Fap Journal - 06/19/2016

Fapped: Once.
Overall fap rating: 4/5
What I fapped to:

A legend among HMVs. I've never been a fan of Kuro Ai/Dark Love but I really liked the few Rikka scenes it had so I kept fapping just to them, always wishing they were a bit longer. Then I realized someone made an HMV using only the Rikka scenes and I couldn't contain myself. I fapped to nothing but this HMV for a week after I found it.

I made the Rikka Fellatio Fap Camera way before I made this account and started making Fap Cameras for this profile. It was during the "Rikka Fellatio only" week I was having too, so the hype was still real.
I'm not very happy about about the end result because the video it's a bit dark and my dick was far away from the camera.
As I said, it was made before this profile, so I didn't make it with an "audience" in mind.
But still, considering that the video was made durring the time this video was giving me random boners during the day and had me fapping to it for a week, It was kind of impressive that I managed to last to the place I usually cum at now instead of cumming pretty early like I usually did during those days(around 1:06 in the video), so I guess it's not too bad.
I've been tinking of making a few Fap Cameras with old pics/vids, so maybe will see a new, improved version someday. Who knows.

By that way, that Fap Camera started while I was still completely flacid, yet it ended it less than 3 minutes. Still getting similar results half a year later.
A "powerful" HMV to say the least.

Still haven't found a good picture or vid for a new Fap Camera.
Anyone has any good stuff that they would want to see in one?

Published by Shadnic
8 years ago
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