For the illustrated part of this story :
The forced deportation of the women, c***derly, and elderly left alive after the genocide against Armenian men gave rise to some of the most hellish scenes in recorded history. Some Armenian women and c***dren were offered the alternative of conversion to Islam and subsequent slavery in Turkish harems. The rest were driven from their homeland at bayonet-point, and forced to run a vicious gauntlet of soldiers and marauding tribespeople.
The unlucky ones feld in the hands of the Kurdish gangs of robbers or Turkish peasants who were notified that their victims were approaching, and that their long-waited opportunity had arrived to take away the beautiful women for their bestial use. Older or not beautifull women were bayoneted by them on the road, or pushed over precipices, or over bridges, The Government even opened the prisons and set free the convicts, on the understanding that they should behave like good Moslems to the approaching Armenians... Here these Turkish roughs who did not have seen a women in years of emprisonement would fall upon the women, leaving them sometimes dead from their experiences or sometimes ravingly insane.
In a few days, what had been a procession of normal human beings became a stumbling horde of dust-covered skeletons, ravenously looking for scraps of food, eating any offal that came their way, crazed by the hideous sights that filled every hour of their existence, sick with all the diseases that accompany such hardships and privations, but still prodded on and on by the whips and clubs and bayonets of their tormentors. Witnesses who saw their arrival remark that there was not one young or pretty face to be seen among them, The most attractive, were still living as captives of the Kurds and Turks; all the rest were staggered into the desert mostly naked .
The Turkish askyars (policemen) brought Chechen brigands from Daghestan to took away the young pretty brides and girls to be used as bedwarmers and fuckdolls by the brigands captains as part of their rewarding by the Turkish government .At the end of the conflict in 1918 they are put in different urban villages in Daghestan to become a tribe whore.Some of them escaped during the second world war ,they had served hundreds of rough tribe men for more then 27 years !!!!!!!!!!
The Kurd is very happy.They just robbed and attacked an Armenian village .Killed all the men and the old women .He is now returning to his mountain hole on his horse dragging a mother and her 5 daughters naked behind him, leashed like dogs.They were the richest family of the village and he took also all their gold and jewelry.He had already ****d the mother in all her holes in front of her whole family just before he killed her husband and 3 sons.He did not have touch her daughters .He keeps them for later when he chaine them all together on long iron chains in his dark hole deep in the mountains.Before the conflict he did not had a women because he was to poor to have a house but now he has 6 armenians!!! It is gone be a long and hot winter .He will keep them in his dark hole for years to come and he is already excited thinking of all the bestialities he is gone do with them. Finished are is waking offs while he was fantasies ,now he can do all whatever he fantasied during these long and loony years. He will start with as r****g the daughters one by one in front of the mother ,he is already horny as hell with the thoughts of that. He kept the mother specially alive to watch the daily ****s of her c***dren with horror and also to use her as his tittfucker and to play with her big tits.
The signal was given for the caravans to move, Women were separated from their c***dren and husbands from their wives. Any one who could possibly have protected them from the fate that awaited them had been destroyed. ox-carts carried household furniture as the exiles had succeeded in scrambling together. Women, scantily clad, carrying babies in their arms or on their backs, marched side by side c***dren would run along, evidently as they moved on, they raised a huge dust, and abandoned débris, chairs, blankets, bedclothes, household utensils, and other impedimenta, marked the course of the processions. Such as escaped the attacks of the Kurds in the open would find new terrors awaiting them in the Moslem villages where the horny males will rushing up to the young girls, they would lift their veils and carry the pretty ones off to their homes and put them in a state of complete nudity so that they cannot escape for 24 on 24 sexual abuse. The screams of these girls would add to the general horror.
18,000 Armenian women and girls were approaching their Turkish village.This opportunity was regarded by all the local vagabonds merely as one for pillage, outrage, **** and murder. Day after day and night after night the prettiest girls were carried away as they were permitted to prey upon the Armenian girls and the gendarmes themselves joined in the orgy. After this village the survivors marched for five days almost completely naked under the scorching desert sun all the way to the city of Aleppo. The poor women could hardly walk for shame; they all walked bent double. Out of the combined convoy of 18,000 souls just 150 women and c***dren reached their destination. Behind was left a small army of girls who had been sold as slaves - frequently for a medjidie, or about eighty cents - and who, after serving the brutal purposes of their purchasers, were forced to lead lives of prostitution.
of these women and girls.Undoubtedly sexual abuse was an impelling motive with the Turkish and Kurdish rabble . Armenian girls, were stolen and taken to Turkish harems by the then of thousands.A higher number were k**napped by the mountaineers as their chieftain summoned all his followers from the mountains and invited them to work their complete will upon this great mass of available sex slaves. Years later some returned in a pitiable condition that told the full story of their sufferings.
The Kurdish ashirat-leaders, surrounded with a force of five hundred brigand-horsemen, entered our village and we saw how the Turks and the Kurds were plundering our a****ls, our beds and our linen. . our sheep, oxen and properties. The young brides were taken away. A sacred task had been assigned to all Mohammedans: to kill and exterminate without mercy any Armenian men they met ,slaughtered with swords, burned in fire, drowned in water in a monstrous operation. Their wealth, worth millions, was pillaged. Women and girls were always subjected to mass ****s while eldery women and c***dren were killed.Those women and girls were filled with anxiety; they had no sleep and no rest.They run naked through the streets chased by their ****rs.It went on for days and nights. It was a monstrous orgy of debauche. It was a real Sodom and Gomorrah. We saw the Turkish soldiers dancing in a circle around naked gang ****d women and girls.Later historian will say that it was one of the most bewildering and horrifying episodes of the Armenian Genocide.
The most terrible attack took place near the Bandimahu Bridge over the Berkri River, where there was an accumulation of deportees. Numerous mothers, clasping their infants in their arms, threw themselves into the river, so as not to fall into the hands of the Turks. Those who were captured were put stark naked and dragged after the horses with the rope around their necks and hands bound on their back.It was a helish view.. The Turks we laughing to the mothers that they were destinated for **** and sexual amusement.Our ears became deaf to their and their mothers' screams, cries and heart-rending clamors.All the horsemen had at least 3 or 4 screaming ,naked girls or women.I saw one with 12 !!!!!!!!!!!!!. and even a Captain with more then 35 leashed and rounded up for his sexual pleasures in the winter. The life of these Armenian captives will become a nightmare.They will all be confined in cave-like places deep in the mountains and subjected to mass sexual slavery for years to come before been sold to serve as a prostitute in some Turkish whore house.
" I came upon such a horrible, b**stly scene .Four Turkish officers, the dregs of humanity, who had acquired the fierceness of wild hyenas and had lost their human form, were seated at a table, had gathered near them, standing, a group of 15 naked Armenian girls.They force them to do all sorts of perversities with their dogs and order them one after the other to come sitting under the table between their legs to serve them with their mouth.During 9 hours they let them craw from under the table to the dogs and when the dogs had finished they let them return under the table.They were completely drunk and force the youngest to stand besides them with their tongue available and pushing their little tits so that they could sob them.All the time they had their fingers in the little arses and they were making jokes.In the morning they start assr****g them and later they will give these unlucky ones to their soldiers for mass gang ****s and soldier brothel service.I wouldn't believe that such b**stly actions could take place..."
Those who fall into the hands of the gendarmes were not better off. The Armenian women took courage and started telling me how the Turkish watchmen-gendarmes had beaten us at night, had taken away the Armenian girls and brides and had never brought them back. What terrible atrocities have those human-like b**sts perpetrated with their victims ?? The gendarmes k**napped the c***dren, ****d the young brides and the girls and then sold them to Turkish brothel owners. Back in the morning, exhausted from continuous sexual abuse ,they started to look for their next victims for the night.
From among our family of nine, only I remained alive; they killed my mother in front of my eyes, they took away my sister, my other younger sister, who was very young,. The gendarmes caught my sister-in-law too, .They took all four of us to the forest and started gang r****g us the whole night.In the morning we were sold to a Turkish pimp and we served more then 20 years in his brothels.Because we were family we were a sexual attraction in the whorehouse.Our pimp sold us always together to fat older Turkish men who came specialy for the ‘family sex ‘ to this brothel.
They had forced thirty two beautiful brides from Zvané to become the wife of a Turk and to bear Turkish c***dren .. They had undressed them and had forced them to dance and amuse them. When they brought them back, with disheveled hair and in a disfigured state, they start to married them ,forced to display their goodies during the wedding ciremonie, with 4 for each Turk as it was allowed in the Islam.
The Turkish gendarmes were feasting near the bridge around their tents and were having a good time with the Armenians girls and brides they had k**napped and brought there by force to satisfy their lewd passions. I witnessed how the Turk officials had chosen the most beautiful Armenian girls, about fifty in number, had tied them naked together transfer them, under the surveillance of sentries, to their dens for their further mean aims.They will all stay for years in some hidden **** caves deep in the mountains and been 24 on 24 at their disposal before been sold to a pimp.
They collected bribes from their kinsfolks saying that they would let them free, but they were all turned in sex slaves . The sobs and laments together with the horrifying stories about their sexual abuse by hundreds and hundreds of be wildered and lust full Turks and Turkish policemen during months and months before been deportated to some **** camp or delivered to the Kurd brigands to serve them as sex object and household keeper, not be able to protect themselves against all sorts of sexual perversities.They were only rescued years later when the government of the Young Turks was overthrown.By that time they all had given birth to 3 or 4 Kurdish off springs.
The Karassoun Mankants Church was the largest and safest church, since it was surrounded by ramparts. We Armenians transferred there all our women, the young brides and the c***dren of our region, on the whole, more than two thousand people. It was simply crammed. The altar, the vestibule and the upper hall were full of people. Our freedom-fighters guarded the church on all sides. But the Turkish rabble was enraged and was looking for **** meat.It took them only an hour to break our defense and killed all men . What followed is an orgy of lust.Daughters were ****d on the naked belly of their mother and every single girl or women was taken in all her holes with 3 r****t at a time non stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Some of us died as a consequence of these mass ****s.It went on for 3 days .At the end we were sold sully fucked,nearly insane from the b********y of the horror ****s , naked,bleeding , hair ,ars,pussy ,estomac and body full of our r****ts semen .Auctioned as catle in groups of ten or even twenty ,at the gate of the church to hundreds of bidding , yelling and horny Turkish pimps who will ****,degrade,debase,humiliate and use us more bestial the first weeks to pimp us in our new life as a prostitute for Turks.Because there were so many of us ,the brothels were overloaded and the prices drops so law that every poor and ugly ,drunken Turk could affort a young Armenian whore on a daily basis.We became bedwarmers for the whole region !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starvation began to prevail among the inhabitants of Hadjn. People were obliged to eat cats, mice, dogs, leather, the bark of trees, moccasins. The enemy reinforced the army with new cannons and innumerable regular armed forces. After prolonged and obstinate battles they could enter the town.Then like everywere in Armenian they took their victory reward on the Armenian women and the girls.Every Turkish soldier was given the right to kill men and take women or girls as much as he liked for a full week.They assembled the men drove them out of the town by bayonet and kill them all.Then they reentered singing the most obscene songs to start there 7 days orgy. More then 12.000 Turkish soldiers had 3500 females at their disposal. In the end they stayed the whole winter of 7 months until nearly every single women and girl was dead ****d or insane.Only 123 will survive and been sold to the Turkish Pimps.One very beautifull young Armenian aristocrat lived 15 years chained on a long chain in the officers mess of the nearby kaserne, serving all as playtoy and cumbag before been given to a Kurds brigand captain as present.
They started to inspect us. They dragged and forcibly took away the pretty girls. I was a puny, undersized girl and hid myself under the skirts of my mother .In vain they found me ofcoars.Together with all the other young girls of our village I was dragged by my hair before the Kurdish brigand captain .All of us were undressed and exposed naked before these brutes.My sister began to shout and cry.They made us stand in line for selection , First the captain ,then the officers and finaly the brigands made their choice.The situation was fatal and inextricable. We were tortured and tormented, held captive in caves chained like a dog to serve sexually hundreds of drunken men like b**sts day and night,forced to four full there most secret perversities with all our holes ,hands tits feeds and whatever they could think off , mostly gang****d by platoons of 12,15 en even 30 brigands, forcibly turned into breading sluts to make Turk pimps nex generation of whores, slaughtered, sent to the gallows, some were hanged head-down to force them by their mouth while whipped between their legs to force them to swallow. The youngest among us were treated with such cruelty that hadn't been heard or written sins the Mongolian invasian:
Our gold, our houses and lands were left to the Turks. They imprisoned hundreds of women and girls in churches and barns, hungry and thirsty for several days and let them promise all sort of perversities before given water or food.They put the available water over their dicks and force us to use our tongue to get it.They turned us all into wanton sluts ,dancing and showing all our goodies to get some food.They only give food to the best sex performers and after a week it turned out that only those who fucked dogs ,horses and pigs in public get some food.After 2 weeks we were all the worst whores on earth en did the most unspeakable sex shows mankind could ever imagen.They only had to show water or food and we performed what they command. The audience was always there day and night and most of them were fat ugly poor Turks who enjoyed our debasement .We had to serve and fuck them all in public .It went on for nearly 2 years.All of us got pregnant and all our sons were killed immediately ,our daughters were destinated to become their future sex slaves or whores.
The rich Turkish rulers violated the young virgin girls who were sold to them by the Kurds brigands after been ass ,tit- and mouth ****d for months in the mountain caves without touching their valuable pussy’s .They will make them concubines in their harems,To be sure these Kurds had sewed the virgin pussy’s so that they were sure that they would not destroy their high value in a moment of sexual excitement.
Arakelian. Manougian. Karakashian. Gemidjian. Malkhasian. Basmadjian,everywhere men and women were separated as soon as possible. All the men were taken — every male over 15 years old. They killed them. We walked all day and were led through desolate areas where there wasn't even a drop of water. Kurds, Turks, Cherkes, Zazas,were waiting for us when we arrived. They stripped us of all the remaining money , jewels and clothes and in the wink of an eye we were completely surrounded by hundreds of horny bandits who had taken position around the convoy.The sight of 15.000 completely naked women must have turned them mad. The ground was instantly covered with ****d bodies. Screaming women and girls were killed,****d or carried off. There were thousands of us running in all directions. The young, attractive girls were beaten and ****d and later forced to work in the brothels. The older were no longer useful after been ****d and they were killed. I was taken to a Turkish military camp where for many months I was kept in the basement and used to service the officers when they came back from their battles. One night a man bound and gagged me, put me into a burlap bag and carried me outside where i began a long journey tied to a horse.The officers, who got tired of me , had sold me to this old Kurdish bandit . I will become a sex slave for a group of wild Kurds for the rest of my life ,they removed whatever i was wearing and left me naked at their disposal, just like their other sex slaves .There were constantly 300 of us in the dark mountain caves , they lay naked forced in licentous and lewd behavior.They were all k**napped from the convoys.You never can imagen what these b**sts did to us.They will kill me when I get to old to be used as fucktoy.
Hardened criminals known as the "Special Organization" attack the defenseless people, killing anyone they pleased. They also raid the caravans and steal anything they wanted. In addition, an extraordinary amount of sexual abuse and **** of girls and young women occurred at the hands of the Special Organization. Most of the attractive young females were k**napped as slave-brides for a life of involuntary servitude by them after being ****d, starved, dehydrated, along the way to their mountain quarters. Others serve as sex toys for different tribes or lived as one of the four concubines with a very old man.
The big fat captain of the gendarmes was very horny;They just informed him that a new convoy of 17.000 women and girls was approaching his village .He informed his men that new ****meat was coming end let prepare the prison cells .They lay 5 or 6 mattresses in each.Even the village school will be used as **** camp .There were enough mattresses available from the preceding convoy .Those stupid Armenians are always carrying them with them on their oxes.He also informed the local pimps that new whores for them will be available after the orgy’s The rest of the beautifull women and girls will after abuse be auctioned,just as before , stark naked for the local Turkish peasants who will all get 4 of them.As usual he will keep the most beautifull for his personal harem.Before the conflict he could not affort to have a harem ,now he has already 42 concubines in his basement.All the Turks will have large harems after the conflict he thought.
The terrified Armenian girls had seen impaled the older women right before their eyes.The big wooden sticks were through their arses with the point coming out of their mouth.It will take days before they will be dying in agony .They have heard for hours the terrible screams when the Kurds start putting the sticks in these women.They left 50 sticks in the ground without a women on it.The Kurds make it clear that they were destinated for them.They only needed 25 whores they said and there were lying more then 80 bounded and trembling girls in the cave.Who becomes a whore and who will be impaled depends solely on themselves he said laughing.Only those who are prepared to do the most outrages and bestial sexual acts and who provide his men the most pleasure will not be impaled.The first selecting will be on their ability of doing blow jobs and swallowing gallons of semen,therefore they were lined up in groups of ten ,one after the other ,on their knees,naked with their hands pushing their tits and tongue out of their mouth. .His men will be seated in a chair and one by one has to craw to them and start using their mouth.When the man came they had to swallow and start allover on the back of the line .it went on for days because there were more then 500 brigands to serve and each was horny enough from the view of these naked, crawing,trembling and sucking sluts to come often on a day.That week 10 of them were impaled because of lack of zele!!!!!!!!!!!!
Allah has given them paradise on earth.The old Kurd was lying on his back with his head between the legs of one of his many sex slaves.He used her as his cushion .She was sitting ,naked,against the bed frame so that he always could see her big tits when he looks up.On each side he held a stark naked young Armenian girl in his hands and has his fingers prodded in their ars and pussy.They were pushing their little young tits forward and had their tongue available out of their mouth to receive his long and deep kisses.Like all Kurds he always smells to alcohol.They will never drew back and stop kissing before he did.They have seen the impalement of so many for less mistakes.Between these forced kisses the girl on the head of the bed ,his cushion ,will bend forward and put her big tits for sobbing into his mouth.Between his legs lies 2 other naked Armenian sluts ,serving his cocks and balls with their tongue and mouth already for hours.These unlucky girls have to change constantly position.Besides its bed on all sides are standing other young Armenian captives with their legs wide spread,hands pushing their tits and tongue as always out of their mouth.The girls at the end of his bed are faced opposite and bended forward so that he always sees on 5 asses ,presenting him ars and pussy while they opened it with their fingers in the most provocative way possible.They were al waiting upon he calls them to replace one of the playtoys or to be used as cushion when she has big tits.
These eyewitness survivors who could tell these stories , saved, in this manner, from a total loss and entrusted to the coming generations what could happen to women and girls if they are no longer protected by their men
The forced deportation of the women, c***derly, and elderly left alive after the genocide against Armenian men gave rise to some of the most hellish scenes in recorded history. Some Armenian women and c***dren were offered the alternative of conversion to Islam and subsequent slavery in Turkish harems. The rest were driven from their homeland at bayonet-point, and forced to run a vicious gauntlet of soldiers and marauding tribespeople.
The unlucky ones feld in the hands of the Kurdish gangs of robbers or Turkish peasants who were notified that their victims were approaching, and that their long-waited opportunity had arrived to take away the beautiful women for their bestial use. Older or not beautifull women were bayoneted by them on the road, or pushed over precipices, or over bridges, The Government even opened the prisons and set free the convicts, on the understanding that they should behave like good Moslems to the approaching Armenians... Here these Turkish roughs who did not have seen a women in years of emprisonement would fall upon the women, leaving them sometimes dead from their experiences or sometimes ravingly insane.
In a few days, what had been a procession of normal human beings became a stumbling horde of dust-covered skeletons, ravenously looking for scraps of food, eating any offal that came their way, crazed by the hideous sights that filled every hour of their existence, sick with all the diseases that accompany such hardships and privations, but still prodded on and on by the whips and clubs and bayonets of their tormentors. Witnesses who saw their arrival remark that there was not one young or pretty face to be seen among them, The most attractive, were still living as captives of the Kurds and Turks; all the rest were staggered into the desert mostly naked .
The Turkish askyars (policemen) brought Chechen brigands from Daghestan to took away the young pretty brides and girls to be used as bedwarmers and fuckdolls by the brigands captains as part of their rewarding by the Turkish government .At the end of the conflict in 1918 they are put in different urban villages in Daghestan to become a tribe whore.Some of them escaped during the second world war ,they had served hundreds of rough tribe men for more then 27 years !!!!!!!!!!
The Kurd is very happy.They just robbed and attacked an Armenian village .Killed all the men and the old women .He is now returning to his mountain hole on his horse dragging a mother and her 5 daughters naked behind him, leashed like dogs.They were the richest family of the village and he took also all their gold and jewelry.He had already ****d the mother in all her holes in front of her whole family just before he killed her husband and 3 sons.He did not have touch her daughters .He keeps them for later when he chaine them all together on long iron chains in his dark hole deep in the mountains.Before the conflict he did not had a women because he was to poor to have a house but now he has 6 armenians!!! It is gone be a long and hot winter .He will keep them in his dark hole for years to come and he is already excited thinking of all the bestialities he is gone do with them. Finished are is waking offs while he was fantasies ,now he can do all whatever he fantasied during these long and loony years. He will start with as r****g the daughters one by one in front of the mother ,he is already horny as hell with the thoughts of that. He kept the mother specially alive to watch the daily ****s of her c***dren with horror and also to use her as his tittfucker and to play with her big tits.
The signal was given for the caravans to move, Women were separated from their c***dren and husbands from their wives. Any one who could possibly have protected them from the fate that awaited them had been destroyed. ox-carts carried household furniture as the exiles had succeeded in scrambling together. Women, scantily clad, carrying babies in their arms or on their backs, marched side by side c***dren would run along, evidently as they moved on, they raised a huge dust, and abandoned débris, chairs, blankets, bedclothes, household utensils, and other impedimenta, marked the course of the processions. Such as escaped the attacks of the Kurds in the open would find new terrors awaiting them in the Moslem villages where the horny males will rushing up to the young girls, they would lift their veils and carry the pretty ones off to their homes and put them in a state of complete nudity so that they cannot escape for 24 on 24 sexual abuse. The screams of these girls would add to the general horror.
18,000 Armenian women and girls were approaching their Turkish village.This opportunity was regarded by all the local vagabonds merely as one for pillage, outrage, **** and murder. Day after day and night after night the prettiest girls were carried away as they were permitted to prey upon the Armenian girls and the gendarmes themselves joined in the orgy. After this village the survivors marched for five days almost completely naked under the scorching desert sun all the way to the city of Aleppo. The poor women could hardly walk for shame; they all walked bent double. Out of the combined convoy of 18,000 souls just 150 women and c***dren reached their destination. Behind was left a small army of girls who had been sold as slaves - frequently for a medjidie, or about eighty cents - and who, after serving the brutal purposes of their purchasers, were forced to lead lives of prostitution.
of these women and girls.Undoubtedly sexual abuse was an impelling motive with the Turkish and Kurdish rabble . Armenian girls, were stolen and taken to Turkish harems by the then of thousands.A higher number were k**napped by the mountaineers as their chieftain summoned all his followers from the mountains and invited them to work their complete will upon this great mass of available sex slaves. Years later some returned in a pitiable condition that told the full story of their sufferings.
The Kurdish ashirat-leaders, surrounded with a force of five hundred brigand-horsemen, entered our village and we saw how the Turks and the Kurds were plundering our a****ls, our beds and our linen. . our sheep, oxen and properties. The young brides were taken away. A sacred task had been assigned to all Mohammedans: to kill and exterminate without mercy any Armenian men they met ,slaughtered with swords, burned in fire, drowned in water in a monstrous operation. Their wealth, worth millions, was pillaged. Women and girls were always subjected to mass ****s while eldery women and c***dren were killed.Those women and girls were filled with anxiety; they had no sleep and no rest.They run naked through the streets chased by their ****rs.It went on for days and nights. It was a monstrous orgy of debauche. It was a real Sodom and Gomorrah. We saw the Turkish soldiers dancing in a circle around naked gang ****d women and girls.Later historian will say that it was one of the most bewildering and horrifying episodes of the Armenian Genocide.
The most terrible attack took place near the Bandimahu Bridge over the Berkri River, where there was an accumulation of deportees. Numerous mothers, clasping their infants in their arms, threw themselves into the river, so as not to fall into the hands of the Turks. Those who were captured were put stark naked and dragged after the horses with the rope around their necks and hands bound on their back.It was a helish view.. The Turks we laughing to the mothers that they were destinated for **** and sexual amusement.Our ears became deaf to their and their mothers' screams, cries and heart-rending clamors.All the horsemen had at least 3 or 4 screaming ,naked girls or women.I saw one with 12 !!!!!!!!!!!!!. and even a Captain with more then 35 leashed and rounded up for his sexual pleasures in the winter. The life of these Armenian captives will become a nightmare.They will all be confined in cave-like places deep in the mountains and subjected to mass sexual slavery for years to come before been sold to serve as a prostitute in some Turkish whore house.
" I came upon such a horrible, b**stly scene .Four Turkish officers, the dregs of humanity, who had acquired the fierceness of wild hyenas and had lost their human form, were seated at a table, had gathered near them, standing, a group of 15 naked Armenian girls.They force them to do all sorts of perversities with their dogs and order them one after the other to come sitting under the table between their legs to serve them with their mouth.During 9 hours they let them craw from under the table to the dogs and when the dogs had finished they let them return under the table.They were completely drunk and force the youngest to stand besides them with their tongue available and pushing their little tits so that they could sob them.All the time they had their fingers in the little arses and they were making jokes.In the morning they start assr****g them and later they will give these unlucky ones to their soldiers for mass gang ****s and soldier brothel service.I wouldn't believe that such b**stly actions could take place..."
Those who fall into the hands of the gendarmes were not better off. The Armenian women took courage and started telling me how the Turkish watchmen-gendarmes had beaten us at night, had taken away the Armenian girls and brides and had never brought them back. What terrible atrocities have those human-like b**sts perpetrated with their victims ?? The gendarmes k**napped the c***dren, ****d the young brides and the girls and then sold them to Turkish brothel owners. Back in the morning, exhausted from continuous sexual abuse ,they started to look for their next victims for the night.
From among our family of nine, only I remained alive; they killed my mother in front of my eyes, they took away my sister, my other younger sister, who was very young,. The gendarmes caught my sister-in-law too, .They took all four of us to the forest and started gang r****g us the whole night.In the morning we were sold to a Turkish pimp and we served more then 20 years in his brothels.Because we were family we were a sexual attraction in the whorehouse.Our pimp sold us always together to fat older Turkish men who came specialy for the ‘family sex ‘ to this brothel.
They had forced thirty two beautiful brides from Zvané to become the wife of a Turk and to bear Turkish c***dren .. They had undressed them and had forced them to dance and amuse them. When they brought them back, with disheveled hair and in a disfigured state, they start to married them ,forced to display their goodies during the wedding ciremonie, with 4 for each Turk as it was allowed in the Islam.
The Turkish gendarmes were feasting near the bridge around their tents and were having a good time with the Armenians girls and brides they had k**napped and brought there by force to satisfy their lewd passions. I witnessed how the Turk officials had chosen the most beautiful Armenian girls, about fifty in number, had tied them naked together transfer them, under the surveillance of sentries, to their dens for their further mean aims.They will all stay for years in some hidden **** caves deep in the mountains and been 24 on 24 at their disposal before been sold to a pimp.
They collected bribes from their kinsfolks saying that they would let them free, but they were all turned in sex slaves . The sobs and laments together with the horrifying stories about their sexual abuse by hundreds and hundreds of be wildered and lust full Turks and Turkish policemen during months and months before been deportated to some **** camp or delivered to the Kurd brigands to serve them as sex object and household keeper, not be able to protect themselves against all sorts of sexual perversities.They were only rescued years later when the government of the Young Turks was overthrown.By that time they all had given birth to 3 or 4 Kurdish off springs.
The Karassoun Mankants Church was the largest and safest church, since it was surrounded by ramparts. We Armenians transferred there all our women, the young brides and the c***dren of our region, on the whole, more than two thousand people. It was simply crammed. The altar, the vestibule and the upper hall were full of people. Our freedom-fighters guarded the church on all sides. But the Turkish rabble was enraged and was looking for **** meat.It took them only an hour to break our defense and killed all men . What followed is an orgy of lust.Daughters were ****d on the naked belly of their mother and every single girl or women was taken in all her holes with 3 r****t at a time non stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Some of us died as a consequence of these mass ****s.It went on for 3 days .At the end we were sold sully fucked,nearly insane from the b********y of the horror ****s , naked,bleeding , hair ,ars,pussy ,estomac and body full of our r****ts semen .Auctioned as catle in groups of ten or even twenty ,at the gate of the church to hundreds of bidding , yelling and horny Turkish pimps who will ****,degrade,debase,humiliate and use us more bestial the first weeks to pimp us in our new life as a prostitute for Turks.Because there were so many of us ,the brothels were overloaded and the prices drops so law that every poor and ugly ,drunken Turk could affort a young Armenian whore on a daily basis.We became bedwarmers for the whole region !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starvation began to prevail among the inhabitants of Hadjn. People were obliged to eat cats, mice, dogs, leather, the bark of trees, moccasins. The enemy reinforced the army with new cannons and innumerable regular armed forces. After prolonged and obstinate battles they could enter the town.Then like everywere in Armenian they took their victory reward on the Armenian women and the girls.Every Turkish soldier was given the right to kill men and take women or girls as much as he liked for a full week.They assembled the men drove them out of the town by bayonet and kill them all.Then they reentered singing the most obscene songs to start there 7 days orgy. More then 12.000 Turkish soldiers had 3500 females at their disposal. In the end they stayed the whole winter of 7 months until nearly every single women and girl was dead ****d or insane.Only 123 will survive and been sold to the Turkish Pimps.One very beautifull young Armenian aristocrat lived 15 years chained on a long chain in the officers mess of the nearby kaserne, serving all as playtoy and cumbag before been given to a Kurds brigand captain as present.
They started to inspect us. They dragged and forcibly took away the pretty girls. I was a puny, undersized girl and hid myself under the skirts of my mother .In vain they found me ofcoars.Together with all the other young girls of our village I was dragged by my hair before the Kurdish brigand captain .All of us were undressed and exposed naked before these brutes.My sister began to shout and cry.They made us stand in line for selection , First the captain ,then the officers and finaly the brigands made their choice.The situation was fatal and inextricable. We were tortured and tormented, held captive in caves chained like a dog to serve sexually hundreds of drunken men like b**sts day and night,forced to four full there most secret perversities with all our holes ,hands tits feeds and whatever they could think off , mostly gang****d by platoons of 12,15 en even 30 brigands, forcibly turned into breading sluts to make Turk pimps nex generation of whores, slaughtered, sent to the gallows, some were hanged head-down to force them by their mouth while whipped between their legs to force them to swallow. The youngest among us were treated with such cruelty that hadn't been heard or written sins the Mongolian invasian:
Our gold, our houses and lands were left to the Turks. They imprisoned hundreds of women and girls in churches and barns, hungry and thirsty for several days and let them promise all sort of perversities before given water or food.They put the available water over their dicks and force us to use our tongue to get it.They turned us all into wanton sluts ,dancing and showing all our goodies to get some food.They only give food to the best sex performers and after a week it turned out that only those who fucked dogs ,horses and pigs in public get some food.After 2 weeks we were all the worst whores on earth en did the most unspeakable sex shows mankind could ever imagen.They only had to show water or food and we performed what they command. The audience was always there day and night and most of them were fat ugly poor Turks who enjoyed our debasement .We had to serve and fuck them all in public .It went on for nearly 2 years.All of us got pregnant and all our sons were killed immediately ,our daughters were destinated to become their future sex slaves or whores.
The rich Turkish rulers violated the young virgin girls who were sold to them by the Kurds brigands after been ass ,tit- and mouth ****d for months in the mountain caves without touching their valuable pussy’s .They will make them concubines in their harems,To be sure these Kurds had sewed the virgin pussy’s so that they were sure that they would not destroy their high value in a moment of sexual excitement.
Arakelian. Manougian. Karakashian. Gemidjian. Malkhasian. Basmadjian,everywhere men and women were separated as soon as possible. All the men were taken — every male over 15 years old. They killed them. We walked all day and were led through desolate areas where there wasn't even a drop of water. Kurds, Turks, Cherkes, Zazas,were waiting for us when we arrived. They stripped us of all the remaining money , jewels and clothes and in the wink of an eye we were completely surrounded by hundreds of horny bandits who had taken position around the convoy.The sight of 15.000 completely naked women must have turned them mad. The ground was instantly covered with ****d bodies. Screaming women and girls were killed,****d or carried off. There were thousands of us running in all directions. The young, attractive girls were beaten and ****d and later forced to work in the brothels. The older were no longer useful after been ****d and they were killed. I was taken to a Turkish military camp where for many months I was kept in the basement and used to service the officers when they came back from their battles. One night a man bound and gagged me, put me into a burlap bag and carried me outside where i began a long journey tied to a horse.The officers, who got tired of me , had sold me to this old Kurdish bandit . I will become a sex slave for a group of wild Kurds for the rest of my life ,they removed whatever i was wearing and left me naked at their disposal, just like their other sex slaves .There were constantly 300 of us in the dark mountain caves , they lay naked forced in licentous and lewd behavior.They were all k**napped from the convoys.You never can imagen what these b**sts did to us.They will kill me when I get to old to be used as fucktoy.
Hardened criminals known as the "Special Organization" attack the defenseless people, killing anyone they pleased. They also raid the caravans and steal anything they wanted. In addition, an extraordinary amount of sexual abuse and **** of girls and young women occurred at the hands of the Special Organization. Most of the attractive young females were k**napped as slave-brides for a life of involuntary servitude by them after being ****d, starved, dehydrated, along the way to their mountain quarters. Others serve as sex toys for different tribes or lived as one of the four concubines with a very old man.
The big fat captain of the gendarmes was very horny;They just informed him that a new convoy of 17.000 women and girls was approaching his village .He informed his men that new ****meat was coming end let prepare the prison cells .They lay 5 or 6 mattresses in each.Even the village school will be used as **** camp .There were enough mattresses available from the preceding convoy .Those stupid Armenians are always carrying them with them on their oxes.He also informed the local pimps that new whores for them will be available after the orgy’s The rest of the beautifull women and girls will after abuse be auctioned,just as before , stark naked for the local Turkish peasants who will all get 4 of them.As usual he will keep the most beautifull for his personal harem.Before the conflict he could not affort to have a harem ,now he has already 42 concubines in his basement.All the Turks will have large harems after the conflict he thought.
The terrified Armenian girls had seen impaled the older women right before their eyes.The big wooden sticks were through their arses with the point coming out of their mouth.It will take days before they will be dying in agony .They have heard for hours the terrible screams when the Kurds start putting the sticks in these women.They left 50 sticks in the ground without a women on it.The Kurds make it clear that they were destinated for them.They only needed 25 whores they said and there were lying more then 80 bounded and trembling girls in the cave.Who becomes a whore and who will be impaled depends solely on themselves he said laughing.Only those who are prepared to do the most outrages and bestial sexual acts and who provide his men the most pleasure will not be impaled.The first selecting will be on their ability of doing blow jobs and swallowing gallons of semen,therefore they were lined up in groups of ten ,one after the other ,on their knees,naked with their hands pushing their tits and tongue out of their mouth. .His men will be seated in a chair and one by one has to craw to them and start using their mouth.When the man came they had to swallow and start allover on the back of the line .it went on for days because there were more then 500 brigands to serve and each was horny enough from the view of these naked, crawing,trembling and sucking sluts to come often on a day.That week 10 of them were impaled because of lack of zele!!!!!!!!!!!!
Allah has given them paradise on earth.The old Kurd was lying on his back with his head between the legs of one of his many sex slaves.He used her as his cushion .She was sitting ,naked,against the bed frame so that he always could see her big tits when he looks up.On each side he held a stark naked young Armenian girl in his hands and has his fingers prodded in their ars and pussy.They were pushing their little young tits forward and had their tongue available out of their mouth to receive his long and deep kisses.Like all Kurds he always smells to alcohol.They will never drew back and stop kissing before he did.They have seen the impalement of so many for less mistakes.Between these forced kisses the girl on the head of the bed ,his cushion ,will bend forward and put her big tits for sobbing into his mouth.Between his legs lies 2 other naked Armenian sluts ,serving his cocks and balls with their tongue and mouth already for hours.These unlucky girls have to change constantly position.Besides its bed on all sides are standing other young Armenian captives with their legs wide spread,hands pushing their tits and tongue as always out of their mouth.The girls at the end of his bed are faced opposite and bended forward so that he always sees on 5 asses ,presenting him ars and pussy while they opened it with their fingers in the most provocative way possible.They were al waiting upon he calls them to replace one of the playtoys or to be used as cushion when she has big tits.
These eyewitness survivors who could tell these stories , saved, in this manner, from a total loss and entrusted to the coming generations what could happen to women and girls if they are no longer protected by their men
8 years ago