Old School IR is extremely erotic

I guess that the fact that these married white couples were doing this when it was a very big taboo, risking their reputation if relatives, co-workers or neighbors found out they would be ostracized and be subject to malicious gossip, vilified for such a sordid lifestyle. It was far more daring in the 1970's, eighties and nineties. Even with the primitive cameras, poor lighting, often distracting televisions making the dialogue difficult some of these get together's are classics, and we are the beneficiaries of these gems of recorded history.

These precious historical amateur video's run the gambit, from the coveted recordings only intended for the viewing pleasure of the participants, to active swingers who traded, to early semi-pro versions, prior to the internet when swingers used magazine publications and snail mail to communicate. Never the less we are fortunate to have a glimpse into this bygone era, and the intriguing and brave participants that responded to their private and back then very controversial sexual instincts and desires to explore the wonderful world of the forbidden IR pleasures that awaited them.

The drama and authenticity in some of these meetings is genuine, they have documented their unbridled passion probably never imagining so many years later it would be shared with worldwide viewers, this glimpse into their secretive world memorializes their bold and colorful sexual fetish.

We are so fortunate to have so many of these gems preserved and available for our voyeuristic pleasure, and there are many of them. But, it make you think, so many of these treasures were hidden in a dresser drawer, never to be discovered, what a shame. We also have to understand so many, in fact the majority of these IR indoctrination's and experimentation's were never recorded in the first place, this just emphasizes how widespread this complicated sexual fetish has been, not to mention all of the people who repressed their attraction and never acted upon them.

It is truly fascinating to think about these women and their backstories; many of them are wives and mothers pillars in their communities. Some are school teachers, church goers, secretaries, real-estate agents, the wives of Doctors and Lawyers. In their social circle friends think of her as conservative. Many were Prom Queens, or cheerleaders. Nobody would ever expect that she is obsessed with thoughts that cause her clitoris to swell and her vagina to moisten every time she thinks about being with a black man. The people of her community would never suspect or guess her dirty little dark secret.

Let's just state some facts, with the core middle-class values and upbringing married women simply do not stray from the sanctity of their sacred wedding vows. Period. And that although today being with a black man is no longer forbidden, it is just understood that 'good' white girls do not. Period. But some sexual fantasies and compulsions are so magnetic they rewire our brain and the desire and temptation consumes our sexual soul.

Who knows why are twisted minds work, and does it even matter, the IR fetish is just the 'circuit-breaker' or 'fuse' to how some of us are wired.

With all of the social dynamics these couples were drawn like a moth to a flame, maybe him, maybe her or both anxious to discover the whispered rumors going back to the old southern plantations of the superior sexual skills of the big breeding bucks. Unlike today segregation and social circles were not relaxed. So those couples interested had to cautiously seek these fellows out. Humble themselves to these men, confessing they wanted to invite a black man into their marital bed to satisfy their kink and unrelenting very specific dark craving.

Hotel rooms are common for these discrete rendezvous', but it is terrific when they have the man into their house, surrounded by their personal mementos, the wife dressed especially for him, perfectly manicured and scented with special attention to the stockings and garters so she presents him with her greatest visual sexual appeal. It is a special treat to see their introduction and a brief period getting to know the other, before the first playful move. They all want the seductive experience of having him gradually and dramatically strip her of her clothing, he is unwrapping a very precious gift.

The bull knows they have deep seated desires that have driven them to this unconventional action, so he is going to look to discover and exploit these hot-buttons to make their experience that much more appealing. In spite of all the fears this couple have compulsions so strong they want to make a black on white fantasy into reality.

What a thick and heady atmosphere as the vibe in that room is saturated with the unholy desires and pending drama that another man is going to seduce the wife and make it very apparent that he is capable of satisfying her darkest desires. Many husbands are so consumed by the growing excitement building to such heights they fearfully approach the possibility of nausea, they have to take deep breaths because the thought that has persisted and dominated his sexual drive is about to occur. There will be no going back!

Yet they were obsessed with the thrill of inviting a legendary well hung black man into their home and then the intimacy of their marital bedroom so he could provide the lovely wife with insight and first hand knowledge into the gifted mystique surrounding a black lover. He would introduce her supple white body to a new size, prowess and energy she would never forget.

Since the antebellum days down in the barns and stables on the plantations there has been a mystique to the prowess, endurance and dimensions of the selected studs chosen to be breeders. There were many delicate flowers neglected because they represented the gentile qualities of being a southern belle that sought satisfaction by opening there treasured white thighs to experience the legendary capabilities of their Mandingo warrior.

There is the glorious moment of her first passionate interracial kiss, to see how she responds and delights in the ethnically different fullness and texture of his bigger lips. They may even allow you to witness her nipple disappearing into his hungry mouth, and the obvious reaction as we soon get the picture of her excited erect nipple decorated with his saliva. There is no doubt she is liking this and will not be backing out.

For many of these husbands this moment is incredible as they witness their most potent and disturbing fantasy finally bearing fruit right before their eyes, many times they thought this day would never come. But, the seduction of his wife in the arms of a black man has definitely begun.

What a delight it can be when the camera documents the anxious yet obviously excited wife in the noteworthy moment when she adjusts her posture to assist her black bull in relieving her of her fragrant moist panties. Some wives yield a joyous expression she desires to make an everlasting impression as he takes in the honored and intimately personal view of her charming vagina. There is just something acutely intimate when a woman wants a man to take in and visually inspect the essence of her femininity, every protocol of decorum states she should attempt to modestly shield herself. But she is conveying something very different about her availability to this selectively chosen black man she prolongs the exchange as he soaks in the very private view. She has meticulously groomed and perfumed herself for this moment just for him as he studies the unique contours and shape of her ripe labia and budding clitoris along with the color and texture of her sculpted mane.

There is no mistaking that twinkle in her bright eyes the first time she takes in the significant dimensions of his naked cock, she smiles sheepishly recognizing it is everything she hoped for. She knows he is going to stretch her and touch her in places that no other man has ever been.

It is absolutely breathtaking when they share an intimate highly romantic kiss cementing their new bond for the journey he is about to take her on. Her skin is flush and highly receptive shivering in excitement knowing she is very close to fulfilling their darkest fantasy. It is wonderful when she boldly embraces him letting him know it is time to make love to her, then fuck her, to take her to those gossiped places only a select group of white women have ventured to. The stunning visual of their contrasting flesh almost jumps right through the camera.

There can be incredible footage displaying a gusto for eating, no feasting and devouring her white pussy to everyone's delight debunking the myth, he understands what a delicious treat he has been granted so he immerses himself in her fragrant and fruitful garden.

It is so much more intense and thrilling when they forego the condom and allow him to experience her silky charms bareback and unprotected soaking in her natural essence, very aware that his potent seed just heightens the possibility that there IR indiscretion could result in a situation of infamy. All who know them, even casual observers would attempt to imagine under what circumstances did she open her married white thighs to be pleasured by a black lover.

So many of these old videos depict that precious moment where we get to witness a wife loosing her interracial virginity as she surrenders to his initial commanding and persuasive penetration. The striking contrast of her exquisitely blooming white flower, adorned with her visible nectar welcoming the gargantuan black snake is a sight to behold.

For an anxious husband or in some cases the wife this moment has been driving their most compulsive fantasy for decades, and now the spongy massive dark cock-head has breached her once highly guarded labia. Everyone appreciates the lovely way she adjusts to the highly anticipated reaction and obvious newfound pleasure as she discovers the merits of additional size.

It is particularly striking when she showers her black lover with unrestrained adoration conveying he is the most incredible lover and her appreciation and bond of intimacy toward him is genuine. For a couple of hours he owns her married pussy especially when she encourages him to ejaculate inside her and mark his territory. Psychologically for all involved she forever will wear the scarlet letter indicating her white pussy has dark carnal knowledge.

We sometimes have the good fortune to visually see an angle where his muscular black body almost makes her white flesh disappear beneath him and she uses her hands and feet to warmly embrace him and beg him to continue because she loves the feeling of him being so powerful and domineering, she wants to be his little white plaything.

Occasionally you hear the astonished husband uttering his amazement at the sight of his wife achieving new heights of raw passion as she is swept away and taken to the secretive and infamous dark world.

For those of us afflicted with a powerful appetite and deep stimulus towards the IR fetish it tickles our fancy to share vicariously in the intimate moment when a white woman surrenders ceding to her new master willing to pay reparations with her devoted pussy.

You have got to be stirred watching the wife and bull kissing bonding in a special intimacy exclusive to just the two of them, you can tell they are genuinely into each other, their lips and tongues dancing, as he relentlessly plows his huge black cock totally ravishing her gushing vagina.

In some of these vignette dramas you can actually detect the wife sensing the novelty of a big dark man who has no sexual inhibition and is going to introduce her to an emancipating liberation as her body and mind will be free to respond to new pleasures.

Some of these old-school insights to history beautifully capture the moment and beautiful genuine facial expressions of the wife realizing her highest pinnacle of ecstasy is being realized, her mind, her pussy and clit, her painfully erect nipples, the entirety of her desirable white flesh tingles and are connected all due to the physical and psychological connections that she is willingly giving herself to the forbidden black man. It can be killer when she shares a confirming glance confirming this to her husband.

For both the husband and wife there are special thrills in the shocking secret that instead of repressing her dark desires, she has surrendered her wanton receptive white flesh, she has submitted to the dark forbidden touch that have haunted her fantasies. She found out it was more intense then she ever imagined, she felt more feminine and desirous allowing a black man to have her.

Sometimes they even manage to capture the flushed coloration on her face as she simultaneously beams with pride and blushes in shame that both her lover and husband recognize that her delicate pussy can accommodate his immense size, revealing she was indeed built for this type of man, her joyous cries of glee confirm she is indeed a size queen. The extra few dark inches in length and girth are generating novel and intense pleasurable sensations that a woman would want to experience over and over again. There are certain upstanding ladies that validate the whispered fable, ' that once you go black, you never go back'.

Many husbands have waited for years suggesting, planning and plotting, her molten come filled pussy only serves to inflame his desire towards her. Then recorded on an old VHS camera captured for history is the seduction of the white wife who is publicly admired being laid bare, her base womanly desires of true lust as she increases the urgency to offer her wanton flesh to the dark stranger that is providing her with unprecedented pleasure.

We need to applaud these brave couples, they understood the power that the IR taboo had over them and in spite of the risks they moved forward. There is no higher honor you can offer a man than let him fully experience the prized possession which is the wife's smoldering wet warmth, yes letting him enter her vagina.

It is incredible when we get to witness a lovely wife escaping the bonds of inhibition, she for the moment bares no resemblance to the pretty suburban mom so many have come to admire, but she is thriving sexually and achieving new and earth shattering orgasms as the pleasure simply allows her to let her body respond, as we watch her thighs securing and encouraging her bold dark lover.

There is a deep mutual understanding that the future dynamics of the marriage have changed, her black lover has touched her in places that awakened her cravings, she will want to spread her legs again to relive these special provocative sensations. The couple will share their revelations of the experience including the heightened exciting, but dangerous possibilities of an interracial pregnancy that would reveal their scandalous indiscretion.

There is no mystery why some couples even document their adventure by filming for posterity the wife's gooey cream-pie, for them the peril of his potent sperm suggests, the bull marking his territory, a documentation that the wife was sullied, and the titillating possibility that he has impregnated her with a telltale dark skinned baby that will reveal her darkest and no longer secret indiscretion.

Each person has their individual hot-buttons that is the strongest impetus that drives their fantasy and for many husbands the time has arrived, because they have been consumed with the idea of enjoying their wife while she is fresh with the scent and damning evidence from her black lover, they actually find her more appealing as they dive in for sloppy seconds. Most often these intimate moments between the starving husband and his corrupted and fermenting wife were not recorded, many husbands even waited for the bull to leave so he could be free to sample her body without inhibition and humiliation as he fulfilled his darkest dream of going down on her.

So within the big tent of the IR fetish, there are many subsets that all three participants the husband, the Bull and the wife that makes the experience more intense, each has its own deep rooted place in their individual psyche, not to mention we as viewers also carry our own predilections and secret sexual hot-buttons. It is a beautiful thing when many of these themes come alive thanks to these brave people and our good fortune these real dramas were preserved.

Yeah those were the days. The satisfaction of fulfilling fantasy and fetish brought them unparalleled pleasure that nothing else could ever measure up to.

Published by Shakeaspear
8 years ago
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MOMODOWN3 7 months ago
masman5555 1 year ago
Right on the money. 
Naughtynev69 2 years ago
Ann9rx 2 years ago
I agree. I have been collecting vintage interracial for awhile now.  Tells me a lot about our past. 
Spooky1451 2 years ago
Very well written article about interracial sex starting before the Internet. Very hot and I can visualize the couples trying to figure out how to accomplish it. As you wrote each couple had very strong desires to overcome many of the logistics we take for granted now.
Jolly-Barra 2 years ago
When we entered the world of IR it was by chance now that I've experienced this wonderful joy opf fucking in front of my cuckold husband with his full encouragement we've taken it to another level by having my lover move in with us . This happend due to covid and has worked out even better than we all expected the boys get on like a house on fire and I get so much cock we have in our eyes reached eaden .
jimmielee65 3 years ago
Just like I love hearing my wife's stories of her black boyfriends in college, especially when she tells me how big they were and how deep they came in her.
jimmielee65 3 years ago
to rockslag : Same with me, my wife says she dated black guys in college in the early 70s, would luv to find some of her. Know she has fucked several since then always looking for some on here.
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rockslag 3 years ago
to jimmielee65 : I hear that. My wifes first black man was 1984 and am always looking fir a pic or vid of her. I wish cell phones were a thing back then. Im sure there would be.
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Wifewatcher888 3 years ago
to thesexyonesixnine : Now days a Blackman has to be very careful! - Just because the white bitch is smokin Hot! - does not mean its a female!  Ya gots to becareful!!  But Hey - if your into Trannys then go for it!  PEACE!  WW888
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thesexyonesixnine 3 years ago
to Wifewatcher888 : BLM Rallies are incredible.   Grope and fuck any white bitch you see with no need to worry.
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Wifewatcher888 4 years ago
Speaking of Reparations - I don't think there has EVER been a better time to be a Blackman in the world, especially America!  The Blackman has never experienced a time of complete unrestricted access to White women (and Black women to White men too!) from the young white girls in school to teenagers dating to young collage age adults and mature white women of all ages.  While a dollar offered up as a reparation to a Black person might last for the moment - BUT having total unrestricted (and promoted) access to White women and White Men seems to me a BETTER  Reparation that can last a Black persons life time!  Great Post! ? WW888 
mambathebull 4 years ago
well written
abigbark 4 years ago
No doubt the 90's were the golden age.
ChicagoPiston 4 years ago
The boomer remover is coming for ya in Jersey. Lol
ChicagoPiston 4 years ago
That was longer than War and Peace.
OLA9000 5 years ago
i need help plz msg me i
to julie_van01q : New attitude indeed.   White women are seeking out black men more than ever before...
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photoman4 6 years ago
Great post enhanced by your using words to paint a picture of what these men and women were doing. Not to mention explaining the risk the woman especially was talking. Wonder how many of them were then surprised, thrilled, shocked and almost sickened with fear after finding out the interracial mating was a success and a dark skinned child was on its way to being born. I agree we should honor their bravery for tasting the forbidden fruit and leaving a record so we can enjoy it decades later.
YeahRight86 6 years ago
Great read!
sherrysue 6 years ago
very well written!
So  true, but let's not forget that white women have been attracted to superior black male specimens since time began. It's only natural for females to seek out the strongest, most capable male as her mate.  That has always been natures way, but racial boas has largely blocked this from occurring, at least in the open for some time.  Now today, as people become more educated, those old ways are quickly being replaced with a new attitude, one of inclusion. This coupled with a trend among mostly married white couples seeking to experience greater sexual pleasure has spawned the age the cuckold.  Husbands now encourage and delight in seeing their mates being satisfied in ways they can only dream about, fueled increasingly by the explosion of first hand accounts and homemade videos.  
jimmielee65 6 years ago
So true and well written. My wife admits having sex with black men when she was in college in the early 70s am always hoping to find pics or video of her back then.
It comes down to the simple fact that white women are strongly attracted to black men and it's natural, not a fetish.  They're made for each other.  Black on white lovin' is unforgettably hot, intensely erotic.   I know of super-attractive white women who desire only black men.  
max_68 7 years ago
your are absolutly right - that´s the mindblowing lifestyle...
muelpass 7 years ago
Our love and admiration of beautiful Black cocks transcends time :wink:
xjanis 7 years ago
Well said
limer 7 years ago
weii said!
urbanfox21 7 years ago
True, very true
disquiet 7 years ago
well written :grinning: