Letting people find your porn/browsing history
You guys ever think of casualy letting a certain person 'accidentally find you pornstash or browsing history?
You might ask: what would be the benefit of doing such a crazy thing?
-opening people up to another perspective. Maybe on themselves or maybe on you.
-opening up a very juicy conversation or maybe even more.
-exposing somebody to sexual thoughts on an unexpected moment and act on it. Similar to accidentally leaving a 16 year old a dirty magazine on purpose(oke a pre internet 16 year old that is...;)).
-if you are sick and tired of browsing incognito for your flatmate/SO/ shared pc user ;).
-your relationship is awkward and seems damaged forever.
-he/she will never talk to you again.
-he/she will tell others.
-he/she will notify the police.
My sister in law stays over for the weekend every other week. She uses my old laptop in my guestroom sometimes. She is 29 and a reasonably attractive blond. She has been single for 3years now without much intimacy. She is stubborn and difficult sometimes and she is way prudish to be open about sex or any related subject.
I will have some porn in downloaded folder in the trash bin. There will be links to my favorite sites in browser. I selected some extra things that i think she will likely be in to.
My days off are often shared with her while my wife is working. I will not cheat but I at least want to be able to browse porn and chill when she is around.
You might ask: what would be the benefit of doing such a crazy thing?
-opening people up to another perspective. Maybe on themselves or maybe on you.
-opening up a very juicy conversation or maybe even more.
-exposing somebody to sexual thoughts on an unexpected moment and act on it. Similar to accidentally leaving a 16 year old a dirty magazine on purpose(oke a pre internet 16 year old that is...;)).
-if you are sick and tired of browsing incognito for your flatmate/SO/ shared pc user ;).
-your relationship is awkward and seems damaged forever.
-he/she will never talk to you again.
-he/she will tell others.
-he/she will notify the police.
My sister in law stays over for the weekend every other week. She uses my old laptop in my guestroom sometimes. She is 29 and a reasonably attractive blond. She has been single for 3years now without much intimacy. She is stubborn and difficult sometimes and she is way prudish to be open about sex or any related subject.
I will have some porn in downloaded folder in the trash bin. There will be links to my favorite sites in browser. I selected some extra things that i think she will likely be in to.
My days off are often shared with her while my wife is working. I will not cheat but I at least want to be able to browse porn and chill when she is around.
8 years ago