More sillinesss

You know what's great about my life? I no longer have to punch strangers in elevators.

The Beatles blew. And I say that because they're my friend Dave's favorite band. And what I like to do is find that Dave has some music that he loves, that he cherishes, and I like to make him feel bad for it. That's what makes me different than the other people. I will take down the giants, even if I happen to adore them, to cause you a little ill feelings. Let's face it, I don't play at the shallow end of the pool. I'm gonna go up and attack Pearl Jam, Bruce Springsteen, The Beatles, Dylan; anyone that Dave likes, just to pull the carpet out.

How many times have you been out with someone and they say, 'I don't like seafood.'? 'Well then you're a dick.'

We have all been out somewhere with your vegan friends where they say, 'They don't have any vegan dishes here?' 'NO! They don't. They kill steer, chop them up, and eat them. Don't act shocked.'

When I was a k**, my dad said, 'Eat your vegetables.' and he handed me a bucket of shrimp.

I walked sea to sea once. I walked from the Hudson to the East River. It took me three days, but I loved the trip. I got to see so much of NY, so much of Manhattan.

This website is so bad that your chick will have to lean over and smell your dick when you get done.

What the fuck is up with ****lay game! Why does every nation we conquer have to become all weird with ****,i****t and shit porn. ( sometimes chickens too, iam looking at you germany)

every Italian in the world would have to die before I found myself going to Pizza Hut. Between Pizza Hut and Dominos or Lil Ceasers, That's like picking out your favorite p*******e.

Speaking of Pizzia, I was just in Chicago with that bundt cake pizza that they love.

Taylor Swift, Did she used to be known as Taylor Dane?

Carnies and Rubes. Or as we used to say, Carnies and Butt Lubes. and when they'd walk away, we'd say, "I bet he's a bottom.'

Thank you for not being another fucking cinder block I have to carry all day....

Was Frankenstein a Jew?

They do sell canned water ...they all it coors.

In the future cars ars gonna communicate with traffic lights. It will take the ability away from the driver whe it sees a yellow light. The driver will try to gun it and the car will no no, hang on, we are stopping.

I don't think that reality programming should be discussed. It just something you watch, because you're letting your life slip by.

If I was Gay I would keep it a secret. I would be so ashamed that I would keep it a secret, and then I would see a shrink.

It might seem like I don't give a fuck....and it's because I don't

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Published by guny
14 years ago
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