Things change or not.
I havent been gone but for a month and I came to realize that nothing has changed, nor hasnt been the same ever since I came on to this site. I have had a bunch of friends and I have chatted to some of them, which I can understand that they have a boatload of messages on their part. But it made me wonder how come I dont have that luxury, its like my profile has become next to nothing even for an entire year. Almost though I have this Antisocial shit ringing up behind me. Sometimes this Raven doesnt understand why he flies through the night and thinking, what is his true intentions. Almost how I get blinded by things that dont even matter me, and sometimes the unknown victim or villian by the ones who I did harm or did harm to me. Tearing myself up cause I dont know which side do I really pledge my alliegence to. I couldnt tell if the truth is the lie or the lie is the truth.
What exactly am I thinking or doing right now, that got me bothered.
What exactly am I thinking or doing right now, that got me bothered.
13 years ago
"Almost how I get blinded by things that dont even matter me, and sometimes the unknown victim or villian by the ones who I did harm or did harm to me. Tearing myself up cause I dont know which side do I really pledge my alliegence to. I couldnt tell if the truth is the lie or the lie is the truth." --> this is some great prose over-viewing one mans torn view of the 'anonymous war'.