I will beUnavailable on this site four months
Dragi moje prijatelje,danas uvece krecem za Dubrovnik, tamo cu raditi 4 mjeseci,pa necu imati mogucnost biti na na xhamster, nadam se kad cu se vratiti jos uvek bicete moji prijatelji, do tada svako dobro volim Vas
Dear my friends, today evening I head to Dubrovnik, where I work four months, but I will not have the opportunity to be on xhamster, I hope when I come back still you will be my friends, until then all the best I Love You
Dear my friends, today evening I head to Dubrovnik, where I work four months, but I will not have the opportunity to be on xhamster, I hope when I come back still you will be my friends, until then all the best I Love You
8 years ago