NIki Flynn


The Conspiracy
Stars: Bailey, Brandi, Kailee, Mr. Daniels, Nikki Flynn, Cindy Baker, Mrs. Burns
Six women of RSI plot against Mr. Daniels in a failed attempt to remove him from office. The new dean's (Mr. Daniels) old school methods of discipline do not sit well with the students or the teachers. Watch as Mr. Daniels discovers the plot and deals with the women's sedition in an old school manner.

Description:NF713 takes the form of an extensive repeat in which a man tortures a woman emotionally, bodily and sexually. The woman is tied and moderate throughout and the man in concern is in a position of absolute power and control over the girl. The guy tortures the woman in purchase to make her admit her crimes towards an unnamed ‘State’ but his extreme goal is to break her down and make her fully complaisant, eliminating her personality and creating her a simple number, NF713

The Red Reformatory: Old Friends
Starring: Niki Flynn, Adele Hase, Alena Podhajska, Nikol Rralova, Pavel Stastny, Katerina Schubertova
Description: Czechoslovakia was under totalitarian Communist rule. After the success of the Stalin trilogy and the film Too Many Fathers, we introduce a new series: Red Reformatory. The first episode, The Teddy Bear, brought us to an institution the Communists set up for the re education or, at least, isolation of sons and daughters of imprisoned or exiled parents. Such establishments were known under different official names orphanages, homes, reformatories but they all presented a nightmare for young people. The second episode of the series is called "The Old Friends". The name is descriptive: we finally find out the history of some of the characters we met last time. Specifically, we will discover the secrets woven around the character of Warden Scheitel. New characters will also appear. We will meet the Headmistress of the reformatory, an St.B agent by the name of Vesely, and some of his friends, as well as several new inmates of the institution. The story is focused on two newcomers (whose parts are played by the famous spanking film actresses Niкi Flynn and Adеle Hаze): they are foreigners, and their introduction to the communist power is very abrupt. Adele (Oksana in the film) meets Niki having been arrested by St.B agents. Both foreign girls end up in the nightmarish "Red Reformatory", where they have been transported by the agents. The staff are after some information, and so their pressure on the poor girls grows. The girls decide to persuade one of the Czech inmates to run away with them. You can doubtless imagine how this plan works out. In the reformatory, the cane is used as the most reliable means of re education and punishment: at the very beginning of the film we see Warden Scheitel, assisted by Warden Umlaufova, thrash another inmate and we should mention that Vesely, the St.B agent, is very fond of this method. When the three runaways are caught, Vesely wants to see how the cane is used in the reformatory. One of the girls is beaten by Warden Umlaufova; the beating is harsh, the poor girl cries and howls with pain. However, the cruel man is not satisfied. He himself picks up the punishment implement, and both foreigners get the worst beatings of their lives on their bare skin. Taking turns over the special bench, they are tied in position, and their bottoms are thrashed. Crying, shouting, pain, tears... In the background of the story we see the encounter between Vesely and Scheitel; their memories take us back to the WWII.

Trial By Ordeal
Stars: Niki Flynn
When as American writer inherits a cottage in a sleepy English village, she thinks she has found the ideal hideaway to write her next novel - she finds the place fascinating. This fascination, however, is short lived when she receives a summons to attend the local manorial court to answer charges of breaking three centuries-old local bylaws. As an alternative to attending the court, she is offered the option of accepting 'guidance' and a few days later she is visited by the local greengrocer who has come to give her guidance on the first of the three offences. Unfortunately for her, it seems that 'guidance' in this case involves a firm bare bottom spanking! This is followed a day alter by a visit from the church Sexton, and finally she is visited by the Lord of the Manor himself, each handling out their own dose of severe corporal punishment.

An American Brat In London
When Professor Ernest Templeton has to look after his American niece, Nicola (Niki Flynn) he decides it's time someone taught her some manners and how to behave. He tries asking her politely to show consideration but when this is blatantly ignored, he resorts to more traditional methods. Nicola is aghast when he tells her he is going to spank her. She protests and struggles throughout. Soon she is in trouble again, and this time her blue jeans come down for another spanking, plus the slipper, the hairbrush, and the wooden spoon. Ernest warns her that next time it will be the cane. Inevitably, the warning is not headed and Ernest needs to carry out his threat!

Hot Seat
Stars: Keith Jones, Niki Flynn
Mr. Hardwick (Keith Jones), who is about to patent a revolutionary alternative energy invention, interviews Miss Patti Palmer (Niki Flynn) to be his secretary. Her qualifications are good but the leggy brunette cinches the deal by wearing a micro minute dress that sensationally reveals her shapely form to her new employer's appreciative gaze. Mr. Hardwick advises Miss Palmer that his business is highly competitive, sternly cautioning her against discussing anything to do with his business with anyone she may meet in the village. Mr. Hardwick assures Patti that if she does a good job and makes his life easier, that she will receive raises and bonuses in due cours

Niki Flynn's Worst
You ever wonder what defines the term 'REAL PUNISHMENT'? Well, it is pretty evident that would be the word 'REAL'. What you have here is the real deal. A woman who disobeyed her significant other was sent to me for a punishment spanking. Now, a spanking in general can be an embarrassing ordeal. The scolding, the bare- bottomed corner time, pleading, crying and hopping from foot to foot as if she actually thought that would actually cool her butt down and take the sting away. When Samantha Woodley and Sierra Salem are there to witness this punishment, Niki is met with a double-edged sword of comfort and shame. Since it was a real disciplinary spanking Niki was made to spend some time over the bench reflecting on her swollen bottom and promises to "never do it again". Samantha & Sierra bared their bottoms and did her reflection time with her as some sort of spanko solidarity.

The Exchange Student

Description:A school is one of the most popular settings for a spanking movie. To be honest, who wouldn't enjoy school uniforms and sheepish girls reporting to the headmaster's study or teacher's office for strict punishment? Who wouldn't be moved by the tears of schoolgirls who suffer painful beatings on their bare bottoms?
In this movie, we are introduced to a headmaster's office in the late 1930s. Do you remember the story of "Teachers' Exam Meeting"? You won't meet that esteemed headmaster today; he has left for a business trip, but you will definitely find a substitute in the school.
The well-dressed dasher hanging around the room? No, not him. He's an insurance agent, waiting for the headmaster's deputy. The door opens, but what's this? A girl enters, holding a note and speaking in a foreign language, which the good man recognizes as English. Everything is clear now - the girl has come for a caning. And she is a foreigner, probably one of those English exchange students. At first he tries to tell her that she's made a mistake, that he's not the headmaster. She doesn't understand. Then he has an idea. She has come for a beating: she will get it and he will spice up his boring life of selling insurance with a nice, juicy adventure.
He compels the girl to take off her clothes and her naked bottom tastes not six, as written in the note, but twenty-five severe strokes of the cane. No matter how the girl begs in Czech, no matter how she begs in English, the man, who as a boy experienced the tough methods of the Austro-Hungarian school, mercilessly decorates her bottom with stripes. And once finished, he disappears.

The Headmaster's Study - Crime & Punishment

Description: The tales from the headmaster's study have taken on a life of their own. We have followed a large part of this good man's life, we have seen him many times as master and mentor of a prominent Austro-Hungarian educational institute for girls. We have experienced both good and bad times with him; we have watched his diligence, understanding and sense of fair-play; we have seen how carefully he looks after the education and discipline of his students. We sympathized with him when the existence of his institute was threatened, we worried about his health and life when he was despondent and tried to leave this vale of tears with a bottle of liquor. We wept with joy when he recovered his vitality, and were proud of his determination and renewed enthusiasm for the education of his adolescent girls.

Stalin II

Stars: Alexandra Wolf, Katerina Tetova, Niki Flynn
The history of totalitarian systems is an unlimited source of humiliating stories that always make you experience various feelings. People, as human beings, naturally condemn atrocities and injustice of such tyranny; but on the other hand, some who would never admit it are fascinated by scenes involving play and tears - scenes that truly depict the humiliation and suffering of victims.

Stalin II, the latest movie by Lupus Pictures, is based on such a controversy. The story itself is a continuation of the earlier movie,Stalin. However, this project is different. From the calm atmosphere of the 50s school setting, the story evolves into a more ambitious scene and describes methods of the secret communist police (known as StB) and their agents. broženka Nováková (lovely Kateřina Tetová, newly married to Maxmilian Schubert), the daughter of a dissident executed by the communists, was arrested under a stupid pretence – she defaced a news picture of Josif Visarionovič Stalin. In most societies this would be an unimportant prank, but in a corrupted totalitarian system her act serves as an excuse for total repression.

Stalin III

Stalin 3, is the final part of the Stalin trilogy. What started as a playful story with a bitter meaning and continued with the darker Stalin 2 last year, is now concluded in the last instalment. This part not only puts the other Stalin movies into context; in the story of Nikolaja Laudon it shows the horror and desperation of all totalitarian regimes, by whatever name they use. The movie masterfully combines the acted parts with both real and fictitious archive materials. It takes place just afterStalin 2, introducing the story and continuing with the heroine from the point where she is sentenced to be locked up in a medical institute controlled by the StB and the Ministry of Defence of the then communist Czechoslovakia.


Published by maxi65
8 years ago
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dagworth 2 years ago
Her book is worth a read.
maxi65 Publisher 5 years ago
to elgordo75 : altro schiavo fottiti betaman    più figa per noi maschi alfa  coglione hai messaggio privato 
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elgordo75 5 years ago
Bella raccolta di video,io sono un sottomesso porto il massimo rispetto alle Signore,vorrei essere io a subire quei colpi al posto della favolosa Niki Flynn per risparmiarle quelle sofferenze