to SubmarinerHH :Hello Christoph, thank you for your pretty lovely words and compliment ... usually i do not add or invite males here, but sometimes i do an exception, please give me time to decide ... wish you a pretty stunning time ... GLG Jana
to Jana-chen :Hello Jana-chen, Thank you for your response to my comment. I would like to apologize to you for looking at your really wonderful profile without asking you beforehand. My daughter is also called Jana and your very beautiful avatar seduced me into it. I love intelligent and creative women. I particularly like your wonderful erotic galleries and your intelligent and creative postings. I ask you to continue browsing and commenting on your profile and possibly also to be friends with you. LG Christoph SubmarinerHH
to GRJ :Thanks for your pretty nice comment and offer, but sorry .. i do not add or invite males here, nothings against you ... just a principle from my side ... Thank you in advance for your respect and understanding, best regards, Jana
GLG Jana
Thank you for your response to my comment.
I would like to apologize to you for looking at your really wonderful profile without asking you beforehand.
My daughter is also called Jana and your very beautiful avatar seduced me into it.
I love intelligent and creative women.
I particularly like your wonderful erotic galleries and your intelligent and creative postings.
I ask you to continue browsing and commenting on your profile and possibly also to be friends with you.
Thank you in advance for your respect and understanding,
best regards,