Blackmailed wife part 7
Paul own also a local retail of mobile phones and accessories ,i ask him if there is any part of the shop not covered by security cameras,he point at the small corner area with the courtesy cold water dispenser.Perfect,i hope.I tell Chelsea to invite Christine to a shopping stroll and meticulously follow my instructions.They walk in Paul shop, Chelsea pick up a few items and put them in her small bag,then ask Christine to pull down from a high shelf a 1300 dollar mobile phone and ask her to momentarily place it in her big bag as Chelsea bag is full,then she move to the water dispenser,ten seconds later Christine join her,Chelsea ask for the mobile,gets it and puts it in her small bag.Then says''Your bag is so beautiful and seem to be comfortable too,can i try it please?''Chelsea is half meter from the dispenser with the large bag hanging on the left hip and the small on the right.She ask Christine to get her a glass of water,as Christine turn towards the dispenser Chelsea swiftly pull out the mobile from her bag and sink it deeply in Christine bag.Chelsa take a sip and pay.As they cross the threshold the alarm goes off and a security guard immediately confront them.They both look surprise more then worried,so they reenter the premises to face the supervisor,he ask them to empty theyr bags on the table.Christine is petrified at the sight of the expensive mobile and, before she can say a word,get,roughly pushed to office at the back.Paul and i listen to the guard rapport and thank him for the prompt response as he goes back to the shop front.We pretend to meet them for the first time ever.Christine is extremely nervous and Chelsa is loving it.Christine ask if there are security cameras around the shop,i say yes,she takes a big,deep breath and sits up straight as if 100 kilos would have come off her shoulders and looking at Chelsea with a smirking face add''Somebody here is going to be in a lot of trouble'' very confidently she demand to view the video footage.I start to show it and immediately she enquire about the audio,i inform her that there is no audio.After half hour she finally accept that the footage is all about her tacking the phone and walking out with it,no trace of Chelsea movements .Christine is getting grilled,she knows perfectly well the consequences, instead of the final school exams and beginning university,she will spend the next 12 month walking the line in jail.She is sobbing,looking at the floor with the hands holding the head.She is desperate but she ask if i could erase the video,i tell her that the footage get automatically send to a data bank and i can't destroy it even if i want to,she is very pale, about to pass out when i say''However''she looks at me with a glimpse of hope and with a faint voice say''however what?''I answer'''However i could keep the footage locked in the data bank,away from the rest of the world,for as long as i like''her face is gaining color again and beg me to do so.I get up and stand in front of her,i grab hold of her hair and pull it backward to look her in the eyes.The situation has given me an erection,my prick is pushing my trousers from inside,trying to brake free.Christine pleads me again,i tell her''Only your absolute and unconditional obedience will stop me from release the footage'' her face is covered with tears.I look at Chelsea,she is being masturbating for a while,she come close,deep kiss me and lower my pants.My girl start unbuttoning the nerd shirt but i stop her,so she slowly strokes my prick while giving a perfidious smile to my new slave.Christine is shocked by what is going on,she blush and turn the eyes away to avoid the sight of my prick,she really is very prude,then start to reprimand Chelsea''I can't believe what you are doing and how you set me up''My darling whisper in my ear''Can i play with her tits?'' I answer ''Not yet''my young accomplice smile at me as she pull the the protective skin of my dick all the way down and roughly rub the sensitive cock,i love watching her beautiful hands working my dick,she is taking more and more liberty's, squeezing my cock in her palm like the Domina and as i am just about to orgasm she ask me''May i?''I look at her and say''Sure darling''and she ruin my orgasm in her mouth.Meanwhile Christine has recomposed her self and made sure to avoid seeing any action by looking at the wall for the whole time .I tell the girls to follow me to the lingerie shop,as i choose the style i make Christine pick up the garment of her size,15 minutes later the nerd place on the counter one set of stay up,2 suspenders with relative stokings,3 thin lace see trough vests with matching bra and panties.As the lady at the register take my money,look at the 18 year old girl and slightly shake her head,clearly disapproving the schoolgirl buys,prudy is very embarrassed and blush vividly with my enormous pleasure.As we walk Christine answer a phone call and i notes she got a very old mobile set,without explanation i tell her to follow me to Paul shop again.I can see fear building in her expression,by the time my mate approach us the nerd is trembling,i know she is dreading the release of the video and i enjoy the fright in her eyes,the anxiety in her movements.I tell Paul to fetch the very same mobile set that Christine was found with,the top of range of a known brand,by now the nerd is literary holding her breath,i llok at her eyes and say''Time for a new phone'' and i put it in her bag.Her face is shining with happiness ,she come towards me with her arms open as she is going to hug me but at the last second she stops and with a sweet voice say''Thank you,thank you so much''i planned to submit Christine and feed her to Naomi and Chelsea but now i realize how special she is,i will keep her for my self for a while,maybe a long while.I will have to get a new slave for my two bitches,meanwhile they can use and abuse my wife.....more to follow
8 years ago