Daddy’s Little Girl Part 23

Daddy’s Little Girl
By Baddaddy
Part 23
(Test week)

No school Friday the testing is done. Thank god, it had been a busy week.
We’d gotten Brittany back in school, with the stipulation she pass her mid-terms, or she’s have to sit out till next year.

Ashlynn is an A student and takes good notes, so Brittany had those.

And Britt also had the help of Mr. Clxxxxxn who taught History and civics, also Connie Nxxxxn with language arts, so Brittany waltzed both of those.

Both girls spent some time Sunday doing their little tandem Cock sucking/Ass eating trick with Mr. Clxxxxxn, so Brittany and Ashlynn did not even take the test for his class, they had been given a copy to fill out along with the answers to all but 3 questions. Both girls got A’s from him.

Connie had the girls over Monday night so she could tutor Britt. First she had Brittany take the test, then she went over it to see how well she would do, Britt could pass it, barely, so Connie gave her the answers she’d missed to learn. Then retested her after to see how well she’d done. It took Britt two tries to score the 100% Connie was pleased with.

While Britt was studying, Connie had Ash hung by her ankles, down in the entertainment room Connie’s, Bastard of a husband had built.

Connie knew Ash had big plans for Friday night, and as such, she could play with Ash, but could not let her Cum, I wanted Ashlynn climbing the walls horny.

She had come up with a delicious plan for tormenting Ashlynn. Using vibrators, clamps and, feathers, topped off with some eclectic stimulation, set just under Ash’s orgasm threshold.

She’d had to turn down the Stim setting, because Ash came dangerously close to cumming from all the fun Connie was having. Turns out under just the right stimulation Ashlynn is ticklish, who knew?

Connie also “knew” the head of the Math department and got Brittany a copy of that test too. So, 2 A’s and a B, the rest C’s, and Brittany was back in school in good standing.

I had hardly heard from Heather all week, just a few short calls, each time she seemed quite preoccupied

Test week being half days the girls did not see much of Heather, ether. There are only 2 tests a day, and not every student has to take the test, so as soon as Heather was done with her last test, she’d jet out of school for some big family obligation.

After catching a glance at the local paper, I got why and then had doubts Heather would show.

Right there on the front page, Heather and the rest of the cheer squad doing their routine for the Japanese business dignitaries.

Thursday after school I took the girls to get their nails done, and waxed, we ran into Heather, she had begged away to be there, and to let me know she was still on.

She did not ask who the men would be, nor did I volunteer anything. Once done with her pampering. She had to run; her family had big dinner plans, at the nicest most exclusive restaurant in town.

(Friday Playday)

Heather came by early afternoon, about 20 min after I had returned from the Hotel.

The girls all had liquid lunch. Soup, meal supplement drinks, later before we left energy drinks. The girls also spent a lot of time teasing themselves and each other, edging close to an orgasm but not allowed to have one.

This served two ends, one well, it really gets them cranked up, but two it also helps keep their minds off of their nerves.

At one point Heather ask what would happen if she slipped up and came.

I showed her a CD mailer addressed to her and Ashlynn’s Preacher friend, and asked her “What do you think he will do with it?”

Her face showed distress over the idea but she didn’t say anything, but she also didn’t cum to find out.

They also all got enemas, just in case. Heather was not real happy about that, it wasn’t that she was against anal, she just hated the indignantly of getting an enema and then having to hold it in while she edged until she got permission to shit, then she had to do it in front of all of us.

Both Ash and Britt also got a kick out of watching the Princess Cheer-Captain’s embarrassment of doing something so private with an audience.

They had sometime in the hot tube, then showers, make-up and hair, and then they put their outfits.

Heather was shaking so hard she had trouble doing her make-up and hair, even though hers was the easiest, it was just like she’d worn to cheer.

I had been to the Hotel, because I had reserved a room on the same floor, just across from the room number I had for the girl’s party room. I gone to checked in, set up some equipment, and to put up the do not disturb sigh.

The Equipment was electronic, I had been happy with my old VCR stuff (some I’d used to record Jennifer, now it was true I did not have more tapes of her “Banging” but I did have days of her tied up, used as my fuck-toy, or sometimes for the entertainment of others), I had finally needed to up graded some of it.

I needed something that would broadcast wireless to another room, I be running 4 small (shitty) cameras and (shitty) sound.

I had the set up made in the nearby city. It was basically cordless “nanny-cam” technology in a false bottomed custom box.

A 12X18 lidded box, distress, decorated with glass beads some missing, brass screws, and fittings. All done up to make it look old.

One screw, screwed out for the charger. One for the hook up to sync it to my laptop, so I could use the Hotel wifi, and one you needed a screw driver to turn, switching on the whole rig. The glass beads hid the small cameras lenses.

The Box was lined with purple velvet and would hold toys we thought might come in handy to use on Ashlynn, and two short riding crops.

Though this box, would be able to keep an eye on the girls.

I had also picked up the collars, they’d been custom made for the night also.

Heather's read チアリーダー キャプテン (Cheerleader Captain).

Brittany’s collar says かなり保護者美少女戦士セーラームーン (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon), and Ashlynn’s collar just reads 私はあなたの性交のおもちゃ (I am your fuck toy). At least that is what I hoped they said, I don’t read Japanese.

Because they had so much writing on them there was no place to attach a lead, so we improvised and used Ash’s “Y” chain with the clamps on her nipples and clit.

Heather got a little practice leading Ash around the house right before leaving, I think both girls really enjoyed it, each time Heather would gave it a sharp little tug before she leading Ash around, making Ashlynn give out that little gasp, that says she’s having fun.

I bundled the girls in long coats, it had been a little warm, but was cooling off so the coats did not look too out of order.

In the car on the way over all the girls were bundles of nerves, Ashlynn gets like this sometime before a “Banging” party.

And this was kind of a new thing for Brittany as well, she had never really been on the road playing, but Heather was a wreck. She was shaking almost uncontrollably and I really thought she would beg me not to make her do this.

Once at the Hotel, I took the girls in through a side door and right up to my room. In the room I finally got heather to talk.

Her dad was not just a banker; his was the President of the bank working with the Japanese Businessmen. All week he had been entertaining the Japanese Businessmen, taking them to dinner with his family, he was the one that had organised the Cheer routine for their entertainment.

OK, I kind of freaked out; my first questing, “Do you think your dad might be here!?”

“No, NO”, she said, “he and Mom have going out of town to unwind”, they had already called her from the road, headed to the coast, and were hours away. In fact, she had had to beg off from going too, telling them they should have some alone time together.

So I asked, “What is the problem then?” I knew full well this could ruin her life. I thought that it was just that they knew her dad. But I also think that was why she showed up, and did not beg out. So I asked her, “Do you think they are likely to tell him, (air quotes) Hey, thanks for sending your daughter and her friends over to fuck us”.

She laughed saying she didn’t think that likely, she did not think he even knew about the girls, or he would have been here too.
“So”, I asked? Wondering what it really was she wanted.

“Well if I want to, can I fuck some of them too, there is this one cute guy…” she pleaded.

Laughing I told her, “Well you’re here to help Ashlynn, I want her used until she can’t take anymore, but if there is a guy you’d like to, and he wants you…
then go for it, just make sure Ash cleans you up after, Oh and be sure you lick him clean after he cums, but don’t you swallow it, jut spit it all into Ashlynn’s mouth, do it in a way everyone can watch ”.

She made a face, but said she was good with that.

Once it was time I did a quick step out into the hall, it was empty and signaled the girls.

Heather had Ash on her lead, followed by Brittany carrying the “bugged” toy box synced and connected to the laptop.

I stood to the side of the door as Heather knocked… tap tap pause, tap tap pause, tap tap pause, tap.


The look on Heather's face was only matched, by the look on the Councilman’s face.

Stuttering he said “Oh… Hea… Oh… Oh? Oh My God, Heather!?” As he looked at her, and took in how much of her body was exposed for viewing.

I have to give it to her; she did not turn and run. She had gone as pale as he felt I am sure, but she just sucked in a big breath and said “Well Hello (and then used his first name), do you want us to just do it in the hall, or can we come in?”

The last thing I saw, before he closed the door, was a wicked smile spreading across his face as he gave me a big conspiratorial wink.

What I heard as Heather walked into the room, was her full name being said with surprise, and the words Cheer leader, the rest sounded like excited Japanese, I quickly popped back into my room, put the ear phones on and checked out the monitors.

Brittany set the box on a table or chest about 3 feet off the floor; it gave me a pretty good view of the room. I could see towards the door, two slightly overlapping views of a room with a big table in the middle, and another side view looking at a window.

I would be able to tell if there was any problem.

(A good time had by all)

OK the girls are almost naked; Ash is naked; except for the Fox tell butt plug, fox ears and her fangs.

Britt’s outfit is a see-through sailor-girl outfit, the blue bib and skirt are as completely transparent, as Heather Cheer skirt, and comes down no further, it also doesn’t matter that it’s see-through, as it ends above her slit, both Heather’s cheer top and Britt’s sailor top end at just about nipple level.

The girls are a massive hit.

Heather parades Ashlynn around the room; there is some commotion when the men see the girls’ collars, they really get excited with Ash’s.

There are 6 Businessmen and the Councilman, from what I can tell he is acting like a host/bartender.

One of the Japanese Businessmen is much older and remains seated, as Ash is passed around, it take as few min before they get the idea they can handle all the girls.

Finely, Ash makes it over to the older guy, she bows to him, I don’t know if she was told to or not, he reaches out and give her Y chain a little tug and I thought she might have Cum right then.

She moved between his legs, reached for his zipper, and was rebuked.

It seemed he only wanted to watch, it took Heather getting the “cute guy” to translate for them, to get Ash to understand, he was telling her, he was too old, he could only watch.

Ash loves a challenge; she told the “cute guy” something, there was an exchange between the “cute guy” Ash, and the old guy.

While they talked the old guy toyed with Ashlynn’s chain and explored her body with his fingers, her motor was already running, she started moving, working herself against his hand.

Before she could reach an orgasm their talk ending. She’d won, and Ash helped the old guy, through a door I could not see. For the next 20 mins she was out of frame.

In the meantime, both Brittany and Heather worked the guys up, using toys on each other and then giving the toys to the guys to use on them.

I saw Heather talking to the “cute guy”, who made a call which brought 2 more Japanese men to the room, making 8 in all.

(I found out)

Ash had lead the old guy into a, unseen by me, side room, where she got his pants down, laid him back on a bed, taking his limp cock in her mouth sucking and swallowing it until she felt it swell a little, then licked down his balls to slide her tongue deep into his ass.

Then with his balls rubbing against her face, as she did that wicked feeling prostrate tongue massage, her one hand working his cock as her other helped her keep her face buried in his ass crack.

He finely succumbed to her; she felt his, if not hard then heavy cock, start to respond. At the first sign he’d cum took his cock in her mouth swirling her tongue around it working her tongue between his foreskin and glans, until he filled her mouth with her slightly fishy tasting, salty prize.

I saw her walk him back in, set him in his seat and them opened her mouth to show everyone in the room, her mouth full of his Cum, she swallowed bow to him, and said thank you (I found out later she had said it in Japanese, Heather had taught her as she walked her around), then show her empty mouth to the room, this really got the guys going.

They lead Ash to the table; Britt gave the tail butt plug a tug, popping it out (it was on a small plug just to hold it in).
I could not tell how they decided on who was first, but there did seem to be an order.

After the second guy had Cum, Ash hopped up squatting on the table, over a glass, emptying herself into it.

You could tell that really got their interested, but when she drank it, the room erupted.

One of the Businessmen dumped out a glass bowl filled with some decorative crap, and held it out for Ash.

I knew right away what they wanted, but was not sure if the girls would, Ashlynn caught on fast.

They moved her to the edge of the table so Ash could service most the men one at a time, Britt and Heather cleaned them up and got them hard again.

After each guy, Ash would squat over the big bowl, sometimes she’d use a little water to help clean herself, draining that into the bow too.

Once they found out they did not have to excuse themselves to pee, the bowl filled faster, as they would empty themselves into Ashlynn’s mouth the bowl would catch the overflow as she swallowed, mixing it with the Cum.

At some point the Councilman got in on the act, the size of his black cock made him a “big” hit with the Japanese Businessmen.

After this display they were less eager to fuck her, relying on blow jobs from Britt or Heather. Or just jerking off on Ashlynn, as they traded out fucking her with a fruit or her toys.

Heather did fuck the “cute guy”, squatting over the bowl herself adding their fluids to the bowl.

After that it seemed to be understood the Bankers Daughter was open for use too. She did not seem to mind.

I was glad I had locked the rings on Brittany or I am sure they would have fucked her too.

I kind of wished I had locked a Butt plug in Britt, but then I saw her emphatic denial, of the use of her ass, I was less concerned.

Heather was not so emphatic, and ended up sandwiched between two of the Businessmen her father had been wooing just the day before.

Before the night was over she got to know the Councilman better too.

And after each load the girls would squat over the bowl emptying themselves.

Once the bowl was filled Ash started playing in it.

She washed her face with it, scoping her hands into the viscous white fluid and rubbing her face in it. Smearing it on her body, then whipping it off and licking her hands clean.

The Businessmen crowed around the table watching her performance, when someone produced a very large black, life like dildo that suction cupped to the table.

Ashlynn rubbed the jizzy mixture up and down the thick shaft, and then moved over. Looking around the room with a tentative look as she bit the corner of her lip as she did.

It was big but I knew she had real ones even bigger.

She used one hand to guide the head to her, the other hand she spread herself for it.

I would love to had a better view of what happened next.

As Ashlynn was so careful in climbing onto this monster, and then her foot slipped in some Cum on table, dropping her right onto it.

At first I thought she had really slipped, but then I saw her arms in the air like a ref signaling a touchdown, and knew it was all for show. (I was told later she was doing the splits on the 18’’ fake cock)

The looks of surprise on the Businessmen faces as she dropped, I truly think some thought the dildo would kill her.

She leaned forward, braced herself on her crossed arms and slid her feet in, lifting her ass up, the Businessmen crowding in to see the fat fake cock pulling out of her.

Ashlynn’s lips pulling down the sides, as she rose all the way up to the tip, before dropping back down on it, shoving it fully into her, just the fake balls exposed, where they banged into her clit.

The whole time her movements were watched closely by the Businessmen, some reaching out to touch a lip as slid up. Still others probed her ass with their fingers or pinched her nipples; almost all the men crowed around the table were involved someway.

After putting on this show a bit she shifted sitting up on the fake cock and started working her hips forwards and back, working the big fake cock deep inside her, its balls rubbing intensely on her clit and she arched head back as a cry escaped her.

A moment of panic hit as I realized I could hear her through the walls and across the hall.

The whole time Ash was putting on a show, fucking herself, on the table. Brittany and Heather were crawling around under it sucking off the Businessmen.

One or the others girl’s head would sometimes pop up to spit a mouthful of Cum into the bowl.

Just after Ash reached her orgasm, Brittany crawled up onto the table, knelling up over Ash; Britt grabbed a handful of hair, pulled her head back and drooled a mouthful of fresh Cum into Ashlynn’s mouth.

Then slipped back off onto the floor, to suck some more.

For a time as Ash was on the fake cock, Heather lay face down on the table getting her ass plowed, head pushed up against Ash and the dildo. (I was told she was licking the fake cock and Ashlynn’s clit the whole time).

As things wound down, Ash tipped it up the bowl and drank right from it, stopping to tilting her head back gargling some out her mouth, letting it run down her body, before drinking more, she then held the bowl out to Heather.

I was not expecting what happened next, Heather took the bowl and drank the stringy mix.

It took sometime but the two girls drank the whole bowl. Ashlynn put the bowl on her head rubbing the dregs into her hair.

The girls had spent about six hours giving their best to forward American Japanese relations.

The Businessmen left only the older guy was still there stood up and bowed to the girls and the Councilman, then left.

And the party was over, Ask licked the last drops from the table, Heather then reattached the clips, so she could lead a Cum crusted Ash away, Brittany packed up the toys, including the big black dildo which was not ours, and without even looking to see if it was clear, just strode out the door into the hall, and knocked on my door.

The girls showered and cleaned themselves up in the room.

The outfits they had worn here were covered in Cum, so naked wearing just their long coats we packed up and headed home.

The girls were exhausted, but I stopped in the Drive thru at some King MacBurger place, getting the girls all solid food.

Had a few tense min, the k** at the window recognized Heather, and her coat was not as closed as would have been prudent, so the k** got a pretty good look at her tit and right down to her crotch, if the k** had know she was shaved he would have known he was seeing more than he realized.

Heather just gave the k** a verbal slap for looking, and we pulled away. She spent the night, sleeping with Ash, while I fuck Brittany to sleep.

All the girls slept late, I let Britt go back to sleep after taking care of my morning need.

There was coffee and pancakes for breakfast when they finally got up.

I gave Heather back her release form, and told her we were even.

She just smiled and said, she didn’t think so, that maybe I should call her sometime, because I had still not gotten use of her.

But truthfully, I think I used her pretty good, even if I never did touched her.

Our town got the Japanese business, I kind of thought I would hear from the Councilman about doing it again sometime.

Interestingly over the next year we got two more new businesses that he was heavily involved in bringing in. From what P.S. Bob said I got the impression Heather helped him with “entertaining”. He didn’t call me.

I know in the fall Heather went on to cheer in college, and then went to Law school, and is now working in business law, in another state, and quite successful.

Published by baddaddy59
9 years ago
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mikey1ra 7 years ago
dirtyomni 7 years ago
love all the cock cleaning
richie-c 9 years ago
baddaddy59 Publisher 9 years ago
Well I hope this post.