Doctor Chorch Odyssey

Our ship was called "Incunabulum". My team was engaged in development of the new worlds: tried to make them suitable for dwelling of the person. The crew consisted of only several people, with us three passengers who planned to remain on one recently colonized planet also followed. We were ten people. We had to sit down on the small planet to take away some package from the database of station. The planet was so small that had even no name - only number. And here my team was landed on this planet, it was the hilly terrain, with some fancy bushes, on wind the grass, a star a bright sun waved, I saw as the mountain small river flows and this beauty inspired me, this place could be the beautiful new house for mankind... When our team passed slightly further in depth of these beautiful mountains we saw the ship - can be on by us here already someone was before, we decided to study it and approached on closer, near the ship some musty smell began to be felt as though something decays, one of our companions he was called Quentin Clark decided to look inside, came, there it was dark and cool – a smell of decay amplified, Clark included a lamp, it saw a horrific image – on a floor in some slippery pool lay dismembered a corpse of the person, a tatter of skin and the remains of his hands and legs hanged down from a body, holy Christ told Clark and told us - go here here occurred something awful, we came in inside at me intercepted breath from what was seen … Lyusian Chyorch asked that she in general here does this ship and where other crew members? I do not know Clark answered and told we will go from here, here stinks and it is time for us to start further researches of this planet. When we left back, on the street the bright sun still shone and sounds of singing of cicadas were heard, I deeply inhaled in myself more fresh air as I did not get used to such stench that was by that ill-fated ship with a corpse … Someone from team unexpectedly shouted – and what there for black points? these points went to our party, Amis Dzhokhanson got the portable field-glass from a bag and considered these points and with horror shuddered from what was seen it there were strangers! To be evacuated by all back on the ship, Clark cried, we began to run, but to our ship was far, strangers caught up with us quicker.
It was awful, monsters similar to a hybrid of a huge bug with a pangolin slippery with a vile smile on a muzzle, seized with teeth keen as a razor and claws from which dense slime exuded me and my team, dragged somewhere in depth of the planet, is far from our ship. I was told somehow what fate waits for those whom strangers will drag off in the den, from this thought I fainted and already could not see further as we were dragged. When I regained consciousness I understood that we were brought in some cave where was very dark and there was the same musty smell as well as on that ship with a corpse when strangers approached us, I suddenly noticed that on a floor some small beings similar to spiders lie. They had long, coiling tails, just the same as at huge pangolins, but here similarity came to an end...
Lyusian and Jason Chyorch stood, trying to cover and ready the first to be sent to paws of monsters. Rebecca quietly cried, her voice full of despair was muffled by hissing of the strangers anticipating pleasure.
One creature seized Amis Dzhokhanson. The person in horror cried when the second lower jaw of the stranger was pushed forward and slowly carried out by the terrifying slizky teeth on Amis's cheek covered with a bristle. The disgusting being hissed and threw Dzhokhanson on a floor.
After that the monster again slowly extended the black lapishcha with huge claws forward and seized Dzhokhanson by hair, sharply pulled and pulled out quite big shred. The person touched with a hand the bleeding head and started back.
The stranger some time studied the shred of hair which remained with it in claws then threw them on a floor and inclined the extended vile head aside as if watched how hair s**tter on a dirty sticky floor.
"Why..." - I thought, but did not manage to finish thought because the stranger seized me.
The monster pushed one the sharp, stinking of some muck paw in me in a mouth and began to investigate language. I choked and tried to cast away the head back, but the stranger strong seized me by a nape, continuing the researches.
Still somehow maintained a cave stench, but disgustingly smelling slizky paw investigating a mouth exhausted all patience... me pulled out. Half the digested food which mixed up with bile filled in fingers of a monster and began to roll down on a cave floor.
The stranger inclined the head aside and released me, then brought the paw soiled by vomiting to the brilliant teeth and hissed …
One by one strangers came forward, touched people, broke from them clothes felt and sniffed at them, touched intimate places … None of members of small crew happened to hear about similar behavior of these individuals. Beings from a nightmare investigated them, and this survey seemed to people more awful, than instant death. The smiling, vile monsters were engaged in studying of people in the fetid den.
- Rebecca! - wild shout of Quentin Clark was heard.
I turned on a sound and saw how Clark with despair tries to be released from the stranger's paws which are strong squeezing it. Rebecca's mother lay on an u*********s floor.
For the girl two strangers fought. one of them held it by hands and made some low, ominous sounds. Grasped with the second Rebecca's leg and pulled it on itself. His desperate cries mixed up with shouts of pain and Rebecca's horror.
Judith was rushed forth - at last the program put in her was made active - and seized the stranger by the paw pulling to itself the girl's leg.
The terrifying sound of the breaking bone and the broken-off muscles was heard. Both strangers started back back, crying out something among shouts of the dying Rebecca. From that place where there was just a leg, blood rushed. The girl let out the last cry, blood went with a new force, and then Rebecca was left to lie without the movement: her heart stopped.
At this moment began to shout all. Praying and sobbing, Lyusian Chyorch pressed to herself the son. Louise Clark recovered consciousness, and they together with the husband made an attempt to reach the daughter.
Judith was seized by one of the strangers watching the events, and then that whom she tried to stop raised the torn-off Rebecca's leg from a floor and began to beat with it Judith. Judith was not programmed on similar. It stopped, from her body the structure on appearance reminding milk s**ttered and Clark mixed up with Rebecca's blood. Judith fell, her hands still tried to hit someone, to her the third stranger jumped up and flung away her aside.
- In total - back! Depart back! - suddenly Taylor cried, raising a hand.
It kept in it something black and big. It was the grenade. I with horror watched how Taylor rushed to the biggest group of the squealing strangers. There was a feeling of irreplaceable loss, despair, hopelessness... I silently stood still …
Explosion followed, Jason Chyorcha's body moved. The roar for several seconds muffled shouts of monsters. I these seconds prayed to God if he after all exists that the grenade killed all strangers...
- Killed only two, it was all the same that nothing.
- After explosion of the grenade strangers did not begin to waste time. We were divided. I was taken away in the depth of a cave. On the way I saw what happened to crew
that second ship.
I did not stop resisting, but understood what is it is all the same senseless, fought while there were forces, the stranger holding me in the paws persistently went further along dimly lit, disgustingly smelling cave corridors.
I allowed a monster to carry myself further and began to look around searching though some exit. If somewhere there was also an aperture, I did not manage to notice it. The impression was made that the cave is punched in the firm rock with the one and only manhole - through what they got there.
Though bunged up a nose and from it constantly flew, nevertheless all the time felt a stench of cave air. Now, when they turned in the following corridor, this smell still amplified.
Suddenly from a ceiling something dripped, I raised the head up and all contracted at the sight of a horrific image. For this horror there was a wish to shout by an inhuman voice from which I was on the verge of loss of consciousness.
Under a ceiling hung about dozen of people. Their naked bodies swelled, mouths were open as if they tried to shout, but no sounds from throats escaped. There were both women, and men. Their heads and extremities were oddly weaved into the pattern which is thought up by monsters. It was the grotesque picture, the live lane created by perverts. These people did not die, but also were not living. However, some already went to a next world - and the disgusting smell proceeded from their decaying corpses from which on a floor liquid periodically dripped.
"They are used as incubators, - rushed at me in the head. - Ah, that is why we were not killed at once. We are expected by the same fate".
The stranger dragged me further. In some places people hung under a ceiling so low that their hanging-down legs and hands touched me, cold dead fingers touched my cheek. I was carried to the latest underground room and inconsiderately thrown to a naked distant wall. The pool of some greenish-gray slime stood nearby. Muddy slime teemed with unclear larvae, but I did not even think of what they are intended for and why they in general here are bred. I could not look away from the flesh which is hanging down from a ceiling, lost ability to think and do some assumptions as was in full catalepsy.
I was tied to a wall a thick layer of slime and some material bearing a faint resemblance to ropes - just the same, as well as those that made a web under a ceiling. Hands fixed over the head, raised one leg up, and left the second on a floor. The stranger made some sounds which are bearing a faint resemblance to chirping, - can, laughed thus? Having bound, the stranger turned and left me one - to puzzle over what waits for me in the near future.
There passed several hours. Blows of drops about a floor - that liquid that fell from above, from the decaying corpses, and periodic silent postanyvaniye of the fainted people incubators long ago were the only sounds reaching.
Passed an hour more, and one more, and still. I lost count of time. The dim light getting into a cave through cracks in a ceiling grew dim, became absolutely dark, then it appeared again - probably, behind walls of a cave there came new day, I some time simply shouted, then fell asleep. Having woken up, again published an inhuman cry. But nothing changed. Everything remained still.
From where from far away shouts of other people sobbing and begging about something reached. Then and they stopped. Now I could not answer honestly myself a question whether my destiny concerns others or not: there came such moment when in general something ceased to concern. My eyes and a nose were corroded by the terrifying stench, two strangers broke off the girlfriend at me in the eyes, on part, and then showed what waits for me further...
When strangers at last appeared, I did not know, was not able to define precisely that I test. Two black shadows passed forward, by the web which is hanging down from above, directly to me And I with horror looked at them and tried to collect the thoughts...
"They came to kill me?"
I smiled and burst out laughing, welcomed monsters unfamiliar the most-voiced - some high and squealing. At last there will come the simplification...
I tried to invest the thoughts with words, but nothing was impossible. In the head there was the same darkness, as well as around a body. The fact that in general it is still live, it... tried to find a proper word to describe incredibility of the fact that held on so many hours. Miracle! - at last dawned on me. This miracle that it is still live" I Ya began to thank strangers for the fact that they at last came for me. I wanted to die, could not remain more here, in this hell. I nodded it and muttered something, ears did not learn the sounds escaping from a mouth. At last I will receive release, will cease to corrode eyes, the body will stop aching from pain, and I will sleep, sleep eternally and any more I will not see any nightmares... but I was mistaken.
They came to feed me, - I said to myself in low tones. - One stranger started the muzzle in the corpse which is hanging down from a ceiling, and then went to me, covered my mouth with the and tried to jostle to me in a throat the decayed flesh. They wanted that I lived at least though some time... Process of feeding was interrupted with an awful cry, I never assumed that the person can make a similar sound, and nevermore heard anything similar to that shout - to, later. It was possible to call shout human only because it took off from the man's throat - Quentin Clark, the truth already lost human shape by that moment. One more stranger dragged it in that part of a cave where held me. Clark continued to shout. His lips were filled in by blood from torn vocal chords. He went crazy from what was seen and endured in this fetid hell.
- Clark lost one hand to an elbow, around a stump some rag was tightened: someone tried to impose a plait. On the place of genital body there was a huge hole.
The skin tatter splodgy with blood and pieces of the torn-off flesh hanged down extensively. Quentin Clark did not cease to shout, even when they inclined his head to a pool of greenish-gray slime and forced it to drink. They hung his head in this slime with larvae, then pasted his head to a wall. It
continued to shout all this time. He shouted and after they left, several hours in a row until at last became hoarse completely and could make only some gurgling sounds which are bearing a faint resemblance to a cackle of chicken. Then I tried to lose the tongue.
- As you can guess, I did not manage it. I do not know why strangers left me in live and why I was separated from my friends.
It is not excluded, as all others were held separately from each other: I just am not aware. Probably, I was the last on whom they put the experiments. I
did not understand that they wanted from us. Probably, I will never manage to understand it... I as if moved to another dimension: lost touch with reality. I am not sure, what is the time it proceeded: probably, there are a lot of days. My reason was just disconnected... then I caught some movement nearby, suddenly felt an acute pain, pinned up all body, too in many places of a body that the human reason could count quantity of painful points. I moaned because numb hands and legs ached for fatigue as if shouted in indignation. It seemed to me that in them is at the same time stuck by thousands of needles. I was roughly lifted from a floor by huge lapishch.
Before us in a pool of slime the dead man lay. His body inflated to incredibility. I thought that I did not happen to see once this person, only could remember in any way, where exactly.
"He at last ceased to shout...".
The stranger holding me dragged me from a pool and from a corpse, somewhere in eternal darkness.
In the new room where I was brought, some movement was felt. I was lowered on a dirty slizky floor and I lay, having writhed, listened to some new sounds in this new place - someone sucked something and champed.
Inside at me as if click was distributed.
I wearily raised the head and shuddered, already long time some strange dreams - about the ship, the shouting Quentin Clark hanging the head in a slime pool dreamed …
"Yes he actually shouted, - I suddenly remembered, - and could not stop in any way. Same 'there was not a dream..."
I understood what is in full consciousness and it was not pleasant at all. I did not want anything to understand. Now everything recured to the memory. Probably, it was disconnected for some time, and strangers returned then, removed from a wall and brought here...
I looked round around and saw strange ovoid deepenings in high walls then crept several meters on a lap, tried to rise to the feet and noticed that nearby huge black monsters crowded. They watched the coiling human figure - the woman inflated to the improbable sizes. Her hands were attached to a floor, it already weakened from pain from which at it periodically distorted all body, I understood that it appeared in their maternity cave. Louise Clark has to give rise.
Strangers did not pay any attention to me. They surrounded the groaning woman and exchanged words in the unclear language, making the sounds reminding chirping and hissing. I was dumbfounded, having seen the events, in horror could not move either a hand, or a leg. In full powerlessness watched how one of monsters approached the woman and gently lowered the huge lapishcha on her naked, inflated to the extraordinary sizes stomach. The monster stroked it and broke the clothes remains from the woman's body. I saw the skin stretched to a limit.
"I have to make something somehow to help it", - rushed in my head …
I all shivered, so there were a wish to faint and fail in emptiness again, but understood that I all the same am not able to help it.
In Louise's stomach Clark some movement as if the finger moved under the blanket sewed from human skin began. All distorted Louise, her back was curved, the mouth opened to cry, but from a throat did not escape a sound, she only sharply inhaled air.
Her eyes opened and stopped on my face. She looked fool in the face one infinitely long second which seemed eternity. I never saw on any face of such flour and pain.
"My God, she knows what occurs, - She realizes that now has to happen!"
Louise wound the head here and there on a dirty floor on which lay. Its movements became more and more uncontrollable, in the inflated stomach something moved, ready to escape outside. Her mouth opened again, and this time she actually cried, and so that at me eardrums nearly burst. In its shout pain, a death agony and understanding of horror of the events mixed up.
Broke off it, blood began to gush forth up, pieces of bodies and flesh took off. She continued to shout while she was living. The stranger, closest to Louise Clark, started a paw in her pulsing body and took out a tiny parasite, a cub stranger from there …
Louise Clark died with open eyes. It executed the mission - what was chosen for it by strangers. They got two more awful beings soiled by the woman's blood from Louise's body. Adult creatures heatedly hissed, holding in paws of the little, still weak, writhing cubs. Newborn strangers differed from arachnoid creations which I saw in the same cave earlier. They were more extended form, something reminded eels.
"Probably, beings, those, similar to spiders, were the first step of evolution, and here to me the terrible thought which forced to shudder went to the head: - She gave rise to triplets!"
Me pulled out again, I was surprised to it as for a long time did not eat food, and everything that was eaten by the ship, took off in the first hour of the conclusion in this cave. Now from a throat some pieces of the blood-stained flesh got. Having seen it and having felt its smell, I all shuddered from what vomiting went again.
Strangers did not pay any attention to me. They began to shout, and spitefully and angrily. I raised the head. The feeling of vomiting still remained in a throat and it was bad, I was afraid to lose mind and therefore, in fear, could not penetrate into the events instantly.
Newborns died. Two already absolutely ceased to move, and it is less than in a minute and the third published agonal peep and too stopped breathing.
Cubs were dead.
Strangers continued to shout, their cries were given by an echo in a cave with high walls. Monsters were enraged. Suddenly it seemed to me that in their voices there is something else, not only anger...
Disappointment? Absence of belief in the forces?
Something was certain not so.
- From that day I held eyes and ears opened, absorbing any information which could help me to escape. In pack there was some illness, and strangers were subject to it. I understood that to me "obkhodimo to find its reason, and then somehow to use the knowledge... I still do not know why I was driven then in a maternity cave. That day, to tell the truth, it did not concern me at all. I knew one: I am living and intended to find a way how not to die in this hell.
- When I was conducted from a maternity cave, I attentively inspected everything that occurred in my path. I saw what was there earlier, but on what
I in panic did not pay attention in previous days, - in a cave many dead and the decaying corpses of strangers lay. In each corner there were mountains small
arachnoid parasites. Their bodies literally covered a floor. Near them there were similar to eels newborns - just the same as those that Louise gave rise. Some adult individuals behaved not as the others, - they did everything as in the slowed-down video filming, so, were struck with some unclear illness. They hardly moved, inertly lifted and lowered the lapishch, on their bodies sometimes ran spasms. I was taken away to the new room, and I saw there what remained from Hyuett and Dzhokhanson. They were still living, but could not recognize me any more.
- I was brought to one more fetid pool of green slime, I understood – strangers in that did not become will force me to drink this slime. I made huge effort over myself and itself lowered the person to this nasty thing. I hoped that if in accuracy I carry out their desires, then with me will not make what turned crew members into the beings who only are bearing a faint resemblance to people. Tactics elected by me from the very beginning was correct. The success came at once: if I managed to foresee desires of strangers, they did not scoff over me. And my friends could not take care of themselves any more.
I fed two dying men and the woman, transferred the anonymous, coiling parasites in the mouth that were in slime pools, then shifted in their mouths, watched Hyuett and Dzhokhanson's persons with idiotic expressions and smiles when they swallowed these parasites...
- So when I saw that monsters are engaged in something what I could help them with, I surely turned to work, in every possible way showing that it does not intend
to create them excess problems. Soon strangers ceased to guard me as in the beginning: provided me a relative freedom of action. I began to survey the place in which was. I collected tests of substances which could only find, and hid them in small deepening in a floor. I began to make experiments, checking as these substances connect. Larvae or bloodsuckers or who are they there were in these pools of slime on all cave, emitted some colloidal solution which strangers used as medicine. After numerous tests and mistakes I found out that allocations of these larvae destroy black skins of monsters, that is are poisonous for strangers. Creatures tried to make us unreceptive to an infection from which they suffered. As I assume, they made on us experiments to find panacea
from the troubles.
- There passed many days, maybe, even weeks until I at last found something that my jailers were not able to understand. I in hands had a key to
to their survival. I at once began to put the find into practice, using large amounts of toxic agent to destroy these monsters. Me
struck how my scheme well worked: in several days strangers began to die of blood poisoning. I used any opportunity to realize this... biological sabotage (here it is very difficult to pick up the correct definition). I looked for further, every day the volume of my experiments increased and they became complicated. Thoughts of escape faded into the background: results of my work interested me much more. As test tubes served skulls of my died companions, I in general used everything that only came to hand and that the feeling of the power over them from which the head was turned and which amplified after death of the next monster could help with search of the decision, supervision over strangers. Earlier to me it was put some idea that these beings are impregnable, they cannot almost be killed, - but I continued to live among them, poisoned them, deceived, learned their secrets.
Experiments so took that for a long time stopped thinking about what waits for me the end, I moved ahead on the tunnel to the confidential niche and giggled about myself type -
"Today died four more. Four!" - I thought.
The last fell down directly at my legs. The crooked, dark paws of a monster lasted forward, from a throat weak sounds reached, all movements became slow, it very much suffered...
I felt the movement at myself behind the back, stopped, having hung the head, expecting until the stranger passes by. They did not pay attention any more, did not see me: I became for them one more shadow, harmless, the cold claw touched my shoulder. The monster quietly hissed, it already ached with an unclear illness. The stranger developed and pushed in the direction opposite to where I went.
I decided that I am conducted to feed. Where still? Frowned and with an unfortunate look went ahead of the stranger. All people already died, probably, many days ago. In a stomach everything contracted at thought of food, at the same time there was a desire to nausea because always fed with some decay. About any caloric content there could not be also a speech here.
We reached an entrance to dimly lit tunnel and I turned in the left compartment where leftovers were stored. This being was once called Amis...
The stranger began to roar and I turned to him in surprise. The monster still stood at a branching and waited. Confused I turned back. Where still it was possible to go from here?
The stranger seized me by a hand and dragged to the towering heap of corpses of strangers. From the decaying heap there was an awful stench.
One more pass was behind a heap: narrow and dark.
I smiled, despite the uncertainty. I was conducted to some new place where I did not manage to visit with the poisons yet. It is not excluded that there is one more pool with larvae...
"Really my turn came to die?" – rushed at me in the head.
I forced itself not to think of death, and to concentrate on regaining control over situation. The monster hissed again, and I a fast pace went on the tunnel. On the way we met nobody, was very dark, but after a while I noticed light ahead: pass opened to the wide room. On lips the smile appeared again.
I heard groans of the dying strangers. I already learned to determine by their shouts who is sick and who else is not. The entrance had five monsters, they parted to allow me to pass.
I quickly looked round around. The smile descended from a face, and I frowned. I did not notice in any pool with larvae, in the center there was something huge, in a form reminding a cradle, constructed of huge webs. This education occupied the most part of the room. Except it, here nothing was. And in the center of a cradle the human figure lay.
It was the woman.
Probably, Lyusian Chyorch did not cease to resist many days: fought so much how many could. From her hands and legs there were only stumps: they were bitten off or torn off. The ends decayed. Her skin was covered with dozens, hundreds of lacerations left claws and teeth.
It seemed impossible, improbable, but she was still living! I heard as she breathes, poorly and slowly, but nevertheless breathes. It remained u*********s. Each its breath of fetid air as if stabbed in the fact that it remained from his soul...
One of strangers roughly pushed me forward. To me did not allow to stop, did not fall down in the same cradle yet.
- No!!! - I moaned.
The reason abandoned me. I realized at last why I was brought here, understood that I will go crazy now.
Strangers wanted that we copulated, and new, healthy incubators as a result turned out.
I felt that the room floats before eyes, the darkness goes down, nothing is visible. Understood that I will not be able long to remain in consciousness, and I will fall in a chasm. I was inclined over the woman, strangers approached closer and began to hiss with triumph.
I gently lowered the shivering hands on the swelled throat Lyusian and made that it was only possible to make in this case to stop her sufferings.
One of monsters began to yell, tried to stop me, but it was weakened by an illness - and was late. In the last seconds of the life Lyusian Chyorch opened eyes, they began to get out at her of orbits. But at the latest moment in the opinion of Lyusian Chyorch the gratitude appeared. He said her name again and again, and the room was turned around, all quicker and quicker, strangers seized me and pulled down from its spoiled corpse.
In eyes everything darkened. I fainted.
When I recovered again, I was attached to one of walls of their maternity cave. Strangers understood that they had last chance. They brought a germ and showed it to me. The illness already captured all of them, even a germ. It was weak and helpless. Adult individuals took out it from some cover. By one others force opened my lips and spat out to me in a mouth some slime then pushed a germ down a trachea to me in a breast there, the tenacious tail is turned, bent, passes on a throat, I have nothing to breathe...
- Probably, I thought that I was killed eventually, but this blissful drowsiness passed, and I woke up. I was one and felt weight in a breast - the parasite sat there. It was vile and opposite to me. This feeling that you bear in yourself a sick germ of the stranger is incomparable. It cannot be described. It constantly moved in me, and I knew what waits for me.
Because of an illness of a monster were weakened and could not tie me strong. I without effort came off a wall. Any of them did not approach me and did not stop me. Everywhere around there was a death smell: from the died strangers and people...
The twilight reigned in a cave, smelled of decay and the decaying corpses. Shaking and falling, I went away. I understood that I go crazy for the endured horror and from that nightmare which waited for me ahead. I wanted one: to die, but only not in this terrible den.
Nobody protected an exit from a cave. I understood that all creatures are dead. Nevertheless I all the same expected that I will be stopped somehow. I did not assume thought that to me so just will allow here to take and leave as if there was no that nightmare which happened to be tested. But I took the open air, from hell in this world, to that place which once seemed to me Paradise.
Fresh air, bright light were something absolutely new to my torn to pieces feelings. I fell near an exit from a den, was happy, realizing that at least I will die under sun beams, but not in a gloomy cave.
Through some time I understood that I can rise and go further. I proceeded by the second ship which was studied by my team then came back to "Incunabulum". Our ship did not suffer at all, all systems worked perfectly.
I felt that I at last houses, in the cozy native ship where I knew each corner. It seemed to me that I am surrounded by the friendly ghosts loving me. According to a terrestrial calendar I calculated that there were in a den forty three days, but not eternity as it was represented to me.
I thought of the friends on command and the strangers together lying the dead in that cave, practically in embraces of each other. They united in death. I one survived in this apocalypse. I survived, but I cannot tell that I escaped. That Paul Chyorcha who landed on the small planet in "Incunabulum" forty three days ago did not exist any more. It is not excluded that for this purpose there was a reason.
Suddenly I terribly wanted to live and start everything anew.

Published by Alienqueen
8 years ago
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qq72 6 years ago
Очень хорошо написано