Storage Whores

Mary sighed with relief as she turned off the freeway on her way home. She was getting used to the traffic....not that Texas didn't have crowded freeways....she just knew her way around the Texas traffic better and could avoid most of the busy roads. Here in southern California, she just wasn't familiar with the traffic patterns....yet.It had been somewhat traumatic packing up and moving out here. but she was glad she did. As she pulled into her driveway, she thought how lucky she was to find this place. I was perfect for her...right in the midst of a little community, Huge garage for a work space for her to create her "treasures". Cute house....even a hot tub in a secluded back yard. Still, she was took all her time just getting her business started and her social life had suffered. Especially her sex life. Mary really enjoyed her sex, but she hadn't had any since leaving Texas. Hopefully she would be able to remedythat soon. It was just hard to meet the right guy. She felt a stirring in her body as she went into the house. thought of sex and her little nipples hardened and she was all horny. She walked into the house and went to the bedroom where she kicked off her heels and slipped out of her sun dress. A rather strange attire for taking a few items to the consignment shop. But there was a method to her madness....quirky as she was outwardly, Mary was quite shrewd. Dressing in a sexy manner and flashing some tit to the man at the consignment shop kept her items in the best locations in the store. Every little bit helped
Mary lay on the bed, naked, and rubbed her tits, then moved a hand down to her pussy, feeling a faint wetness. She rubbed for just a minute or two before pulling her hand away. No time for that she thought wistfully....Laura would be here any minute to pick up the item she had commisioned Mary to create for her. She sighed, got up and slipped the sundress back on. She was so horny...she really hadn't been laid since she left Texas...Texas.......Mary missed Texas, but she was enjoying California...She did wish she could get laid.....Oh, she could, she just was a little particularn not wanting to sleep with just anyone. Of course, Ricky and Bubba came to mind....No one knew about them....but sex was quite good with them....Her thoughts were interupted....... As if on cue, Laura had arrived.
Laura had already seen was an old antique potbelly stove that Mary had found buried in a unit she had purchased. Laura had loved it, and the next day had asked Mary to use it and create something to be the focal point in the back yard, near Dan and Laura's pool. Mary had used the theme of a hot stove, surrounded by California sunshine. Laura had been there the day before and just absolutely loved it. Todayshe was going to pay and take it home. Mary had done well on the storage unit, so she really wasn't in this stove for very much money. And, since it doesn't ever hurt to be friends with the auctioneers, Mary had decided to just give this to Laura at no charge. While Mary was somewhat ditzy and quirky, she wasn't above playing that to her advantage.

Laura was surprised Mary was just going to give her the stove. She insisted on paying, but Mary would not take her money. Laura did want to take her to dinner and Mary accepted. They walked a couple of blocks to one of Mary's favorite haunts...a little hole in the wall Mexican place that reminded Mary of Texas. The food was good, and so was the tequila. since they were walking rather than driving, they both relaxed and drank a few more than they usually would have. They were pretty tipsy as the walked back to Mary's.
Mary was her usual giggly self, feeling the affects of the alcohol. She poured them each a drink, and they stepped into Mary's tiny back yard. Seeing the hot tub on her deck, Mary pulled the lid off, slipped out of her dress and climbed in, giggling and laughing the whole time. Laura was taken aback, but laughed, stripped, and climbed in. Mary's eyes took in Laura's body as she slid into the tub. She felt a familiar stirring going through her body....she kept low in the water so Laura couldn't see her hard nipples. No one in California knew, but Mary definately like girls as much as guys. Her first sexual experience at 16 had been with an older woman, a family friend.....who had sensuously seduced her, and taught her the joys and pleasures of sexual experiences with women. This same woman had brought a man into the mix eventually, and saw that Mary got plenty of penis experience also.
And now.....Mary far should she pursue this opportunity?

Published by jrinbendor
8 years ago
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jrinbendor Publisher 1 year ago
to Leomoore : Therre was more, and lots of other stories, but XH purged them sometime back.
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Leomoore 1 year ago
Great start, just wish there was more.  
funpics70 2 years ago
to jrinbendor : they have mine also. loved this one especially as know the characters
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jrinbendor Publisher 3 years ago
to mowgli53 : XH deleted most of the stories I posted.......kind of gave up.
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mowgli53 3 years ago
What a tease. Please continue.
st_john_green 8 years ago
I hope you add more soon. This is a really great story. Thanks