How to: Cum collecting

I frequently get asked about how I save up my cum, so I figured I'd write some instructions. The most important things you'll need are an airtight container, a freezer, fridge, and patience.

This method has worked well for me but that doesn't mean it will work for you. As any good slut knows, each man's cum is different. And to take things further, most peoples fridges and freezers are different as well. You may need to make adjustments. I would suggest starting out small, no more than a month, and work your way up to larger quantities. It took me a few tries to get my techniques down, and I still feel that there's room for improvement.

Step 1 - Get yourself a good airtight container. You can get these just about anywhere. I use a tupperware container that I got at a dollarstore. I've seen people using mason jars. Never used one myself, but they seem sufficient.

Step 2 - Cumming into your container. After your first load, the container should never leave your freezer for more than a couple of minutes. I'll often jerk-off for at least an hour, but I don't get the container until I'm about ready to blow my load. Might be a bit of a hassle, but that's just a sacrifice that has to be made.

Step 3 - Preparing your cum for play. I think this is probably where most people fuck things up. Again, you need to treat your cum like anything else you would freeze. You could defrost it in the microwave or on the stove but you run a high risk of cooking your cum, which probably isn't what you want.
First you need to put your cum in the fridge, allowing it to slowly defrost. I usually leave mine in the fridge for anywhere between 8-24 hours. The time varies depending on amount saved and how it was saved. A liter of cum will defrost quicker if collected in multiple containers as opposed to one large container.

When it's gotten to slush state, take it out and leave it at room temperature for the final thawing out. You may need to break up the ice chunks a bit towards the end, but do it gently.

Step 4 (optional) -Bringing cum to proper temperature. Cum is body temperature, not room temperature. I usually warm it up by taking mouthfuls, maybe gargling, and spitting it back out. You could try warming it up a bit in the microwave or stove. I've never tried it and would be very cautious. Microwaves tend to heat things unevenly, sometimes cooking some and leaving other portions untouched. The stove doesn't seem much better. You could also try putting it in a condom or ziploc bag and placing it close to your flesh for a while.

Step 4.1 (optional) -A fellow X-tuber has brought a different method to my attention. SissyboyLust has this advice."I thought about it and for heating the cum you could do it on the stove if you get a pot of water to a boil then put the metal bowl over the pot, pour in your cum and stir, no way of cooking it unless you're a fool."

Step 5 - Do whatever it is that turns your crank. You're now ready to have fun.

Answers to frequently asked questions and some other helpful tips.

Cum stings like hell when it gets in your eyes. It isn't so bad at first, but be prepared to be blinded for about 30 minutes. Although it could have been the make-up running into my eyes as well.

The taste of your cum. You may have heard people tell you to eat pineapple to make your cum taste good. This is bullshit. If you smoke cigarettes, drink lots of booze, take d**gs, eat nothing but fast food, and eat a can of pineapples a day - your cum will taste bad. What you put in your body is what's going to cum out. If you want your cum to taste good, you need to eat healthy, drink lots of water, and exercise. The healthier you are the better your cum will taste. Unless you like a chemical bleachy taste. If so, then eat lots of crap and smoke cigarettes.

Will you throw up after drinking a glass of cum? I don't know. I had no problem. (correction - Some of my more recent cumdrinks have caused some nausea, but no vomiting) Might be different for you. I've seen plenty of porn where a girl drinks lots of cum and ends up vomiting. Also seen plenty of porn where the girl doesn't vomit, though that may just be the magic of editing.
My current record for cum drinking is about 600 mls. I ate a couple of antacids (tums) beforehand. Got quite nauseous while drinking and couldn't finish the last 100 mls, but I managed to keep the 600 down. Was a bit queasy for 30-60 minutes after, but not too bad.

Upset stomach? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Don't make plans to go out. Aside from the possible upset stomach and what ever that may entail

When freezing larger quantities, you'll probably want to use multiple small containers instead of one large container. Allows for quicker thawing, being able to play with just a portion of it, and you could further refine your thawing technique by trying different methods and not have to worry about losing it all. I should point out though that I've been using one single container. I plan on using multiple smaller containers next time.

Thats all I can think of right now. If you've got more questions, feel free to ask.
8 years ago
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bikeywest 9 months ago
I used to freeze it then use as anal lube
juolessx 1 year ago
to spunkeater : mmm pleasant read not forgetting the taste jox
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to cumcovered_xdresser : How does your cum donor ship it to you? I am looking for a donor myself and would like to know how this is done.
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Seedyone40 3 years ago
to cumcovered_xdresser : Hot .. would have loved to share a litre with you!  yummmm
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cumcovered_xdresser Publisher 3 years ago
to Seedyone40 : The most I've ever collected of my own cum is 900 mls. That took a little over a year. I could've done it quicker, but I took a few breaks. 

Fortunately I got a cum donor recently. He's very dedicated to collecting his cum and produces almost 3 liters per year.
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Seedyone40 3 years ago
How long did it take you to collect a litre of cum?  All yours only?
Great insights. Thx. One comment I can offer from my live mult-cock sucking experiences: a lot of cum in one’s tummy can be a little unsettling. After an 8-cock session, I had to sit on the toilet (if you know what I mean). Never stopped me from cock sucking. I just was prepared should my full tummy get a little upset. ?
JoanCross 3 years ago
I found pushing a cumsicle up your ass is a great way to lube pre toy session.
Kum4me2ff 3 years ago
I was late arriving at a party....looked too good to pass up
erika4444 3 years ago
always save my cum and sometimes others to use  like to masturbate in cum
boppizza 4 years ago
Warm it up by putting your container, preferably glass, in a another container filled with hot water but not enough to totally immerse. Then let it come to the temp you like. Warm is best, but cool is also ok. I wouldn't try it I've cold unless I had a whole lot to play with like you. A cummy milkshake could be fun
Kum4me2ff 4 years ago
to spunkeater : Wonderful. I drank a 16 oz glass of horse cum
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BiAzn4U 4 years ago
Yes, I fully agree. The better you live, the better your cum tastes.
CD-TVnearVernon 5 years ago
U an interesting gal
teddybearxoxo 5 years ago
love your comments. I have done the freezing cum for later and it worked great.  love to have a mouthful of cum when I  cum. now I can eat fresh  semen, finally got over the not being able to after cumming.
boppizza 5 years ago
The taste issue is blowm way outta proportion, or mine just takes fine
monclermimiosa 5 years ago
I pour it on gladpack and wrap it up. Makes nice drops..just pop one in before going shopping etc..with cum in my mouth
CUMdrinkerSISSY 6 years ago
amazing thank you for the steps I cant wait to play with some big load of tasty cum
spunkeater 6 years ago
Oh yes,love cum eating,my own & any others I can get. I've eaten & drank about a full quart of cum shot & saved from many different cocks. Had no problem drinking & eating the full quart. 
thezooboss 6 years ago
to cumcovered_xdresser : OMG try's a whole different taste. mine is not over powering at all.(plastic yes glass, has to be sparkling clean,no)...makes me hard thinking about the smell in a small glass bowel....mmmmm
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thezooboss 6 years ago
to cumcovered_xdresser : me too...used to be able to but my neck was the worse... and the stretching is a must!!!
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cumcovered_xdresser Publisher 6 years ago
to thezooboss : Also, good luck with the goal of thinning down in order to self-suck. I used to be able to, but my back wont take the abuse any more. Make sure you do your stretches.
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cumcovered_xdresser Publisher 6 years ago
to thezooboss : Cant say I've ever found it to have a plastic taste, but I've never used anything else. Also, the taste of cum is pretty overpowering.   
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thezooboss 6 years ago
a small glass bowel in a Ziploc bag .that way you get rid of the plastic taste of other containers. sometime I put the ice cube of cum in my mouth and let it thaw by sucking on it. swallowing a little at a time watching CEI's. trying to get thinner so I can get my dick to my mouth again....takes practice nothing like swallowing your own warm fresh cum straight from the cock. ur soooo right about the diet. I eat a lot of fruit n vitamins and it does make for some tastey sperm...too much of a pussy to eat other peoples cum...worried about STDs n aids... :frowning: maybe with another secret cumslut someday....
jizzboy20 7 years ago
to pigslaaf : Ass you wish!
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collect for me please
raytintop 7 years ago
just started
jonny8884 7 years ago
I can verify through experience that microwave will cook the cum very quickly, even on a defrost setting. When I use microwave I use the lowest setting and with less than 5 sec then check. Best is the advice listed and edge yourself while the cum thaws or use your mouth. I also agree on using the smallest sealed container. I learned to luv my cum because after I came I lost my desire, so pre cumming cum to play with cured me.
hello2bi 8 years ago
I freeze mine in a test tube and fuck my ass with it to thaw it out and I drink it right before I cum.
jack-cum 8 years ago
I can't ! It taste to good to save :smile:
