Guys stop being wimps with your wives/gf
I've spoken to loads of guys on here who are married/attached and say they want to swing or watch their wives/gf get fucked by other guys and they always say, my wife won't do it, she's not into it etc, and go on and on about how they wish she would fuck other guys, but they are to shit scared to ask. For fuck sake guys stop winging and being wimps, just fucking ask , what can she say apart from fuck off. When I first started many years ago, I brought my mate round after Sundays morning football, we were both a bit pissed, and I just went for it, starting kiissing my wife in front of him, felt her tits and then went to pull her knickers down,. I fully expected her to stop me but she just lifted her arse up for me to pull her knickers of. We both fucked her and that was the start of 7 years of orgies, until she left me for a work colleague (fucking bitch),. Anyway guys the moral of the story is faint heart never got to be involved in swinging. So guys stop wishing and go for it, you might just be surprised
9 years ago