1st Time you blew a load
I was young and was jerking off. I blew a small load and was quickly addicted.
First time I came I think I was probably jerking to scrambled HBO around 1994 or 1995. Felt like I peed. My first legit orgasm I remember was my girlfriend blowing me in 98.
I was in 7th grade with a broken ankle sitting in the tub next thing I knew it felt really good and I was wearing jizz on my stomach, I've jerked off 2x a day since!
I was young and was jerking off. I blew a small load and was quickly addicted.
First time I came I think I was probably jerking to scrambled HBO around 1994 or 1995. Felt like I peed. My first legit orgasm I remember was my girlfriend blowing me in 98.
I was in 7th grade with a broken ankle sitting in the tub next thing I knew it felt really good and I was wearing jizz on my stomach, I've jerked off 2x a day since!
8 years ago
Can't say the year or exactly where it falls within my life, but my tallywhacker was still small, about the diameter of my thumb then, about 3" long, and bald, with maybe a couple of dark hairs.
I had learned to masturbate a few years earlier, before my first decade, while sitting on the toilet one day without much to do. It was right there in front of me and I started messing with it out of who-knows-why, and it suddenly felt really good.
The problem was that I wasn't sure exactly what I had done to it to make it feel that way, resulting in some period of experimentation, along with hearing Gordon Lightfoot periodically singing "the feeling's gone, and I just can't get it back" in the back of my head. Finally, after a lot of trial and error, I settled on a technique of rolling my penis between my palms, like a ceramics project, with increasing pressure and speed, which would reliably give me an orgasm, which, of course, did not invovlve any cum.
The problem with this technique was that, when done right (ie: really fast and hard), it would also smush up my urethra pretty substantially (actually, this may have been the reason why it worked), which could make it hurt to pee for a day or two if I'd been working it particularly hard.
I suspect it also led to my first experimenting with sounding, only a few years later, using a ballpoint pen refill, when my dick was still small and nearly hairless – I was accustomed to, and liked, that feeling of urethral stimulation, so I was drawn to do more of it.
Anyway, with that background, back to the question of when I first blew a load.
I used to "mess around" with my li**le br**h*r back then.
You couldn't call it sexual activity, as neither of us had any idea what sex was.
I had a solid "Where Did I Come From?" understanding of reproduction, but those books never bothered to explain anything about the really good feelings that a Mo**y and a Da**y got when they “decided to make a b*by,” and there was nobody around with a vagina (whatever that was), and I wasn't putting my penis into one, so none of this registered on that level.
Typically, we would bang and rub each other's cocks. This wasn't just an "alone" activity, as he had a tendency to try to sucker-punch me in my nuts at any random time on any day, and I would try to unexpectedly grab his the same way.
[can't get this tiny section to post]
He was flicking my cock with his finger, hard (catch index finger behind thumb and FLICK), over and over again, and it was starting feel really good.
As he was doing this, clear slippery liquid started coming out of it, just a little drop or two, very slowly. I had never had that happen before, and found it a little concerning, but it felt really good, so I didn't want to stop him from whacking his finger into the head very hard.
Suddenly, it started to feel REALLY good, and then more of the clear stuff came out all at once, as I was orgasming, and my little cock was pulsing over and over again.
After that, every time I masturbated, clear slippery liquid would come out, and it would come out if I was really turned on as well. I think it took almost a year before white cum came out when I ejaculated. Until then, I thought dogs came white, but people came clear, as I had seen a dog cum once before.
So, that's the first time I blew a load, with my k*d bro flicking my cock head over and over as hard as he could.