My training

My newest owner appears quite pleased with me. I've impressed him by demonstrating a capacity for marathon cock-sucking, cum-swallowing, and ball-licking. He's even had me tongue his asshole until I learned to like it. He's taken my ass pussy on several occasions and has complemented my ability to stay tight even after a straight hour of fucking. And he's subjected me to some pretty rough treatment without my calling out our safe-word. Yes, my Daddy is pretty proud of me and I'm pretty damn proud of myself. Daddy says I'm shaping up to be "a real keeper". But he's adamant that he's going to keep pushing my limits until I'm a properly broken bitch. And so it comes to pass that my next task is a major one: I'm to become his personal urinal. This is one area I've been very, very, very hesitant to enter. But my love for my Daddy, and my desire to please him, is stronger than any aversion. So I've buckled under and reluctantly consented. Daddy tailored a training program for this task and, to my initial surprise, it's proceeding well. I've managed to down several of Daddy's special cocktails: a blend of his urine, Mountain Dew, and crushed ice, each drink being stronger than the last. I'm now up to 4 parts urine to a single part Mountain Dew. In a show of hubris, I got ahead of myself once and tried taking it "straight and hot". But it proved too strong for me, and I only embarrassed myself. The spanking Daddy gave me afterward was nothing compared to the blow my ego took for letting my Daddy down. Nevertheless, I'm now committed to one day soon swallowing the longest, strongest, hottest stream Daddy can give me, directly from the spout, without spilling a drop...and smiling afterwards. Wish me luck!
Published by andreaheiss
8 years ago
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Your daddy must be proud of you
andreaheiss Publisher 8 years ago
Thank you for the encouraging words. Like I said, this is an area I wouldn't have gone into on my own. It's all about pleasing my Daddy. If Daddy is happy, then I'm happy.