Fap Journal - 05/25/2016

Fapped: Once.
Overall fap rating: 8.8/10
What I fapped to:

This picture. Let me tell you a little story about this picture right here.
About half a year ago I was looking around on pixiv to see if my favorite artists have uploaded anything new. It was just every day stuff at that point. And then I get to this one (http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=11539) and there I saw it.
Remember when I said I was an "ass man"? Well, the page loads up, I notice this new picture, and I k** you not, my eyeballs almost jumped out of my face. I've been collecting pictures for years but since that day I have yet to find a better "ass picture" than this one. I've literally lost count on how many times I've fapped to this picture and I'm unable to even look at it without getting a full hard on. First of all, her ass is huge and looks delicious. The way her pussy and anus are completely exposed as if inviting you to just thrust it in and go nuts, plus the way she hugs and buries her face in the pillow making it look like she knows she's about to get ravaged by a huge cock just drives me banana sandwich. I even did a Fap Camera AND a Cum Tribute with it ON THE SAME DAY. Do you know of a better ass featuring hentai picture than this one? If so than send me a link cause I straight up don't believe you. I like it so much that sometimes I would do a google reverse image search just to see what other people think of it on different websites. Shit's crazy. And by the way, I'm not even into Love Live, let alone have a thing for Nozomi. Thanks god I don't though, cause if I did I'd probably have done one of those waifu altars just for this picture alone.
I've been following the artist on twitter for a while just to see if he ever does a picture that surpasses this one and, in my opinion, he have yet to do so. Will he ever be able to draw something that makes me crazier than this glorious ass? Only time will tell.
But yeah, that's how I feel about this picture.

I might have gone a bit overboard there but I've been wanting to get this out of my chest for like 6 months. I feel better now.

Fap Camera news:
I'll edit and upload the fap video I recorded yesterday soon but I don't really have anything in mind for a new Fap Camera after that one yet. Feel free to give me any ideas.
Published by Shadnic
8 years ago
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Love it to mate
I will have a look around too