Teenage girls

It's funny but I love women I love pussy but I don't like to look at teenage girls, and I cringe when other guys my age go on about teenage girls. I have 17 y o daughter and the thought of guys my age looking at my girl makes me cringe, do you think this is a natural reaction and do you think I would feel different if I didn't have a 17 y o daughter. I blocked one guy on here cos he was going on about teenage girls
Published by ostend81
9 years ago
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Nipper6969 9 years ago
Every girl is someones daughter !
fantasyman20 9 years ago
Honestly mate it is a natural reaction and yes I think you would feel different if you did not have your daughter, I mean the same can be said if your perving over a mature women as that is someones wife or mother and what would their reaction be ??
We all have our fantasies and most on here is fantasy, some may meet up and it is consensual, so let them, but enjoy what is on here and let people say what they wish, Remember fantasy is a wonderful thing no one gets hurt