TANL, part four

"You came to see me?" I asked Miranda, taking in her angry expression and inability to meet my eye. "First, how the hell do you know where I live?" I crossed to the left seat near the front window, the one whose back faces the corner, and sat down, catching the expression of Ken, the front desk guy, out of the corner of my eye. Miranda sat down facing me. "Because you told me the night I poured the drink on you," she said, her expression somewhat smug. I sighed. "Look, if this is some more "tools of the oppressor" bullshit you've been sending us, you realize that you're in this building without permission, and I can arrest you." She glared at me. "No, this isn't about that. This is about you and...you know." I fought the urge to facepalm and calmly said "No, I don't know what you mean, and I'd appreciate it if you stopped playing these c***dish games. I'd like to go to bed now." She looked at me and said. "This is personal. I'd like a drink." I bit off the assholish retort I was about to shoot from the hip with and said, "fine, Miranda. One drink. And then I'd really like to sleep, because today I've been working undercover at the airport and I'm really tired." Yes, I was lying, but Miranda was annoying me, A) because she poured a drink on me and B) she had a schoolmarmish look on her face that really didn't bode well for me getting any sleep tonight.

We took the elevator up to my apartment in silence, she not looking at me while I stood with my head down fighting the urge to tell her to leave. I unlocked the door and silently poured her a scotch, then stood looking at her. "Okay. Talk." She took away half the drink in a single swallow, patted her lips and said "I know you fucked my friend." Coming from those lips the swear word caught me off guard. Taking a swallow of my Killian's, I smiled. "And which friend would this be, my dear?" I was patronizing her because she was starting to get on my nerves. Of course, she then said 'Angie'," I almost stuffed the bottle of Killian's down my throat. "Angie?" I croaked. "Angie is your friend?"

I don't think you remember this story, mainly because I didn't tell it. So, before you have a coronary, or I do, let me explain:

Wednesday I was sitting on the bench in front of the Chicago Diner, legs crossed, watching things and people go by. I was not drinking in public-I am not that stupid, and besides, it was early afternoon-and nodding to people who walked by. As I sat there, Justin, the cabbie, drove by and parked a few steps away, then got out and sat on the bench next to me. As we watched things go by, he said to me "I was heading for the Skyway when a couple of your friends stopped me." "Yeah?" I asked without interest. "Who?" Couple of guys named Ecker and Gromli." "Aw, fuck," I grunted.

Ecker's an asshole, but a likeable asshole. Joe Gromli is a complete waste of oxygen who had to be booted out of Wesley Avenue because he ran afoul of the cops who like t-girls. To make a long story even shorter, we found out he fought one of the girls, so a few of us organized a blanket party for him, and left him so distraught he needed to go on leave. The thing is, I put out the word-because I'm not the only guy who openly dates transwomen on the police force-what he had done, and while some guys were still cool with him, others gave him the coldest of the shoulders. "Anyway," Justin went on "Gromli insisted he was going to get even with the guys who attacked him." "Fuck him" I replied "ask him when he's gonna get even with all those illegitimate k**s he's got." Then, offhandedly "what was the name of that girl he called himself attacking?" Of course, there's no way Justin could know, so I answered myself. "Angie, wasn't it?" I stood up. "Justin, you have time? I'll pay you to take me somewhere. Over on Race and Irwin Park." "Tonio, you know..." No. I said I'd pay you and you don't have to wait for me. Besides, most of the businessmen aren't around for another hour or so." I walked to the cab, and after a second, he sighed and followed.

Ten minutes later we pulled up at Race and Irwin Park. I got out of the cab and dropped a ten on the passenger seat as Justin drove away. I walked a half a block north and, taking the stairs two at a time, knocked on the left door of the double-doored brownstone. I knocked again, and finally the door opened and a beautiful brunette older Latina woman stood looking at me with solidly black eyes, arms folded. I cleared my throat. "Excuse me, but are you Angela Torrera?" I gave her my most engaging smile and, taking out my wallet, showed her my badge. "My name's Antonio Fielder, and I'd like to ask you a few questions about an altercation you had with a..." I pretended to consult my memory banks "Joseph Gromli?" She looked at me, and those eyes...they were whirlpools of emotion. She didn't unfold her arms, but from my vantage point-I was a good six or seven inches taller than her-she had a good set of breasts. Fuck, I thought, my kryptonite: short people. She then spoke in a voice that I'm sure launched a thousand sexual fantasies. "How do I know you're really a cop? You probably are in league with that motherfucker." God, she was sexy. No wonder Fucktard wanted to fight her, she was so much hotter than most cis girls, he couldn't understand it. Guys like him are dipshits. Aloud I said "No, Miss Torrera, I am assuredly not 'in league' with him. May I come in?" She looked around, then pointed to a guy walking up the street and said "if anything happens to me, that guy will kill you." I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "understood, ma'am." I said.

She turned and walked away from me, and I saw she had a lovely rear, moving side to side like a metronome. We took our seats at the living room table, and she looked at me. "Well?" she prodded. I said "Officer Gromli is no longer in our district. He was removed from the precinct after his attack." She looked away for a second, then came back to me. "His attack?" she said. I nodded. "He was attacked near the precinct and moved to a different one in on the South Side. I actually came to you today to find out if you wanted to press-" "Were you the one who attacked him?" she suddenly cut in. I took a shocked breath. "I can't talk about..." She smiled at me. "I recognized your name as soon as you said it. You're the cop who at least tries to be fair to the girls. A lot of them think you're an asshole, but a fair one. Thing is, you've got a lot of friends down on Vanderbilt, they talk about you like you're a great guy. I knew your name but not your face. And then it turns out you're black! I love black men." Well, this complicates things, I thought. Aloud I said, "well, that's mighty kind of you, ma'm." (Why the fuck am I talking like Brisco County Jr.?) She stood up and moved closer to me. "Kind, nothing" she said in a sultry voice. "I just decided...that I want to fuck you." I tilted my head back and looked up at her. And then she bit her lip and I was lost. I pulled her down to me and kissed her. Her lips tasted faintly of fruit-kiwi? I thought dimly. I tore away from her and my mind was whirling. "Sara" I thought, trying to cut down the desire that was running through me like a blade. It wasn't working.

I realized that my next move would be the one that made the decision for me. I tried to stand up and run out the door, but my legs wouldn't move. I tried to voice objection, but that didn't happen either. And then she pulled her sweater over her head. No bra. Her breasts were...well, beautiful wouldn't begin to describe it. I'm in trouble, I thought. And then she began to titty-slap me gently, each slap landing like a tiny depth charge. I'm screwed, I thought. I tried to will my thickening erection back to sleep and it laughed at me and continued to lengthen.

She got my pants down and had my cock in her mouth immediately. It turned to steel in seconds as she ran her lips over it, her head moving up, down, up, down. I looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes. Mentally I begged my body not to respond, and yet again my body jeered and made my hands move up to her head, forcing her up, down, up, down. She pulled away and, taking my big hand in her tiny one, dragged me to her bedroom. She closed the door and locked it (which I should have noticed, which came into play later) then finished undressing, finally reaching her white panties, in which the outline of her tiny cock stood in sharp relief. "Are you enjoying this?" she finally whispered to me, to which I could only nod as if d**gged. She smiled and finally peeled them off. The next thing I knew she was in my lap, madly kissing me while grinding her sizable booty all over my crotch.

She shoved me back on the bed and slowly lowered her ass to my mouth...but then she stopped. She looked down at me and said "I'm only going to do this once with you. When I'm out with my girlfriend, I don't want you mentioning this..." "my girlfriend?" I thought stupidly. It had never occurred to me that she would have a girl---then she sat on my face and I stopped thinking for awhile. When I came back to consciousness, she was riding my face yelling "EAT ME, PAPI!" down at me, trying to suffocate me. My legs kicked futilely, the only part of me trying to resist what was happening.

Then I realized she was really getting into it, squeezing my face into her asscheeks, forcing my tongue deeper into her. I was running out of breath when she suddenly jumped off of me and, although she was crying "no, no, no!" her tiny girl cock began squeezing out cum. She lowered her head and looked at me. And then...she gave me an extremely devilish smile. And then she said, "You. You're not done yet."

The next thing I knew, which took a minute or so because I had been entranced by her tiny cock putting out so much cum, she was lowering herself onto my penis, which took to her heat like a bat to a cave. She began bucking on me, rolling her ass, and dimly from the corner of my eye I saw a red light. Was someone recording? Who gave a fuck? I mean, she was GOING,riding me like crazy and I realized-just as my dick began to stiffen to the point of orgasm-that she was trying to get me to cum inside her. She leaned over to me and said "growl for me, oso." Just as she said that, and just as my cock gave its life milk inside her cunt, as she threw back her head and howled, I realized what was up. Someone WAS recording. I turned my face to the pillow and bit it, growling my orgasm noises into it. Panting, she climbed off me and gazed down at me. "So." I was fumbling for what to say. "You're recording me." She looked shocked. I went on. "The question is, WHY are you recording me? I don't think blackmail is an idea you have thought through, and blackmailing a cop is..what?" She began to laugh. "I'm not recording you. My boyfriend is." "YOUR BOYFRIEND?" I yelled. "What the fuck for?" "She smiled. "Because we like watching guys fuck me. You just happened to be today's volunteer. And we don't have any intention of blackmailing you, now or ever!" I shook my head, truly angry for the first time. "So all that stuff you said to me..."

"Was all true" she interrupted. "Every bit of it." I climbed out of bed and started dressing. "I don't want to know why your boyfriend was recording but now that I know he was, I'm cool with it. But, if anything happens with that video other than you watching it, you'll be seeing it from a federal prison." She stood up on tiptoe and kissed me. "No worries, oso. I felt like I owed you for getting rid of that pig for me." I gazed at her, then smiled and kissed her back. "It was nice to make your acquaintance, ma'm. Next time, be more careful with your battles. You're good at-trying not to be crude- what you do. Don't work on Vanderbilt."

"...so you see" I smiled at Miranda "the whole thing was simply fun and games. Now, if there's nothing else...."

"So that's your plan?" she said scornfully. "You're gonna love my friends and leave them because you can't screw me?" I shook my head and gave her my strongest glare as my voice lowered to near whisper levels, trying to communicate just how ridiculous I found this whole thing. "Miranda, I don't know what's wrong with you and how many of these horrible romance novels you read, but you need to stop applying them to real life. Let's be clear. You poured a drink on me because you found out I was a police officer. You know who does things like that? People who read too many books and think it's cool." As I was about to deliver the knockout blow and give her the bum's rush out of my apartment, the downstairs buzzer rang. I pressed the button and said "Hello?" And then, the one thing happened that I didn't want to: Sara's sexy voice said "I'm back from Florida!!" I looked at Miranda and thought. "Oh fuck. How do I get out of this one?"

Published by asphalt3
8 years ago
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