She had warned him.

Judy and Phil were into the 4th year of their marriage, and it seemed that the
more they had sex, the wilder they got. For Judy it had been like the
floodgates had been opened, when her and Phil did it the first time. He had
brought her home after they had their first sexing in the back seat of his car.

And no sooner had she snuck into the house and had gone to bed, she started
playing with herself, reliving the wonderful evening they had in the cramped
back seat.

It took only two months and they got married, and Phil's family bought them a small
condo in Orlando Florida. It didn't matter that they had very little furniture,
as all they really needed was that king sized bed, that they used more for
fucking than for sleeping.

Judy had become insatiable when they would make love, and Phil would try to
outdo himself every chance that he got. By the end of the first week after
their marriage, he had talked her into trying anal, and after the first few
minutes of pain, she had gone ballistic. Phil had fucked her twice in the ass
before they fell asleep, and when he woke up in the middle of the night, with
her ass spooning up against him, he had pushed and pushed until it popped into
her anal cavity again.

Now in their 4th year of marriage, they had done pretty much everything that a
couple could think of, so when Phil mentioned about maybe them bringing someone
else to their marriage bed, Judy had thought about it for all of 5 seconds,
before she enthusiastically agreed to it.

The next morning over breakfast, they talked about it again, seeing if either
one of them had maybe second thoughts about it, but before breakfast was even
over, they had fucked again, right there on the dining room floor.

Judy being a little overweight didn't matter to Phil. She was just a little
over 5ft, with immense tits that were already starting to droop from their heavy
weight. Her hips were full, but Phil didn't care cause he loved roughly
grabbing her love handles as he called those ass cheeks of her, while pushing
his rock hard 5 inches of love muscle into her puffy cunt.

It was at work that Phil had been deeply engrossed in a swingers magazine during
his coffee break, that Big Joe, as everyone called the the older black fork
truck driver looked over his shoulder and saw the pictures of naked couples in
the magazine. Big Joe had a pretty good life, as he was big enough that no one
messed with him, and after he had seduced one of the white secretaries, the word
got around that he had a huge 9 inch thick cock, and even better, that he had
the stamina to go for 15 or 20 minutes before cuming. In no time at all, he had
screwed many of the female employees in the accounting department, with a couple
of them strangely leaving after they presumably left for maternity leaves.

"Hey Phil, what's with the swingers magazine.... needing a little help with the
missus at home?"

Big Joe had been joking, as him and Phil had always been making fun of each
other. With them standing side by side, Big Joe's massive 6ft 2in frame was
huge next to Phil's 5ft 6inch frame. They had become like Mutt and Jeff, and
had easily bonded as buddies.

"Geez Joe, cool it will ya, I don't want the boss to see me looking at this."

Big Joe laughed at his buddy and slapped him on the back. "Don't worry about
him, he went with a couple of guys from the dock out to get some donuts. So
whats up with the mag?"

"Well Judy and me have been thinking of maybe joining a swingers club to see if
we might both like it."

"Hey no problem.... just be careful who you hook up with, as I've heard that
sometimes people hookup with undesirables, if you know what I mean."


"Well there are those out there that can get pushy, or have STD's, or whatever."

"Shit.... I promised Judy I would look into this, and now you tell me this

Big Joe came back with his favorite saying "Hey no problem.... you want me to
help out?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well if you want, I'm always available to help out, if you know what I mean?"

Phil had heard of Big Joe's conquests, but had never considered asking him,
because he was black, and he was sure that Judy would never go for that.

"I don't know Joe... you know how she is."

"What do you mean.... at the company picnic last month, I danced with her a
couple of times, and she never complained when I held her close for that slow
tune that they were playing. You don't think she is prejudiced do you?"

"Oh no..."

Phil didn't know how to broach the racist thing, so he quickly added "Well I can
suggest it tonight."

"Great... tell her I'm always ready for the pretty white ladies."

With that, Big Joe slapped him on the back and went to see what truck needed

Phil stared at the ads in the magazine, but his thoughts were already on what it
would look like with Big Joe climbing on top of Judy. He shuddered a couple of
times, and put the magazine away, but for the rest of the afternoon he could not
get the image of a black man fucking Judy. Even though he was sure that she
would not go for it, he had made up his mind to tell her about what Big Joe and
him had talked about.


"WHAT....? You mean the black guy from the company picnic?"

"I.... I.... never mind, it was just something we talked about when he caught me
reading the swingers mag."

"What makes you think he would even consider it, cause he is black and we are

"Honey, he has a reputation of screwing many of the women up in the accounting

"White women....?"

"Yep, and the stories floating around is that he has a huge cock and knows how
to use it."


"Yea, I've heard it's like 8 or 9 inches and real thick."


"Nope, I've heard the stories from several different sources, that some of them
even got pregnant after he screwed them more than once."

"But.... but, he's black Phil, wouldn't that bother you?"

"Babes, all I know is that your insatiable in bed, and it takes everything I
have to make you enjoy it. If we find someone to give you a royal treatment for
a few minutes, then I'm all for it, and it don't matter to me if he is black or
not, all that matters is you enjoying the moment."

Phil saw the far away look in her eyes, and figured that she would now be pissed
off at his suggestion, but slowly a frown started forming on her face.

"You sure you want this honey...? What if he is as good as they say, and I get
hooked on him?" she was joking, but she figured she would mess with him a

"Babes, if you don't want to do it, I understand...."

"No, that's not what I said.... the thought of a black man fucking me sounds
intriguing, but what if I want to fuck him again?"

"Hey that's up to you hon, as long as you're not doing it behind my back, I've
got no problems with it."

"You mean you want to watch him fucking me....?"

"Well.... yea, I mean I want to make sure that you don't get hurt."

She didn't even fully hear what he had just said, as in her mind she tried to
picture what a cock that big, even black.... would look and feel like.

"Well... okay, but only if your okay with it too."


"Hey b*o, I would do anything for you, you know that!" But Big Joe was already
picturing how his buddies chunky little wife would feel like. Buddies were
buddies, but Big Joe just couldn't keep the zipper in his pants up, if it meant
getting a new piece of white pussy.

"This is just a one time thing Joe.... you come over, and give her a quick 5
minute fuck, and she will know what its like to have someone new between her

"Sure man, you know I would do anything for my best buddy."

So it was setup that Big Joe would be invited over that Friday night for dinner,
and a little bit to drink, and then see how the rest of the evening would pan
out. What Phil didn't know, was that even though Big Joe had the stamina to
fuck hard for 10 or more minutes, Big Joe never took chances, and made sure he
would have a Viagra pill.... pill? fuck, he would take along two!


Phil knew the evening was not gonna end right, when as soon as Big Joe came into
the door, he shook hands with his best buddy, and then the black man went
straight over to Judy and planted a kiss on her.... and no, it wasn't a peck on
her cheek, but a full on the lips kiss that must have lasted a good 10 seconds
or so. In fact, Judy looked flustered after the kiss, and headed straight for
the kitchen.

"What's wrong hon, you having second thoughts about this?"

"Jesus Phil, he fucking french kissed me!"

"Oh.... well, we did invite him over for more than just dinner."

Judy knew it, but she had been caught by surprise by the long french kiss, and
she didn't want to tell her husband that now her panties were starting to get

"Phil are you really sure that you want me to go through with this?"

"HUH.... you want me to tell him to forget it?"

"No, it's just that.... never mind, let's see how it goes..."

Phil sensed that something had changed, but he couldn't put his finger on it, so
he shrugged his shoulders, and took a couple of beers with him back to the
living room.

"Is she alright man?"

"Oh sure...."

"Where do you want me to sit?"

"Well why don't you sit on the couch, and when she comes back from checking the
pot roast, she can sit with you."

"Sounds like a plan buddy." Big Joe had felt her tongue probing back at his when
he had briefly kissed her, so he knew it might not take much to get her in bed,
but figuring out how to get rid of his buddy might be a problem.

"Hey man, if this is gonna happen, are you going to disappear or what?"

"No... she said that she wanted me to be around in case she changed her mind, or

Big Joe smiled to himself, as he was cock sure that like all the other white
women he had screwed, they all fell in love with the big sausage between his
legs. "Sure man, I've got no problem with that.... hell I even brought along a
rubber, just in case she agrees to go through with it."

"Shit, I forgot all about that.... a fucking rubber."

"Hey, no problem buddy."

Judy walked into the living room and noticed that Big Joe was sitting in the
center of the couch, and Phil was over sitting in the rocker recliner. So she
figured that she was supposed to go over and sit with the black guy. Black
guy... she thought, 8 or 9 inches... not possible, she thought to herself.

No sooner did she sit down next to him, and he took a big swig of his beer and
set it on the coffee table, and turned around and took her in his arms to give
her another kiss.

She was caught off guard again, but when his lips met hers, it didn't take much
persuasion on her part to open her lips and let his tongue back into her mouth.

Phil almost pissed his pants when he saw his buddy making the move on his wife,
and thought that Judy might slap him or something, but instead the kiss lasted
and lasted, until finally Judy came up gasping for air.

"Yes sir Phil, you have a mighty fine wife here.... hell she french kisses
better than a lot of the other women up in accounting."

Phil didn't know if he was supposed to take that as a compliment or what, but
before he could respond, Big Joe laid another wet sloppy kiss on his wife, and
he saw that she wasn't trying to pull back.

Big Joe pulled away, and caught the white couple by surprise when he said, "So
Judy, you ever been with a black guy before?"

Her one eyebrow shot up, and she looked at her husband, for some kind of
reaction. Phil on the other hand quickly took another drink of his beer and
kind of shrugged his shoulder.

Big Joe had known that they were both brand new at this, and figuring that him
pushing the envelope would catch them by surprise, and now he saw that he was
right. Shit this was gonna be so easy...."

"Hey buddy, would you get me another beer?"

As Phil got up to go to the kitchen, he looked over his shoulder, and saw that
his black buddy was again driving Judy's body hard into the couch, and was
trying to get his hand inside of her blouse, as he started kissing her again.

Judy was overwhelmed by the aggressiveness of this black guy, and didn't know if
she should protest the mauling he was giving her, or just go along with it.

Phil quickly got the beer and when he came back in, he could see that Judy had
been pressed back into the couch, and what made him look twice, was that a black
hand had pushed up her bra, and he could see that a thumb and finger where
cruely pinching her nipple. Not only that, but her legs were splayed out in an
obscene fashion, and Big Joe hadn't even attempted to force he legs apart yet.

Phil coughed as he approached the two, and Big Joe let loose of her nipple, and
accepted the beer.

"Man, I don't know if she can wait till after dinner."

Phil looked over at Judy, and could see she was out of breath, and wasn't even
trying to close her legs back up, or cover her breast with the blouse.


It didn't even register with her that Phil was talking to her. In the span of
30 seconds, the nigger had pressed her hard into the couch, had tore a couple of
buttons off her blouse, and had pushed part of her bra up to her neck. Not only
that, but the way he had pinched her nipple, it was both painful, and felt very
erotic. Now here was her husband offering the black guy a beer while she was in
full display.

"Uhmm..... what?"

"Judy, where is the bedroom at?"

They were again both surprised at the assertiveness of this black man. Phil
being surprised that his wife was not protesting it, and Judy wondering if she
could really go through with having another man make love to her body.

Judy pointed at the stairs, while trying to close her blouse, but Big Joe
grabbed one of her arms and pulled her off of the couch and up the stairs.

As Judy on wobbly legs started to climb up the stairs, she felt one of those
huge black hands come up under her skirt and grab a handful of her ass.

Big Joe turned around and grinned at Phil as he squeezed the fullness of one of
her ass cheeks. "Don't worry b*o, I didn't forget the rubber." All the way up
the stairs, he laughed and pinched her ass cheek and made sure that Phil got a
real good look at what he was doing.

As they walked into the bedroom, Big Joe tugged on her arm to stop her, and
wrapped his arms around his buddy's wife and cupped both of her breasts. As
the two of them turned around and faced Phil, her husband could see that she was
not struggling as both of her tits were being mauled.

Judy was fast loosing it, as her legs started to become unresponsive and she
would have fallen to the floor except for Big Joe's strong arm holding her up by
her breasts.

"I'm telling ya Phil, she is gonna love this.... by the time tonight is over,
she will be loving us both like there is no tomorrow."

"TONIGHT....?" Phil thought to himself.... what the fuck, this was supposed to
only be for a couple of minutes.

"Watch this Phil." Big Joe pushed the brunettes hair to one side and started
sucking on her neck.

"What the fuck...."

Big Joe did not reply, as the white wife slowly started sinking to the floor.
It took everything he could do, to hold her up, as he sucked hard on her neck,
while she was going limp.

When her knees touched the floor, Big Joe pulled his lips off of her neck, and
the ugly red welt was already very noticeable.

He had given his wife a fucking hickey, and she had not protested, but suddenly
his heart stopped, as Big Joe walked around so he was facing her, and he yanked
his slacks down. The fucking guy wasn't even wearing underpants! What the fuck
was he gonna.... Shit, he was gonna force her to suck his cock!

Phil walked around so he could get a better view, and sure enough, it looked
like the head had just popped in past her lips, and she wasn't even fighting it.

Unfucking believable, he thought. "Joe..."

"It's okay buddy, all white chicks love sucking black cocks. If she didn't give
you head before, she sure as hell will after tonight!"

Another couple of inches went into her mouth, and suddenly the huge cock head
must have touched the entrance to her throat, as she started to vomit, but Big
Joe would have none of it. He yanked her head back by her hair and angerly
looked down at her. The look must have scared her, cause when he pushed his
cock back into her mouth and again came to the entrance, she gagged a little but
his cock entered her throat just a little bit.

"See man, this is how you treat a white bitch."

"HEY, she is not a bitch...."

"Relax man, it's just a figure of speech. Very seldom have I pushed my cock
head into a woman's throat, that they didn't act like they was gonna vomit, but
with a little bit of persuasion, they all open up."

Big Joe was now starting to face fuck Judy, while holding her up by her head.

Judy was not far from passing out, but already she had creamed her panties when
the nigger had been giving her a hickey, and now she was being face fucked like
a two bit whore. Between the rough treatment she was receiving, and the utter
unbelievable erotic feelings she was experiencing, she could feel another orgasm
start to well up, and this guys hadn't even tried to screw her yet.

"You ready to watch your wife get blacked buddy?"

Phil was speechless watching Big Joe manhandling her, and didn't respond quick

"Hey no problem Phil, if your gonna get squeamish, just go down to the living
room. I'll be done with her in an hour or two."

Phil couldn't believe his ears.... an hour or two?

Judy had heard it, and she couldn't believe this black guy was going to finally
fuck her, and supposedly do it for an hour or more?

It didn't matter whether either of the white couple would have responded, as Big
Joe yanked her up off her knees and deposited her on the bed.

"Please use a...."

"Well finally she speaks.... use what?"

"A rubb... a condom, please?"

"Your in luck Judy, I just happened to bring one tonight."

Judy watched as the black man tore open the packet and started to roll it onto
his very large cock head. He was having a problem getting it started, but once
it was over the crown of his cock head, it then rolled on about half way up the
rest of its length. Judy had another orgasm as the big black man roughly spread
her legs with his knees and leaned forward holding his cock like a menacing
weapon. When she felt the head trying to part her cunts' lips, she
instinctively tightened up.

"Look, we can do this two ways... either you loosen up and go with the flow, or
I'll just push it in till it hurts and you open up.!"

"Hey Joe...."

"Not now Phil, she needs a fucking, and I'm gonna give it to her."

Joe gave a slight push, and the folds of her cunt separated slightly and with
the second push, the head popped in.

"Oh FUCK.... easy please.... Oh God it hurts...."

Big Joe looked over his shoulder and saw that her husband was still in the room.

With a grin on his face, he noticed that Phil was frantically jacking off his
smallish cock.

"Shit now I see why my cock is hurting ya Judy.... His little thing probably has
never stretched you like I'm doing now."

Judy looked over his shoulder at her husband standing by the door, furiously jacking off
while this monster cock was slowly going deeper and deeper into her love channel.
She winched again and he shoved another couple of inches into her.

She looked down between their bodies and saw that at least another 4 or 5 inches
of black cock was still waiting to go into her body.

"Oh fuck.... that's enough Joe.... Jesus, I can't take anymore!"

"Nonsense little lady, give me a couple more minutes and all of it will be
buried in ya. Fuck you are one tight bitch."

Another push, and Judy rolled her eyes into the back of her head as she felt the
black mans body pressing hers down into the mattress. As she opened her eyes,
Big Joe's piercing black eyes were only inches from hers. With a cruel grin, he
looked into her eyes and asked her "You ready to get fucked now?"

Judy could only nod her head, as she finally felt his pubes intermingle with her
cunt hairs.

Big Joe brought his lips down to hers, and his tongue invaded her mouth, to
claim this woman as his prize. He knew before the night was over, she would
belong to him. He had seen more than a dozen white women react the same way,
and Judy was no exception. Now he started to do his pre-emplitory fuck with long
slow in and out strokes, to get her ready for the next stage.

He pulled away from her lips and with the same cruel smile whispered if she was
ready to get thoroughly blacked.

Judy again nodded her head, as her pudgy legs wrapped themselves around the
strong black hips of her new lovers ass.

As Big Joe increased the speed of his cock going in and out of her cunt, he
noticed that she must have orgasmed again, as she was now starting to feel
looser and definitely slippier.

"At a girl, I'm gonna take ya places you haven't been before, but first I need
you to tell your husband how good my cock feels in your pussy."

Suddenly Judy understood what this black man was trying to do, and she quickly
shook her head no, and just as quickly Big Joe stopped in mid stroke.


"Please don't.... uhm please don't stop!"

"SAY IT !"

She shook her head no again, but not as convincingly.


"SAY IT !"

"Oh honey, he feels so good."

"Come on, say it like you mean it." and suddenly he started with some violent
in and out strokes.


"Oh God..... Oh Phil, his cock feels so good."

"Feels better than his, right? TELL HIM!"

"Phil... oh fuck... honey... Damn you Joe... Phil his cock feels so much better.
I can't believe how full I feel right now."

Big Joe's cruel grin widened as he heard her tell her husband exactly what he
wanted her to say. So step one was done... now for the couple de grace. He
pulled all the way out and told her to tell Phil to go get them a beer.

"Uhhh... honey, would you get us a beer... please?"

Phil was standing there with cum on his fingers, and noticed a few drops that
were now on the carpeting on the bedroom floor. Beer... what the fuck was that
about? As he walked out of the bedroom, he heard Judy asking Big Joe to put it
back in.... Fuck, the bitch still hadn't had enough?

Judy looked in amazement, as Joe rolled the condom off, and grinned down at her.

"You ready for the real thing now?"

"No, you have to use a condom!"

"Sorry baby, but I only brought one with me, and the old one wont roll back on."

"But... but I might get pregn..."

Big Joe's grin got bigger as he rubbed the bare cock head over her very moist
cunt lips.

"Well? I'm waiting Judy. You ready to give me what now belongs to me?"

The implication of what he had just said sent shivers down her spine.

"I'm waiting..."

Just then Phil walked back into the room with 3 beers in hand.

"Put it back in dammit!"


Big Joe pushed, and the bare cock slipped easily back into her hot wet cunt.

"What's going on???"

"Nothing buddy.... she just told me to put it back in."

It was then that Phil noticed the spent condom laying on the floor next to the

"JUDY... what the fuck, he took the rubber OFF!!!"

Judy was past caring, and the warm feeling of the cock as punched it's way down into her
uterus. She dug her nails into her black lovers back, and pulled him down hard
on top of her, smashing her huge tits practically flat.

"OH GOD, don't stop.... don't EVER stop!!!"

The words that Big Joe had been waiting to hear. The exact words almost every
white wife had said to him as he was ready to release his first cum of the


Judy felt the pulsing of his cock as jet after jet shot directly into her baby
making orifice. Her nails were actually drawing blood on her new lovers back,
but the utter experience of a new mans' cock cuming directly deep into her cunt,
was so over powering, that she had another orgasm.

Big Joe knew she was his now. When he had shot his cum into most of those other
white wives, and then they also came, it was a pretty good bet that his spunk
would catch her egg.

Phil slumped back against the bedroom wall when he saw the black cheeks of Big
Joe's ass clinch and repeatedly send more cum into his lovely little wife. Phil
dropped one of the bottles as he slowly sunk down to the floor.

"Shit... never mind, I'll come over and get it."

As Big Joe pulled what had to be close to 9 or 10 inches of thick black cock out
of his wife, Phil noticed that it was covered with a lot of white cum. He knew
it must be a mixture of the black mans cum, and his wife's.

Big Joe reached down and picked up two of the bottles and straightened up and
looked over at Judy.

"Can you wait till I drink my beer before the next round?"

Almost in unison, they both replied NEXT??

"Hell yes woman, that one was just for openers. Shit I'm sure the pot roast is
ruined, so there is no sense in going back down for dinner. I don't know about
you Judy, but that pussy of yours is so nice and tight, I just want to do you
over and over until my cock just slips in...."

Phil shut his eyes and shook his head no, as Judy looked over at the huge cock
that hadn't even started to go down yet.

"How long.... uhm how long can you last?"

"Sweetheart, when I take a pill, I'm good for 4 hours or more, so I figure I
might as well stay the night, if it's okay with you and your husband."

Judy looked over to the bare spot where Phil had been slumped down, and she
noticed that he must have closed the bedroom door when he had left.

"Whenever your ready BIG JOE.... God, and I mean BIG..."

Big Joe fucked her twice more before his cock and her cunt were too sore to
continue. It was around 2:30 in the morning when Phil had heard Judy groaning
again, and went in to check on her. The sight had been something that would be
forever etched into his mind. There was Big Joe laying on his back, with his
wife straddling him, her face looking up at the ceiling, as she violently rubbed
her cunt for and aft as it was buried as deeply in her as it could be.

Judy had looked over at Phil and and then gone back to fucking Big Joe like
there was no tomorrow..... even though she already knew that she would be
wanting to fuck this nigger forever and ever. Well she had warned him....
Published by VirginiaS
8 years ago
Please or to post comments
JMNBABE 26 days ago
Very similar to my first BBC experience!!   J (the wife)
Roadnok3 1 year ago
wildthang69 4 years ago
omg wow soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot
divedog1960 6 years ago
Great story.
MMSdawg 8 years ago
So damn hot!!
BassGuy222 8 years ago
we share the same interests.
cavalier098 8 years ago
Great story
jahol 8 years ago
travelenman 8 years ago
very hot..... more :smile:
wolfhunter_one 8 years ago
So hot, love it so much!
bobbi41017 8 years ago
so arousing
JoJo_Juice 8 years ago
First taste of nigger dick is always the best