She wasn't alone Pt. 1

I worked the late shift usually. The cubicles were quiet, desk chairs still. Ticking in the air was the sound of my finger strokes across the keys. I felt calm in the stillness until I heard a sound in the distance. Rick the guard worked the night shift with me. But what was he doing on my floor? Brushing off the sound I began typing away. Tension in my shoulders began to increase. It had been a long day and even longer since I'd been touched. I couldn't focus. Keeping my eyes steady on the screen I tried to complete my sentences. Every attempt at progress was halted by flashes of perversion on my mind; images of my body strewn across the desk, my clothes tearing at the grip of a ravenous lover, played like a movie reel in my thoughts. With every thought came a pulsation between my legs. Pressure was building between my thighs as I clenched them tighter. But it was back to work. Shrugging off the thoughts I resumed typing.

From the silence the sound of steps approaching caught my attention. "Who's there?" I call out, but no one answers. Turning my chair I see nothing but darkness behind me, one solitary lamp illuminating a corner of the room on a vacant desk. Feeling nervous, my chest becomes tight. I know someone's there. I can feel them watching. I hear the sound of steps resume. "Is someone there?" I call out again. No response. I carry on with my work. Excusing the sounds I hear, I try to focus. This time I'm interrupted by a hand quickly grasping my mouth. "Mmm, mmm!" I mumble and beg but my capturer doesn't speak.

Terrified I begin to struggle against the grasp. His grip is strong. My attempts become increasingly difficult. His free hand begins unbuttoning my blouse, a button at a time. I can feel his warm, humid, breath against my neck. I don't want to like it but I do. I grab his hand trying fiercely to remove it but he continues. His hand has made it's way into my bra. His fingertips are warm against my hard nipples. Moaning and wriggling, I mumble,"Stop, please!" He likes hearing me beg. His breathing increases on my neck.

Grabbing me by the throat, he squeezes gently. He speaks. "Just give in." His voice sounds like velvet and I am too weak to fight. My legs glide apart, giving him full access to my wetness. My body collapses against his chest as his curious fingers make their way up my inner thigh. My panties are soaked. I want my capturer. My body begs him to take me. He makes no qualms of obliging. Sliding up my skirt, moving my panties to the side, he slips a finger down my slit. His thick fingers opening my lips apart. His fingertip dances slow, gentle circles against my clit. He knows the perfect amount of pressure. I whimper,"Ppplease..."

His large hand wraps around the back of my neck as his pushes me forward against the desk. His strength pins me against the countertop. His body is rigid against me. The bulge from his hard cock presses into the soppy mess that has become my pussy. I need his cock in this moment. A belt begins to jangle, his pants come unzipped and I know it's time. The bulge has emerged a hard cock, the tip of which thrusting gently against my opening. Keeping me pinned, he eases my panties to the side again. With one quick thrust he's inside me.

Published by Yumyumpsy1
8 years ago
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coorsltman1979 8 years ago
Very hot
mrthickness44 8 years ago
luvembig22 8 years ago
Great start can't wait for pt.2
SourKr3am 8 years ago
Hope pt 2 tells just how rough you like it.