1st cousin fun 1

I was at home 1 weekend and decided to have a drink.
About an hour later at about 9pm,my cousin turned up at my house.
We was in living room and kitchen just chatting and drinking.
Id always had a crush on her.i was about 36 at time and she was about 17.she is blonde and about 5'8 tall and slim to med build and trim.she is very attractive too.easy going girl.after a few more drinks and a few hours later i said to her do you fancy a game of cards. She said ye cool can do.
I said what do you know to play.she said i dont know any games.
So i sujested snap as i knew how it would end up.
So after few more drinks and games later,i sujested a game of strip snap.i wanted to see her strip or for her to see me naked.
We was both loseing a game each and in item each.
She had few extra items to cheat me with so i ended u naked first.
Then we stopped for a bit as she went a bit shy and laffing saying she couldnt beleave id stripped.
My cock got hard too so i know she saw my cock.she said to me,i cant beleave u stripped naked.i replied we have seen it all before im sure.
Then after few mins we re played and i made sure we both ended up in underwear.
I lost and ended up naked.she was in bra and pants and i told her to twirl for me and show me her lush bum whitch she did
I said to her,take of ur bra and show me ur tits, it was only fare as iv been totaly naked twice and she has seen all of me,after few mins and bit of talking into it she took her bra of and held her boobs at first.she could see i was hard and horney as i was still naked.i asker her if i could see her tits a few times a.d eventualy she removed her hands and showed me them for a few seconds.
Then we stopped playing and carried on drinking till about 3am and went to bed seperatley.
She was in spare room.i was wanking all night a cum so many times thinking about the night.

Next day nothing was said so roll on next storie ;)

Published by wayne0166
8 years ago
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