Our first threesome... almost

We've been looking for a single female to join us in a threesome for about three months. We've been looking here on xHamster, but we also had some ads on Craigslist.

Now I know, Craigslist is a scary place, but since Arielle and I found each other on Craigslist, we thought, let's give it a shot. There wasn't much luck finding a single female here on xHamster, but that's okay - we're still having a lot of fun here, and we're meeting some really great people. So, we doubled our efforts on Craigslist.

We found one girl who was interested in joining us, but she played games... not contacting us for weeks at a time... not wanting to talk on the phone. We wished this girl would have joined us, because she was very pretty. A light brown haired BBW with huge breasts and a very young pretty face. But we've given up on her because of her lack of communication.

Then, a few weeks later, we got another response, from a single black woman, who we'll call "K." Neither Arielle and I had never been with a black woman, so the thought of actually doing it aroused both of us so much.

K was very friendly, and open, and willing to join us. She was short, about 5-feet tall, 140lbs, so she had a bit of a belly - which we like, and her ass and legs were so tight and hard, she was hot. So, the three of us talked on the phone and got to know each other, and it was pretty soon that we decided to meet. Since she was single, and we're both married to other people, we agreed that we would meet at her house.

When we arrived, K was a great host, and it wasn't long until all three of us undressed and we started our threesome.

It started off innocently enough... the three of us sharing kisses... caressing each other's bodies. It was so hot to see Arielle kiss another woman for the first time, but then things started to go a little wrong.

You see, when we were looking for a threesome, we wanted someone to add to the passion that Arielle and I share. The kisses that take our breath away, the touching and exploring each other, the love making that makes the rest of the world melt away. Well, that wasn't the way it was like with K.

When I kissed her, all she did was stick her tongue out as my lips touched hers... and she kept her tongue there with no movement - at all. Arielle licked her pussy, and I have to admit, that was hot to see for the first time. I saw Arielle licking K hard with her tongue with two fingers in her pussy. But when K licked Arielle's pussy, it was that same stick-out-your-tongue-and-hardly-move-at-all technique. Arielle wasn't aroused at all with K, and to be honest neither did I. But that wasn't the worst part of the threesome.

How can I say this delicately.... K... stank. I mean really bad. Her breath smelled like her pussy did. It had a pungent odor. I mean... really bad. Arielle was completely turned off at this point, and the smell was so bad that I couldn't get aroused, and my cock was so limp with K.

I could tell Arielle wanted to leave, and she started to tear up. K noticed and let us leave, and she hasn't contacted us since. When we left K's house, we took a drive together, and got something to eat, and we noticed that K's smell was all around us. We tried to wash that smell off of us at the restaurant, but it wouldn't go away. When Arielle got home she immediately took a shower. I did the same a few hours later, but to be honest, it took two showers to finally get K's smell out of my system. It was so bad, if I even say the girl's full name, I smell that smell again, and it turns my stomach.

I hate talking about people like that, because really, K was very nice and very sweet. She told us that she was very passionate, but she wasn't showing that side of her to use when we were having our threesome. I don't have the heart to contact K and tell her what happened, and to be honest, I think she kind of scared Arielle. Not from not ever wanting to have a threesome, but just finding someone who doesn't share the same passion as we do, because THAT really turns us on.

Arielle and I have been talking about this experience, and we wondered if we had done anything wrong... if there was anything we could have done better. But it came down to the pungent smell, and the lack of passion. I know that I licked K's pussy really well, because she told me so in the middle of my licking her. When Arielle was licking K's pussy, I know that K came from it... all over Arielle's fingers. But it seemed that we were giving her more than what she was giving back to us.

There was a time when K tried to ride my cock, and I tried to enter her pussy doggie-style from behind, but no matter what, as I kept smelling that smell, my cock wouldn't get hard at all.

So, even though, technically we didn't have a threesome, I think we did take away something from the experience...

1.) Bad smells really turn us off... to the point where we want to leave.

2.) We really want someone who is going to return the passion that we show to them. Because the more passion we receive, the more into it we get.

3.) It would have been nice if instead of paying attention to one person at a time, if the third girl would show pleasure to us both. All three of us enjoying the passion together.

4.) We were both turned on when Arielle kissed and licked another woman.

Because we've never been with a black woman before, we wondered if the smell was something black women had in common. So we searched the internet, and found that no... it was just K.

Arielle and I are still extremely interested in experiencing a threesome, but i think we're going to not look as hard as we did before. I'm glad that even though this experience wasn't as wonderful as we would have hoped, that we're not completely turned off with threesomes. I just think that we really need to take the time to find the right person.

I know that not everyone is compatible with each other. One girl's smelly pussy, might turn someone else on. But it wasn't that way with us, in fact, it turned us off.

But, that was only the first experience. We hope the next time will be SO MUCH better.

Joe & Arielle
Published by easyjoe35
8 years ago
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