Gnome X Panda Anilingus WoW ERP!

Only the best thing in the world! A gnome encounters a pantsless panda, and coerces her to let her eat that warm, tasty booty ;3.

Rivet: Are there any specific guidelines of your school that dictate what you should wear?
Nubugati: We demoralize our enemies by making them extremely uncomfortable!
Nubugati nods at you.
Rivet: Well I... I wouldn't say I'm -uncomfortable-.
Nubugati: The most important rule is that we must obstain from the wearing of leggings!
Rivet: Yes, that is what I was alluding to.
Nubugati nods at you.
Rivet: So you guys don't wear pants, in order to discomfort your enemy?
Nubugati: Many of our techniques require us to do so!
Nubugati: Such as the Hidden Octopus! The Beads of Fury! Or the Blinding Bukkake!
Rivet: ... Well.
Nubugati nods at you.
Rivet: So, uh. I'm a, very experienced fighter. A warrior of great prestige, and I am on, basically, a few quests, long and arduous. One of them has no end, which is essentially to constatly test myself in combat, specifically how well I fare defending against others.
Rivet: Maybe, uh. Maybe you could, test, your offensive... capabilities.
Nubugati: You wish to spar?!
Nubugati claps excitedly for you.
Nubugati: Hooray!
Nubugati cheers at you.
Rivet: Yes. But not here, or anywhere particularily... surrounded by people. Of course, we don't want to cause a scene. If the guards see fighting, they'll get all pissed-like.
Nubugati: Oh, yes.
Nubugati: They have given me warnings of public "In-Dee-Sen-Say", before!
Rivet: Y-yeaaaah.
Rivet: I can see where they'd conjure up that sort of, uh, complaint.
Nubugati: Lead on then, my little friend!
Rivet: Sure. Keep in mind, my blade is mighty sharp.

Rivet turns over to the table, stretching her arms wide. With a grunt, she'd lean forth, fingers digging between the wood and her hefty, decrepit tome, lifting it and a smaller book stacked atop up and against her chest. Pulling her shoulders back and standing straight, she'd breathe deeply. A quiet "alright" before stepping off the chair and waddling off.

Nubugati claps gleefully as she follows.
Nubugati: Oh! This will be such fun!
Rowdy Troublemaker says: Fight for your miserable, worthless lives!
Rowdy Troublemaker says: Time to fight!
Vicious Thug says: Kill this fool, or Randolph will kill us!
Vicious Thug says: Time to fight!
Nubugati looks around with a big smile on her face.
Nubugati: O-kay-do-kay!
Rivet: Yeeep. So, well.
Nubugati stands upon one leg, swaying her arms like tentacles.
Rivet stares intently at the opening provided by the raised leg. "Well then. This is an interesting posture, if you don't mind my investigating..." She'd murmur, shuffling a little left, a little right, getting a few steps closer.
Nubugati: Of course!
Nubugati | Were Rivet to look at the right angle, she would see the young monk's bald, black-lipped pussy beneath her tassels.
Rivet unclasps her gauntlets, hooking them to her belt. With her steps, the gauntlets would gently bat together. With her bare hands, she approached further. "It's... yeah. I've never seen anything like it. Although I hadn't fought any of your kind. I'm curious about the uh, muscles, that you put the most pressure on. You know, if ever I need to defend, it'd be good to know where your force is going." She'd say, walking closer to the panda, with both hands extended and grabby-grabbying at the air.
Nubugati: Oh?
Nubugati: What is it you mean, little friend?

Rivet was blushing heavily. "Y-Yeah, uh. Here, just, if you don't mind, allow me... feel free to tell me to stop." She lowered her hands, one on each thigh of the woman, basking in the warmth of her fur. "I'm very interested in the science of... muscles, and especially flexibility, and how the body can bend and move.

Nubugati: Oh! I am quite flexible.
Rivet: Y-You don't say, eh?
Rivet: Can you show me a demonstration?
Nubugati nods, lifting her free leg up and over her head.

Rivet stared right at Nubu's crotch, even flat-out lifting a tasset and moving it out of the way so she could get a plain view of her pussy. She stepped closer, her face essentially right up to it, basking in the heat. She breathed deeply through her nostrils, face red hands gently stroking at her fur. "Jeez." She'd mutter.

Nubugati giggled at the little gnome's actions, her crotch smelling musky and sweat with the faint scent of fresh octopus lingering upon it.
Rivet pulled back, hovering a hand over her crotch for a moment before pursing her lips, slowly shuffling aside until she was behind the panda, both hands' fingers nestled into the fur of her bum, staring right at the hole of the stretching panda. "Well, you really have the uh, position down.

Rivet: I can feel my defences waning... clearly... armor has no use. I think my best way of... of fighting back, in this case, is adopting similar dress as you.

Nubugati: Hm. I get the feeling you are not that interested in fighting me as you let on...

Rivet would murmur, bringing both hands back, and to her belt, madly tugging at the thing and trying to get her pants off.

Nubugati said, taking a wide staunch and bending forward, looking at Rivet from between her legs.

Rivet looked down at the panda, wide-eyed, then up. Her delicious hole was just inches from her face, and she couldn't stop staring at it. "I mean... different types of fighting, maybe. Like, perhaps you... oughta try subduing me, utilizing your greater mass, >
Rivet > by uh, resting your cheeks and bum down on my face. Surely a challenge for me..." She'd have stated, while her frantic tugging of her pants finally made the plate give way, dropping, or pulling the leggings down and off of her.

Nubugati: Oh?
Rivet: Yep. I reckon you oughta utilize your weight against someone like me.
Rivet: It's a good test of whether or not, I can uh, push you up and off. or wiggle my head away.
Rivet: So, like, if I wiggle it, you can try to keep up and stay on.

Nubugati reached back with her hands, spreading her wide, furry ass and revealing the sticky, velvet flesh of her pucker. "Are you sure you do not just want to "eat out" my asshole?"

Rivet was, at this point, masturbating shamelessly. With no subtly, she merely 'went at it' with her hand. As the woman spread her cheeks, the gnome's jaw dropped. Taking in the sexual smells like intoxicating fumes, she was driven. "Yes, I want... to >
Rivet > push my face in there and make it my new home."
Rivet would, without much more ceremony then that, bring her hands up alongside Nubu's, stepping into her, essentially, with her face planting right in between the Panda's warm, furry cheeks, the gnome moaning loudly and essentially into her hole, vibrating >
Nubugati giggles, "You are very funny, little one. You remind me of my sisters in the monastery... we would often "eat" eachother out under the direction of Master Tai-hen!"
Rivet > the flesh as she was washed over with pleasure from the feeling of her entire face being covered in soft warmth. In the process of moaning, she slipped her tongue out and onto her rectum. She'd speak, muffled in the panda's cheeks. "Yuh... sounds like >
Rivet > a good man."

Rivet squeezed her hands, groping her bum hard, pleasuring herself just off feeling her cheeks up and down, squeezing the chubbiness, all the while wiggling her face back and forth against her, head tilting down a bit to rub her nose against her hole, before ><
Nubugati gently flexed her shiny, black button of a pucker against Rivet's tongue. "Oh, yes! He is a very kind and wise master! He took us in when we were all very young and taught us the ways of the Discomforting Octopus!"
Rivet > pushing up again, tongue out and slipping right inside, giving her asshole a very long, tongued kiss. Her wet lips around her rectum, she gently suckled and pushed in, while her tongue wiggled about, slowly sweeping around in steady motions inside, >
Rivet > before beginning to push against her ring to stretch at it in small, soft pushes with her tongue, all the while moaning heartily into her ass, pushing her face in further while squeezing her hands down as she did so. She pulled back a moment, breathing>
Rivet > heavily. "Do you... think, since you can stretch that bit, you could nudge your head a feeeew inches further and, uh..." She'd suggest, nudging herself a little closer, pushing her wet, bare pussy-- save for a well-trimmed tuft of hair, up in front of >
Rivet > the panda's face.

Nubugati: Oh! Of course!
Nubugati giggles, bending slightly farther, she would extend her pink tongue in a stark contrast to her blackish-purple lips and gently lap at the gnome's sticky, slimy petals.
Rivet shuddered with joy, a jolt going through her body as she felt the tongue lap up against her soft-skinned cunny. She swallowed hard, lowering her hands and sliding them beneath the panda's thighs, and around to her underside, hands grasping up at her >
Rivet > hips as she stepped forward, completely pushing her face against her ass, with little room to pull back, as well as pushing her wet mound further against Nubu's snout, lowering one hand to her head to goad her into taking more of her crotch. ALl the >
Rivet > while, licking up and around her hole, making the whole end completely wet before kissing it, and pushing her tongue in. The soft enamel of her teeth rubbing against her sensitive flesh while she twisted and turned her tongue inside, sloshing saliva >
Rivet > and natural lubricant about.
Nubugati reaches down between her legs to wrap a paw around Rivet's rear, grasping the gnome's ass firmly as she set about using every tongue-twisting cunnilingual trick she knew from a decade of competitive lesbianism.
Rivet moaned like mad, legs shaking as her pussy produced more wetness. Frankly, she was a little easy to please. Eyes shut, face in, just gorging in on her bum and trying to trust her tongue around in every way she could, almost at a point of trying to suck >
Rivet > down her find, and doing so lightly at least. She pumped her crotch against Nubu's snout through her loud moans, fingers curling into her for. With a hard shake, and a locking of her legs followed by subsequent collapse, she'd cum, squirting hard into>
Rivet > her snout before landing on her knees.
Published by rivvit
9 years ago
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rivvit Publisher 9 years ago
Thanks! ;3