years ago
As always it's nice to have read what you shared dear..